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Laurna's POV

"ARGH I HAVE NO CLOTHES" I screamed into Darcies face."ewwww you got spit on me" she cried whilst grabbing a tissue from her purse. "well if you don't have any clothes that means we have to go on a shopping spree. Yay" she said happily while grabbing her purse.

Shopping sprees mainly consist of me whining, her dragging me to try on clothes and her paying for everything. I absolutely hate when she does that but she knows my parents will never in a million years give me money.

I go and get my little sister Lottie from her room and tell my brother we are going out. I quickly scribble a note to my parents saying we went shopping with Lottie. Not that they would notice us missing. They don't care what we do and they will probably be to drunk anyway.

They left the house about 2 hours ago now, saying they were going to a "function" which means getting drunk with all their friends. I put Lottie in her car seat. she's 7, turning 8 this November and i'm saving up to get her something special. Lottie is in love with One Direction and she skips into the car holding her Harry Styles doll. 

Darcie goes up to Lottie and says "Hey I have the same doll as you and guess what! We are going to a One Direction concert. Do you want an autograph from Harry and the boys?" "YES YES YES YES YES" she squeals excitedly. "Okay babe I pinky promise i'll get you one and maybe even a photo" Darcie says back to her. Lottie looks out the window dreamily. 

We walk into the mall each holding one of Lotties hands. We head to Victoria's Secret. Once we are inside i say "well what do you want to try on?". "No no no. What do you want to try on?" Darcie says with a smug look on her face. "Ugh do I really have to?" I sigh knowing that she will probably buy half the shop for me. "Yes now i'm think something black or red and it has to be sexy" she says while walking down the isle flicking through racks of underwear.

We spent a whole hour in Victoria's Secret trying on different lingerie. Just like I thought she ended up buying half the shop. Her total was $465.95 and I gasped when i saw it. "Darcie please don't spend that much on me. Take some back, I don't need it". "No no no this is what I promised" she said which resulted in me sighing reluctantly, moving away she thanked the cashier and we finally walked out. Lottie was still playing with her Harry Styles doll when we walked in to H&M. There was a small seat so I told her to go sit on that and play quietly.

After another 40mins of trying on different clothes, testing make up and taking heaps of photos; we were ready to go. I turned to go and get Lottie but she was gone. I started to panic frantically searching for her everywhere. I ran to the makeup section in one last final hope, I looked around trying to find her. I was just about to give up hope when I hear a faint little giggle.

I smirked to my self knowing that giggle from anywhere. I turned around and looked behind the small rack of scarfs. I pushed them to the side a little, seeing two small feet in pink ballet shoes poking out from underneath. I grabbed the feet being careful not to hurt her dragging the feet out and placing Lottie on my hip. Lottie pulled her thick blonde hair over her face shielding it from my view. "Babe that was very very naughty" I jokingly scolded her. 

I walk back to where Darcie was, finding her talking to a very attractive boy around our age. Approaching her i realise it's Henry from our school. I then hid behind my hair and give a small wave. He waves and smiles back at me. Darcie then tells him she has to go and walks over to me linking her arm into mine. We then walk into Mecca Maxima (a/n if you don't know what that is, it's a really expensive make up store here in Australia)

After 20 mins, we walk out and head to the food court. Lottie is still on my hip and is complaining about being hungry "Laurnaaa i'm hungry pwease i want foooooddd". "Fine i agree its nearly 3pm and you didnt get lunch" i say to Lottie. "Hey Darcie come on lets get food and then we can do more shopping" I say while walking towards the food court. 

30 mins later we are stuffed full of food. All three of us sitting holding our stomachs hoping they don't explode. We finally get up and start walking towards the shoe shops. 2 hours later we are finally done. "ugh can we go now please" I beg Darcie "fine we have enough for today and you have to pack. Our flights leave Thursday morning and we have to be at the airport at 9am" says Darcie. 

"okay thank god lets go" I say, we hop into the car and speed off. The drive home took about 15 mins and I was dreading it. As we pulled into the driveway, I could see our parents car peeking out underneath the garage door. I thank Darcie and I pull Lottie into the house and up the stairs just as i get her and my bags into her room I hear a large bang coming from down stairs and i know this is when it would begin. "Lottie remember what i tell you every time" i say crouching down to her height "stay in here, lock the door and DO NOT make a sound. Also hide the bags or we won't have anything. Okay love you, stay safe and hide" I beg her. 

I hear another crash of a priceless vase being smashed as I slowly come out of Lottie's rooms shutting the door very softly. "LAURNA WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU? GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW" I hear him yelling. I softly walk down the stairs. My now socks covering my feet create soft padding sounds, barley giving me away. I walk cautiously around the corner of the room and I meet my fathers jet black eyes piercing into me. If looks could kill, i'd be dead. 

He sees me and stands up straight with a dangerous glint in his eye and a large smirk on his face. "Where have you been darling" he snarls at me. He then throws his head back, opens his mouth and start laughing wildly. "Now now now don't be afraid" He says still with that smirk plastered on his face. He walks towards me and runs his hand along my face lifting my chin from my gaze on the ground with out warning he slaps my face with so much force that I fall to the ground.


1 hour later i'm in my conjoining bathroom, fixing my wounds when I hear a scream. I can tell that its Lottie. I rush out of the bathroom, running to where I hear the scream. I kick open the door to see Lottie underneath the weight of my dad. He is continuously slapping, hitting and kicking her. I pull him off her and give her a hand signal saying to get into my room. I suddenly have a rush of bravery mixed with adrenaline. I punch him right in the jaw and I hear a crack and he falls to the floor. I run out of the room, then when he doesn't get back up, I leave him there and decide Lottie can sleep in my room.


a/n: I just wanted to say thanks if you have been reading this I really appreciate it please rate/comment/vote and follow 

love you all xxx

sammi x

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