The Worst Lesson

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Harry woke up groggily, he bearly got any sleep last night; just when he was falling asleep his body would jerk him awake again with the haunting scenes of the recurring dream. His reflection didn't look that good either, he looked tired which didn't surprise him at all, he was after all, exhausted. However exhausted he was, he had a feeling he would get more tired, after all he had D.A.D.A with Umbridge first thing. He was dreading it.

The morning chatter was streaming in and out of the opening doors of the great hall when the slytherins strutted into breakfast. Harry walked ahead of the slytherins, with only one goal in mind; talk to Hermione and Ron.

"So you had to share a bed with the feret, Merlin... And I thought hanging around Fred and George was torture" Ron said while stuffing a hastily picked up breakfast into his mouth.
"Tell me about it" Harry muttered, bringing a hand up to shield a yawn.
"What's that on your hand?" Hermione asked, then added "did Malfoy do this to you?"
"Oh it's nothing" Harry replied hastily, a little to hastily for Ron's or Hermione's liking.
"Let me see" Hermione's voice was gently unlike the harsh commanding tones of Draco Malfoy, so Harry did, after all they were his friends.
"That looks sore mate, who did it, I swear I'll kill them"
Harry sighed "You can't kill her, it's Umbridge and in case you haven't noticed she basically just took over Hogwarts"
"Umbridge can't get away with this, it's abuse! You should go tell Dumbledore Harry"
Harry shook his head "what's he going to do? Kindly ask the minister of magic's inquisitor to bugger off? He can't do anything. He's got other things to deal with"
"But Harry.." Hermione pleaded
"No, it's not going to do anything"
"You should still go and say to him mate" Ron pushed.
"He's too busy, tell me you hadn't noticed how often he's been away recently. He hasn't even talked to me once this year obviously I'm not important right now"
"Harry, just because he's busy doesn't mean you're not important"
Harry looked up and saw truth shining in her eyes, she really was the brightest, kindest and wisest person he had ever known. "We should get to class"

"Welcome to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts class, now in previous years the teachers taught dangerous spells that you only needed to be taught theoretically, not practically. After all what is out there that you would need to defend against?" Umbridge said in that high squeak again, Harry was furious with her, she had not only forced him to sit next to a Slytherin but she had forced him to sit next to Malfoy. Looking at him now Harry wouldn't even be able to imagine him being nice, not with that smirk on his face, maybe it was a dream. Umbridge had also just said the most infuriating statement "What would you need to defend against?"
Well Harry knew what, he was going to tell her exactly what the ministry of magic was ignoring when there was a tight grip on his wrist.

He looked to his left to see Malfoy looking back at him mouthing "don't do it" As if Malfoy could stop him, Umbridge needed to pay for words she said, they didn't know what it felt like to see Voldemort kill Cedric. They didn't know how close to death he had come that night or how Voldemort got away. They couldn't tell him that Voldemort wasn't alive when Harry had seen it with his very own eyes. Malfoy moved closer and whispered frantically.
"Don't do it Potter, do you want more detentions? Do you want to loose house points? You have to control yourself"
"Control myself?" Whispered Harry furiously "were you there when Cedric was killed in front of me by.."
"No." Malfoy interupted "I wasn't but trust me I could tell when you came back with his body that your tears did have a real reason. And off the record I think he's back too"
The speech from Malfoy calmed him down and surprised him into silence. Who would have thought that Malfoy would believe him, of all people Harry would have never suspected that. But he supposed he could have been lying, but his stormy eyes seemed to shine truth. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all...

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