CH 2

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Laurna's POV

"Umm Dark Mocha for Amy" I yell out leaning on the counter, waiting for my last customer to collect their order before my shift finishes. Finally she came up and took the drink. 'MY SHIFT IS OVER!!!!' I screamed in my head. I'm so sick of working here but it's the only place that i can get enough pay from. Just as I was about to walk out back, an explosion of red hair, makeup and all things girly bursts into the shop, making everyone turn and stare.She scurries past them saying quiet sorry's as she passes. Darcie leans over the counter and hisses at me "Laurna hurry up, I have very, very exciting news". 

Knowing her it's probably just something about One Direction...Ugh. Sighing I say "What is it this time? Did Harry get a new tattoo again?". I'm not a fan of One Direction. Yeah they are pretty good looking but what's the big deal? They are just normal guys with abnormal jobs so why do they get treated differently?

I change out of my tacky work uniform in to my light blue skinny denim jeans with my floppy peach pink top and my vans. I then apply a light layer of concealer and powder then add some mascara and tie my hair into a messy bun.

After I pack all my clothes into a bag, I walk out the door to find Darcie bounding around like she was high on sugar. I slowly walked towards her turned back and grabbed her shoulders yelling "boo!".

"ARGH!" Darcie yelled jumping back nearly falling into the bushes behind her. "YOU SACRED THE SHIT OUT OF ME LAURNA!!what was that for?" she said pushing my shoulder slightly in a joking matter. "well you had your back turned and you weren't looking where you were going so i took the opportunity hehe" I said back.  

While we were walking towards her car I said "so what are you so excited to tell me about you seem to have forgotten". "NO I never would've forgotten. I know your probably gonna hate me but...." she trailed off. "WHAT DON'T DO THAT THING WHERE YOU JUST LEAVE ME IN SUSPENSE" I yelled at her angrily knowing what she was about to say would either leave me speechless or me yelling 'no' and running away.

"well... I GOT US TICKETS TO SEE ONE DIRECTION AND MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE GOT MEET AND GREET PASSES AS WELL" she screamed excitedly. I just stood there looking at her with a blank expression "helloo anyone hommeee???" she said as she waved a hand in my face. "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO HELL NO" i screamed in her face and started to run towards the entrance.

Darcie caught up to me with ease (she's a state runner). She grabs my wrist pulling me back to her and looks up at me with her legendary puppy eyes and says in a sad voice "will you pwease come wiv mwe plweaseee" "Ugh fine" i say throwing my hands up giving into her. "But.. when is it cause you know i need to save money for flights and accommodation" Suddenly she shoved her hand over my mouth, with her saying "shhhhh this is my treat to you". 

"Are yo-ou sure" I say stuttering in surprise "Yes of course babe and the concert is next Saturday night which means we have a whole week to prepare everything"

a/n yay first chapter if you guys have any ideas or stuff just comment 

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