Greystripe x Fireheart

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Fireheart had been the only cat to notice Greystripe constant absence in camp. He sighed warily, he gave his chest a few licks. "Brackenpaw! Im taking over your training again." He called to the apprentice.

"Again? Why hasnt Greystripe been able to train me?" The young cat meowed curiously, with a hint of worry in his mew.

Fireheart ears pricked, He knew the answer, he was off with his mate, Silverstream, a Riverclan shecat.
"Im not sure Brackenpaw, come on, Ill meet you in the sandy hollow."

Fireheart padded down to the Riverclan border, he scented Greystripe. "Fireheart? What are you doing here?" the gray warrior asked.

"Im training Brackenpaw."  He meowed, giving him a disaprooving glance.

"Oh thankyou Fireheart! Ive just been so busy with Silverstream, she so lovely.."

"Yeah, I get it. You have a beatiful mate, and have no time for me..I mean your duties anymore." Fireheart growled. 

Greystripe looked taken back, then his gaze clouded with concern. "Are you okay Fireheart? You seem upset.?"

Greystripe took a step foward, resting his tail on Fireheart's back. Fireheart remained quiet. Greystripe press his nose against his friends shoulder. Sending a shiver down his spine.

"Ofcourse Im upset! Youre off every sunrise and moonhigh with a Riverclan shecat, and you leave your warrior duties behind! We dont even hunt togethere anymore..." He said as he pulled away from Greystripe,

"Are you sure this is only about my warrior duties?" Greystripe asked, tilting his head slighty.

Fireheart bristled, his voice was full of grief as he said,"No Greystripe, this is about so much more than that, you arent in your nest everynight, you dont spend time with the clan, with Brackenpaw, with.."

"With you?" Greystripe asked, taking a step foward again. His amber occulars met his friends green.
"Is that it Fireheart? Do you miss me?" He added.

Fireheart was breathless, his gaze softned. "No thats...thats not it." He looked away, he couldnt form words feeling so vulnerable and helpless under Greystripe stare.

"Greystripe!!Here you are!!" Its was Brackenpaw. The apprentice ran to meet his mentor.
"Brackenpaw, Come lets go train." The gray tom meowed, giving Fireheart one last resented and concerened look.

Fireheart sighed, he walked in right behind Brackenpaw and Greystripe. His heart ached in terror and grief, and his belly tightened nervously, as he let his eyes set on Greystripe. 

"Fireheart! Can you show me that move that you taught me yesterday?" Brackenpaw asked hopefully.

" what Brackenpaw?" Fireheart meowed shaking his thoughts away.

"Do you think you can show me the move again? The one we practiced yesterday?" Brackenpaw repeated.

"Ofcourse, watch." Fireheart replied and repeated the move.
"Good job Fireheart, thats a nice move." Greystripe praised, and just like that, Fireheart felt like an apprentice not a warrior.

"Er..Thanks." Fireheart said, but he didnt look back at his friend. Brackenpaw yawned, looking at the sky he said. "Its getting dark." He meowed. Greystripe nodded. "It is, Why dont you head back? Im going to go hunting with Fireheart."
"Can I go too.?" The golden apprentice asked.

"No, you need to rest. We've done enough today." Fireheart meowed.
Brackenpaw nodded in understanding and headed to camp.

Greystripe lead Fireheart with his tail to Fourtrees."Sit down." He ordered. "I thought we were hunting." Fireheart meowed confused. "Not until you tell me what in Starclans name is wrong with you? I care about you Fireheart, youre my best friend."

"I thought you only cared about Silverstream." Fireheart growled. Greystripe looked taken back. "How could you say that?" He meowed.
"Its clear you dont longer care about the cats of Thunderclan." Fireheart retorded.

Greystripe took a step closer, meeting the flame furred warrior's gaze. "W-what are you doing?" Fireheart asked, feeling his belly tighten nervously again.

"Ive figured you get all speechless when I stand infront of you like this."
He replied, not droping his gaze. "So Ill use to my advantage to shut you up, Just listen to me." He added.

Fireheart just nodded. He was speechless, and not only that, but breathless. "Im sorry Ive been out so long Fireheart, but I need to be there for Silverstream, I love her very much Fireheart...You have to understand..." Greystripe meowed, and everyword he said pierced Fireheart's heart. "Fireheart breath" Fireheart let out the breath he was holding, and looked away.

"You might love Silverstream, and she might love you..But never as much as i do." Fireheart's mew came out as nothing more than a low whisper. He didnt dare to look at Greystripe, but it was Greystripe who felt worst.

"Fireheart..I didnt know.Im sorry..I"

"Lets just leave it Greystripe! You can go ahead and be with your beloved Silverstream, I wish you nothing but the best." Fireheart meowed, with a stern voice, but his eyes were a different story, filled with pain and love.

"I wish you nothing but the best." He repeated and walked away, leaving a regretting and hurting Greystripe behind.

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