Read it, Control it, Unhinge it.

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A\N things get a bit tense here...there is a little swearing.


Wednesday evening came closer than Harry wanted, and soon he found himself standing in the dark and dingy Potions classroom in front of a scowling Professor Snape who was pacing back and forth.
"The Dark Lord's mind and yours are connected, He is not aware of this yet and I pray he remains ignorant. In the past it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, torturing them with nightmares and visions until he had every memory. Only then, when he had them literally begging for death would he kill them. You Mr. Potter are at risk of weakness, every memory he can invade makes him stronger."
"So he could read my mind?" Harry asked as a chill went down his spine, this was more serious than he had imagined.
"Yes Potter. He could read it, control it, unhinge it. In these lessons I will teach you Legitimacy, if used correctly can shield ones mind from invasion and influence of Legilimens, I will attempt to penetrate your mind. Prepare yourself. Legitimas!"
Harry barely had time to prepare himself, let alone know how to prepare himself when he felt his mind being invaded.
Flash! Hugging Hermionie. Flash! Cedric dying. Flash! Talking to Hagrid. Flash! Playing Quidditch. Flash! Kissing...and then it was over, Harry fell to his knees, scraping them on the sharp rocked floor.
"Concentrate Potter, focus. You need to clear you mind. Up"
Harry got up, Snape had nearly seen, that would have been embarrassing and would have possibly killed his dignity. He discovered that the feeling of someone flipping through memories like a scrap book was one of the worst feelings Harry had ever felt, he felt raw and exposed. "Focus. Legitimas!"
Flash! Fighting Malfoy. Flash! Hugging Sirius. Flash! Part of a nightmare. Flash! Talking to Malfoy. Flash! Kissing...No. Harry didn't want him to see that, he tried pushing back with his mind but the walls in his mind broke easily, too easily. Then he had fallen to the ground again, his scar was prickling, his head aching and his knees probably bleeding but at least Snape didn't see.
"Is this what you call control, Potter? Legitimas!"
And it went on like that for hours, Harry falling to the ground every time he tried to block memories.
"Your emotions are clouding your judgement, Control yourself! Legitimas!"
By the end of the evening Harry was exhausted and shaking, Snape saw no use in continuing and told him to clear his mind, saying he would check on the next lesson. He trugged out of the potions room and dragged himself to the Slytherin Dorms.


"Harry!" Called Hermionie from across the hall, rushing over to the Slytherin Table and pulling him up excitedly, whispering something that made Harry grin and then walk out of the great hall. Draco watched all of this with a scowl, what on earth were they up to?

"It's the room of requirement, it only appears at times of great need, even Hogwarts wants to help us" Hermionie explained excitedly as Harry examined the mirror like walls and tiled floor.
"It's brilliant Hermionie, but how are we going to contact everyone? We'd be noticed if we always passed notes"
"That's why" she started, digging in her robes for something and dishing out some coins "I made these"
Harry took one, it looked like a normal galleon at first glance but it was different. "It has the time and date of meeting on this part and you can change it by doing this" Harry looked up and grinned enthusiastically. There really wasn't a thing their Hermionie couldn't do.


Ecstatic about the development of the club - they didn't have a name yet - Harry strolled to Divination only to find himself pulled by his tie into yet another broom closet. Prize if you guess pulled him in to it.
"What's going on Potter? You're acting suspicious grinning to Granger like that and running off" Bingo, It was Malfoy.
Harry sighed. "Why do you care?"
"Why do I? Potter, you are shifting about like you're doing something under Umbridges nose, coming back late, gallivanting with your little friends at random hours of the day! You're up to something"
Harry blinked, did Malfoy usually pay this much attention to him? This was getting weird.
"Tell me what you're doing" Malfoy growled, grasping Harry's robe in an aggressive and threatening manner.
"Nothing, honestly Malfoy are you always such a diva?" Harry sniped at Malfoy pushing him away only to get slammed back into the wall.
"Tell me" Malfoy snarled, pinning Harry to the wall by holding his arms tight maybe too tight but damm it he wanted answers.
"No" Harry spat, struggling against Malfoy.
"If you don't tell me I'll tell Umbridge" That made Harry's blood boil.
"Umbridge is a control freak! Don't you see what she's doing to Hogwarts? Rule by rule she's locking us in! We're going to be completely and utterly useless when Voldemort attacks because 'there's no one out there' and I'm apparently going around telling bloody lies! We should be getting rid of Umbridge! If you even cared for a second Malfoy you would care that everyone wants rid of her, the only hope We're going to get is from ourselves! I'm TRYING TO MAKE SURE NO ONE DIES BECAUSE I CAN'T BEAR ANYONE ELSE DYING!" Harry shouted, his fists now clenched tightly, Malfoy had backed away but looked angry.
"Well I'm sorry Mr I Have Had Such An Unfortunate Life but just because your a golden boy doesn't mean you can go around breaking rules!"
"Don't call me that" Harry growled, now furious. "You really think these rules are good for us huh? You think girls and boys must stay 8 inches apart at all times is a rule we should live by? Well sorry to interrupt the insane rule but are you really convinced that rules like that benefit anyone in anyway whatsoever?"
Malfoy glared.
"The fuck does it matter Potter? The point is that the ministry are finally working to.."
"Working to destroy us! You do know what they're planning right? Get rid of Dumbledore, stop us from using magic! You want to live in a world where we could be attacked and not know how to defend ourselves?"
"You know what Potter? I'm going to join the inquisitor squad and I'm going to find out what the fuck you are up to and why you are trying to mess up what my father i"
"So this is what it's about then, your father? 'Wait til my Father hears about this' really? Is that what's making you insane? This is all for your bloody pride! Mr I'm A Pureblood. Mr. I'm Better Than All Of You Because I Have A 'pure' Bloodline. You're being a complete and utter prat because you don't want to let down your family"
"Well at least I have a family Potter" Malfoy snapped "From what I've heard all you have is filthy muggles"
That's what did it, Harry's vision turned red and suddenly there was punching, kicking, banging and cursing.
Then light flooded in and Harry was being dragged away from Malfoy's black eye and bruised face by the dreaded Snape.
Standing with a bust lip and a black eye Harry received his fate "You are hereby banned from quidditch Mr Potter you'll have a month of detentions with me"
Snape turned to Malfoy and then said "Mr. Malfoy you will have 2 weeks of detentions with me, and if either of you try anything like this again, then the consequences will be severe. You are dismissed"

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