CH 8

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Darcie's POV

We arrive at the airport and Laurna gets out of the car. She looks really skinny but I don't want to say anything about it. I'm scared she's gonna go back to her old ways. she really needs help, they all do.

Laurna's POV

Ugh going through customs is so boring continuously opening your bags and taking off my denim jacket. finally we get through and board the plane. Darcie sits down and then me but then an old hairy guys sits next to me "Darc the dude sitting next to me is already asleep" i say she looks over me to the guys whois flopped in his chair his mouth is hanging open and the is dribble coming out of the corner of his mouth "eww gross just ignore it" she says.

Great 12 more hours on this plane next to this guy probably should talk a bit to darcie i look over to her and she is asleep gently snoring. Looks like it you and me movies.

------ after plane ------

Damn the dude sitting on my left is still asleep and we are meant to be getting off. "Just shake him a little" Darcie says she's sitting on the window seat. I gently nudge the man " Wha wha oh" he says realising we are getting off.

Once we start to get off the plane the man comes up to me and puts something in my pocket i'm scared to see what it is. I put my hand in my pocket and feel a folded piece of paper. I pull the piece of paper out of my pocket and unfold it as we are walking to get our bags. It has writing on it i squint and carefully look and the letters "watch your back". I scrunch up the paper and place it back into my pocket. I decide not to tell Darcie I think that it will just make her worried.

We walk to the bag carousel and i spot out bags. After we drag them off we head to the exit and flag down a cab. We stuff our bags into the cab and then tell the driver the address of the hotel we are staying at. 

We get to the hotel and walk through the sliding glass doors. Darcie walks up to the receptionist desk and asks for our room key. Once she has them we go to one of the four elevators and step inside. "Well that was boring and i'm so tired" I say to Darcie "mhm yeah" she says falling asleep leaning against the elevator walls.


The elevator doors open to a large marble hallway with doors to rooms on each side. I look down at the key room 287 its says. We walk along the hallway until we get to these massive double doors. 

A/n hey guys sorry for the short chapter i haven't really been writing much sorry xx

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