CH 7

18 3 0

Laurna's POV 


I walk down the hall way with Lottie on my hip. We walk through the massive double doors to the lounge room. "Okay come on lottie I need to put you down now ok" I say to Lottie. "Okay Lawna" she says back. She jumps out of my arms and runs down the hallway you can hear her giggle as she plays with her toys.

I just don't understand why our parents would want to hurt someone like her she is like an angel. "Ok so laurna tomorrow since the airport is 2 hours away we need to leave at like 6am so that means we are going to have to be up at 4:30" she says. "NOOO you know i'm not an early morning person you are going to have to wake me up ugh"  I say back. "Fine i will but don't come crying to me when you end up looking like garbage because you woke up late" she says back to me. "Fine i will set my alarms for 4:30, 4:45, 4:50 and 5:00 and if i'm not up pour a cup of water on me." i say back.

"Okay and i think we should go to bed early cause its going to be a long day tomorrow so we will go to bed at 8 so that means we have 3 hours left." Darcie says. I look at her she is so excited to be going to this I just wish i could enjoy it but seriously one direction like even 5SOS is so much better ugh.

--------- the next morning ----------

"Hi henry" i say while giving him a small wave. Darcie and I are at a high school party and there is bodies every where. He puts him arm around my shoulder and we walk to the kitchen "can i get you a drink?" he asks. I nod my head shyly. He grabs a whole heap of different alcoholic drinks and a red cup he starts to pour various drinks in to the cup. I grab it once his finished and take a sip the liquid burning my throat. I dont usually drink but I think this time i will. "hey L wanna dance" Henry asks me. "Ok sure" I say with a smile i down the rest of my drink and he grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. People are thrusting and grinding over everyone. I can feel the alcohol starting to take effect Im feeling less shy and start to grind against the people next to me beep beep beep what?

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. "ugh yep that was a dream wasn't it" I say to myself. I grab my phone switching it on damn its so bright.  4:30 wow i got up on my first alarm. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and hop up i walk to y door switching the light on. I can hear shuffling coming from Darcies room then a Loud bang "SHIT" she says just a little to loud. 

I open my door and shuffle into her room "Darc babe what are you doing?" i ask her.  She whips her head around. "I can't fucking find my shirt" She says. When she is tired she cant control what she says. "whoa language" i say. "Sorry im just stressing" she says.

"aww babe don't worry we have at least an hour before we have to leave" i say trying to calm her down. "Im going to go have a shower okay can you make banana smoothies and coffee also we need snacks and stuff for the plane" I say.

------ after shower -------

I hop out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body, I grab another towel and start to dry my hair. Once my hair is partly dry I grab the hairdryer out of the draw and plug it in. I finish blow drying my hair and pile it into a messy bun on top of my head. I put on my underwear and then grab my black mid drift top which has thin spaghetti straps which go down into triangles and then around my chest. I then grab my pink high waisted pencil skirt which goes to mid calf with my white vans.  (

I grab my makeup bag out of my carry on and go into the bathroom. I tip out the contents of the bag and apply my moisturiser and primer I add a little bit of concealer on my imperfections and then some powdered foundation. I do a little conturing on my cheekbones and jaw line. I bring out my pale pink lipstick and mascara and apply both adding a little eyeliner. I pack all my makeup away and put back in my carry on. 

As i make my way down stairs i can smell coffee i walk into the kitchen to find 2 cups of coffee on the bench and banana smoothies in transportable cups. I grab a piece of toast and pop it in the toaster. I grab a cup and take a sip. It warms me up and then the toast pops.

I grab a plate, butter and strawberry jam. I put it all on the bread and the take the toast and coffee to the lounge room. I sit in the lounge room with all the bags surrounding me. Darcie walks in with the other cup of coffee and a piece of toast but with vegemite on it.

She plops down on the armchair opposite me. "Laurna babe i'm really excited and the concert isnt till Tuesday oh and we still have to decide what to wear and what we are going to bri" I interupted her saying "whoa hunny hang on we still have to get to london first and that takes 12 hours". "Then we actually have to find our hotel and then we have 3 days till the actual concert so you can worry about that later". 

"oh and babe you need to get dressed" I say as i spot her silk bathrobe. "Shit yeah ok ill be down in a min and then we will go" she says while getting up 

Darcie jumps down the stairs in a Black and white stripy t-shirt midriff with white short shorts overalls with her croquet bag slung over her shoulder. "come on Laurna its time to leave" she says lookin at the clock hanging in the hallway. "Ok coming" I say back.

I grab my suitcase and my carry on a wheel them out the door. Its winter in Australia right now and its freezing.

a/n: Sorry guys if my story is kind of confusing. Im in australia and they live in australia just confirming if i said anything else just comment and ill change it. YES there is starbucks in australia and stuff they are flying to london for the One Direction concert sorry if your confused just to let you know

please keep readin and commenting xxx

thanks guys xxx

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