CH 4

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Laurna's POV

I woke up with a small weight on my stomach and a pounding headache. I moved Lottie over to the other side of the bed and swung my legs over the edge, stretching my arms out over my head making my back relax. I stand up while running my hands through my messed up hair. "Hey Lottie babe. Lottie its time to get up" I say while gently shaking her awake. She opens her bright blue eyes and rubs them trying to stay awake. She sits up and looks at me and burst out crying. "baby whats wrong" I ask her she points to my swollen face and says "yor fwace is pwurple".

I stand up, hopping off the bed and walk into our bathroom, looking in the mirror, I gasp. My right cheek is swollen and purple, I have two black eyes and a red hand print on my left cheek and dried blood coming out from my nose.

I strip off and tell Lottie "Im going to have a shower babe come in if you need anything". I hop in the shower turning it on. The scalding water pouring over my hands i turn the cold on and adjust it to the perfect temperature. Standing under the the luke warm water, I wash away the dry blood and squirt shampoo into my hand then transferring to my hair and massaging it in, then repeating the same steps with my tropical flavoured conditioner. 

I step out of the shower and wrap a warm, fluffy towel around my body. After drying off I slip on my underwear I then put my high waisted black denim shorts on (a/n: See all outfits on my polyvore i'll put the link at the end) I then put on my white crop top that shows about 1cm of my stomach and paired it with my TOMS. I pull my hair out of the towel and plug in my hair dryer. Once i finish drying my hair, I plug in my curler and curl my hair into loose curls.

Once i've finished my outfit and hair, I pull out my make up kit. Today is gonna be hard to cover up my face. I pull out my concealer and attempt to cover my injuries. I covered them pretty well but my cheeks were still a bit tender, making it hard to blend my makeup. I walk out of the bathroom to find Lottie standing in front of my mirror giggling. I looked down to her feet and saw my black heels on her tiny feet. 

I creep up behind her and grab her hips saying "BOO!" she jumps and turns screaming. I start to laugh and she looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Come on babe you need to get dressed, we are gonna go to the park". "yipeee i wanna go to de pwark" she says happily while running into her room. As soon as she got in there she start screaming hysterically.

"WHAT WHAT WHAT" I yell while racing into her room. As soon as I reach the door way I stop in my tracks. There is a pool of blood on her white carpet and suddenly I remember punching my dad and him passing out, but he isn't there anymore. I try clean up most of the mess but it leaves a brown/red stain the otherwise white carpet. I quickly get Lottie dressed and we walk down stairs hand in hand. 

When we get down stairs I see our parents at the island bench sipping on black coffee and eating toast. My father has a big purple bruise on his right cheek and he looks up at us from the newspaper with a smirk on his face. I can hear foot steps coming down the stairs behind us. Oliver comes in and says "whoa what happened here". My father glares at him then continues to smirk while saying "I hope you enjoy school cause it'll never get better". 

Oliver runs out the front door slamming it shut but grabbing his bag and lunch on the way out. "Why did you say that dad? That was really uncalled for and he's your son" I say sadly. "haha why does he deserve any sympathy from me and your mother. You are all not worthy of anything" he says evilly. "none of you are pretty or smart or good at anything" he said while smirking.

I go around to the other side of the island bench leaning on my elbows, leaving Lottie where she is. "so mum, dad i'm going to London on Thursday" I say calmly to my parents. They both have a smirk on their faces and look at each other "How? You have no money and we wont be giving you any" they say." Actually i do have money if you hadn't realised" I say back sassily, not wanting to tell them that Darcie is paying "oh and also you won't have any children here until i get back, so have fun" I tell them.

Once we are in the car Oliver says "I heard what you said. What do you mean we aren't going to be there?" and I said "just wait and see. I have to ask someone something first. Oh and your not going to school either". I drive to only place i know we are welcome freely, Darcie's house.

We hop out of my audi and walk up the long grey stone driveway. Once we reach the front door I grab the knocker and tap out a beat letting them know its us. I push open the giant wooden door and walk towards the lounge room and i plop down on the couch dragging Lottie onto my lap. Oliver stands in the door way awkwardly "hey Oli come here and sit they'll be down in a minute" I say. He shuffles over and sits on the edge of the couch.

As soon as he sits down, the doors of the lounge burst open Zac and Juju (Juliette) walked in I ran up to them and hugged them. I walked back with them and they said hello to Oliver and Lottie. "So why are you here honey?" Juliette said. "Well you know how myself and Darcie are going away on Thursday and won't be back until next Thursday? I was wondering if Oliver and Lottie would be able to stay here" i said rubbing my arm embarrassed. "Of course sweetie they can stay as long as they like" Juju said. "Thank god! i'm just scared to leave them with my parents you know.." I trailed off.

After figuring out the details with Juju and Zac, we said our farewells and left to go pack our bags. When we got home Oliver put his school back pack away and put his lunch in the fridge. (he didn't end up going to school). I found a note on the dinning room table saying 'hi its mum and dad, we are going out to a conference we will be back late don't stay up for us if you do there will be consequences. "UGH" I sigh knowing its just the same routine a stupid note left for us they'll be back early and they'll be pissed.

"Guys its now Tuesday so we have 2 days to pack okay" I tell Oliver and Lottie. We all go upstairs and grab our suitcases out of the hall way cupboard, dragging them to our rooms. "okay guys pack what you think you're gonna need for 5 days and hurry before mum and dad get home". 

2 hours later....

"Finally finished packing th-his ugh" i say while sitting on the lid of my small suitcase, trying to shut the lid. I packed all my new clothes and extras. I finally zip it closed and place it next to my door. I walk into Lotties room only to have a top thrown over my head. I pull the shirt off and crouch down next to Lottie "okay come on time to put this all in" i say. We shove everything in to her bag and zip it closed, dragging it into my room and putting it next to mine. I shove my head around the door of Olivers room to see him finished packing and asleep on his bed. I put Lottie to bed and then quickly run down stairs to grab some crackers. 

Just as i'm about to grab a packet I hear the front door open. My mum and dad walk in, I turn around, a smirk plastered onto both of their faces "Darling I thought we said be in bed before we got home" my mum said. 


a/n hey guys its sammi please vote and comment thanks also comment any ideas because every little piece of advice will help thanks :)

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