Chapter Seven

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Decided to rewrite some of the first few chapters, just add a couple things! Reread if you can!

Ting! A message came through on Sophia's phone. It was her Nonni.
"Sophia, why was there a young man at my door asking for you?" Sophia went cold. Oh no... She trembled.
"What was his name?" she swiped a message back to her.
"Carlos." she replied almost instantaneously.
"Nonni... If he comes back tell him I'm with my father still. No mention of Japan!"
"Trust me. I'll tell you soon. I promise."

Sophia sat, jitteriness rattling her bones. She had been gone just 48 hours, and Carlos was already brazen enough to start the act of intimidation. Getting up, she started to put her clothes away. And then, there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Sophia called. A tall, thin lady who looked to be about 60 years old, with dyed black hair scraped into a bun came through the door. "'Allo. I am Madame Gregori. I am 'ere to take your measurements on the request of Monsieur Kaiba."
"My measurements? What for?"
"You are to start teaching ballet, non? Do not not wish to have your leotards made?"
Then it clicked. "My apologies Madame, I was unaware Mr Kaiba would send a seamstress."
"Oh. Monsieur Kaiba was very... 'Ow you say... Convincing. 'E told me that 'e would give double my usual rate if I did this now. I was about to catch a flight to Paris to measure a theatre troupe for costumes when he contacted moi. You are in good hands, Miss Giovanni."
Who on God's green earth was Miss Giovanni? Sophia thought. Then she remembered how she had to keep her real identity hidden for now.
"If you could remove your gown... And your night dress. I need to measure you."
Sophia squirmed uncomfortably. Shrugging herself out of the dressing gown, she took the straps of her night dress off of her shoulders, shimmying the dress down while covering as much of her small chest as she could by crossing her arms over her chest. She stood, looking at the floor, wearing nothing but her white lace panties. She blushed a deep red.
"Oh please child! I have seen thousands of breasts in my time! I have two myself! There is no shame in them!" The French woman exclaimed, taking Sophia's hands and placing them outright. It took everything inside Sophia not to snatch them back and cover her small chest. Madame Gregori took two minutes collecting all the appropriate measurements. When she was done, Madame Gregori bid her a good day, and exited the room. Quickly covering herself over, Sophia couldn't get rid of the blush on her cheeks.

After having a shower and throwing on a pair of black leggings and a loose shirt, tying her hair in a bun, she padded downstairs. She was in the kitchen when she heard a door open, and a voice shouted 'hello? Seto?' And heard running her way. A young teen with black hair and big eyes stopped dead, and looked her up and down, and smiled. "Hi! You must be Sophia. I'm Mokuba. Pleased to meet you." He reached his hand out and Sophia shook it.
"Hey. That's me, it's good to meet you."
"Was that crazy French lady here for you?"
"Madam Gregori? Yeah... she was. She was measuring me for leotards."
"Our mom used to use her for her dresses. She was so little... She had to have everything made specially for her. I always used to be so scared of her." Mokuba smiled.
"Believe me, she had me there in my underwear. I'm scarred for life." she sighed, still embarrassed.
"You're funny. Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure! What did you have in mind?"

It was no secret Sophia was a huge baby, and absolutely hated horror movies. She couldn't stomach PG-13 at the best of time, resorting to hiding behind her hands and often peering out from under her fingers. But Mokuba had decided on House of 1000 Corpses. Sophia cringed at every single sadistic, sickening scene. She checked her phone, and saw a text from an unknown number. Opening it, she read the message.
Mokuba has probably roped you into watching one of his many awful movies by now. Don't worry, I'll be back soon. - S.K.
Did he always sign his messages so formally? She wondered, replying quickly.

Another horror film later, Sophia heard the door rattling quietly. Opening her mouth, she shut it again when she realised it was Mr Kaiba, his fingers pressed to his lips, sneaking up behind Mokuba who was engrossed in his film. Just as the girl on screen slowly opened the closet door, Kaiba clamped his hands on his brothers shoulders, making him jump.
"Crap!" Mokuba screamed, turning to see the laughing face of his brother.
"Always so easy to scare. Sophia, come to my office please."
"Y-yes." She stuttered, standing up as quickly as she could. After a short walk up the stairs, they arrived at the office door. Opening it, she was overwhelmed by the sheer contrast between the office and the library. The library looked as if it was taken from an 18th century English manor. His office however, was steel and glass, with metal bookcases, black metal desk, and black arm chairs.
"Please, take a seat." He said, sitting on one. She sat down stiffly.
"Tomorrow... you'll be starting work. They need you earlier than expected. You'll have a class of ten girls, who by the end of the year, will need to perform in a full length piece, which you will choreograph."
Sophia's eyes widened with shock.
"Me? But... I've.... I can't do that. I don't have the ability. I... I can't do that." Sophia shook her head. Seto narrowed his eyes.
"Oh really? Because I was sent this by your father..." he opened a video, and there was Sophia. Her body lithe and fit, her arms crossed, and her legs strong and tall. She was wearing a black leotard, her hair in a tight knot, and the biggest bitch face she's ever seen. Playing the video, she heard her shouting in Italian: "dammit Anita, why can't you get this right? Watch this. I won't show you again." She then demonstrated a Grand Jete. The video cut out.
"I have more, many more."
"No. Don't... please don't. "
"I've watched them all. You're a completely different person when you're teaching ballet. Why didn't you tell me you taught?"
"I... I don't like the person I turned into. That's why I stopped."
"Sophia... you do what all teachers who love their craft do. They get angry."
"No. I got over the top with it. The Grand Jete is hard for a beginner like Anita."
"Anita was old enough to take criticism surely?"
"Anita was thirteen years old." Sophia looked at her hands. She remembered the argument she'd had with Anita's mother when she had suggested sending her to someone else for further improvement. Anita was gifted, but lost concentration easily.
"Mr Kaiba you don't understand. A week later, Anita quit ballet all together. That girl came to my class three times a week, I crushed all the love for the art out of her. I was a terrible teacher." Sophia felt her eyes welling up, but she was unwilling to cry again.
"Sophia... listen to me. No, don't look at your hands. Look at me." Kaiba lifted her face up to look in her eyes. "Listen to me. I am the last person who can give sympathy for this kind of thing. I'm a real hard ass. I go through personal assistants more frequently than shoes. My tech staff are terrified of me going below levels for a visit. And they dread me testing their prototypes. Because I give them a hard time. But I do this because I know they can do it. Like you knew Anita could do it. It doesn't matter if she was three, thirteen or thirty. She needs to be encouraged one way or another." He smiled at her.
"I guess... I could give it a try. How old are the girls?"
"Sixteen. Ish." Sophia nodded.
"Madame Gregori has started her costumes already. You'll have a new leotard for tomorrow."
"Mr Kaiba."
"I need shoes. Pointe shoes."
"Im aware. We'll get you measured tomorrow, okay?" He stood, dusting off his suit.
"Oh! Mr Kaiba!" She jumped up. "Madame Gregori referred to me as 'Miss Giovanni' earlier; is there a reason?"
Kaiba raised his eyes slightly. Ah yes. Your name. It's Miss Sophia Ann Giovanni for now. And until we capture this crazed man threatening your life, to the public and all those I deem not on a need to know basis, you will be my fiancée." He said, pulling a small, black ring box from his pocket.

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