Lionpaw x Heatherpaw

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"Lionpaw! Im going to get you!" The light colored she cat roared with aclarity. Her blue eyes lit up micheavously. She threw herself over the golden tom, both of them tumbling to the tunnels floor.

Lionpaw couldnt supress the loud purr rumbling in his chest as Heatherpaw pinned him down.

"You call yourself a warrior?" Heatherpaw mocked with good-hearted nature,

"Oh Ill show you!" Lionpaw replied, throwing Heatherpaw of him and leaping after her. Heatherpaw reared back on her hind legs, cuffing the Thunderclan apprentince on the ears with seathed paws.

Lionpaw sprang up to meet her stance, both cats became unbalance falling to the ground with Heatherpaw underneath.

"Get off me you heavy lump!" She protested, though her eyes shone with admiration and affection. He returned the same admiration, the Windclan apprentice was clearly going to he a fordimable warrior when she finished her training. 'One i might meet in battle someday' Lionpaw's gaze clouded with sudden sadness, peeking the intrest of his friend.

"Whats the matter? I didnt actually hurt you right?" She meowed quickly, concern begining to pool in her stare.

"No, its not that." The golden tabby replied, "Well meet in battle someday Heatherpaw, our clans will expect us to fight agaisnt eachother"

"Dont mind that now you silly goose, moons will go on by before that happens." He prezzed her muzzle agasint Lionpaw's flank, "We have now to live for, dont worry about the future."

Lionpaw gave her a quick lick on the ears, "Thank you Heatherpaw" His amber gaze locking with hers, her only response was a quick nod.

She crouched down with her paws outstreched foward. "Now tremble Lionpaw! For the fearsome Heatherstar will defeat you!" She yowled.

The two appretinces tumbled around in the tunnels until it was time for them to head home. Lionpaw casted one last over his shoulder at the pretty apprentince and then was gone.

(Art by Climbdraw on Tumblr)
(Requested by Janjam2 )

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