Jay's Wing x Half Moon

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The mountain air howled with vigor. The cold stung in Jayfeather's, Jay's Wing in this time, whiskers, his grey fur dancing in the wind. He sat at the top of the rocky mountains, above the waterfall. The thundering noise made him unaware of the pawsteps padding up to him.

A lithe white she cat sat next to him, resting her tail on the others flank.

"You did come back for me, didnt you?" Her voice was soft. Jay's Wing didnt answer, he turned to the she-cat. Pressing his nose againt her muzzle.

"I cannot stay Half Moon."

He pulled away to look at her, his vibrant blue eyes filled with sorrow as they locked with her forest green ones. She nodded softly, for she already knew. He did not understand the ache he felt in his chest. 'No herbs I know can cure this' He thought pitifuly.

" I know youll return to me Jay's Wing." She was looking out into the mountains, her eyes pooling with emotion. The white molly turned back to the grey tom and stood, the other followed. They walked together back to the cave, their pelts brushing. Jayfeather relished in her warmth, one that he may never know again. He pushed the thought away and enjoyed what was left of his time with the beautiful she-cat.
When Half Moon padded away from him, she gave a last glance over her shoulder and headed into the Cave of Pointed Stones. Her pelt vanishing in the darkness.

'Ill return to you my Half Moon"

(Art by th1stlew1ng on tumblr)
(Requested by Aricatlover10 )

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