Shock, Anger.

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Harry was numb. He vaguely remembered Dumbldore leading him outside of the ministry and flashes going off but that was the least on his mind. His body felt cold with shivers running up and down his spine like cockroaches, was this what shock felt like? He was apparated back and he felt the still unfamiliar tug on the back of his nose but even that didn't break the haze in his mind. Now he was in Dumbledors office with a cup of abandoned tea in his hands.
"Harry, I know how difficult this must be for you...but I need to know what the Prophesy said"
Harry felt the words whisper in the back of his mind but even though he had never heard the words being said before he knew exactly what it was.
"A boy born in July will be the only one who possesses the power to kill Voldemort... Or something like that anyways, can I go?"
"No Harry, you see this is very important and I'm sorry to say that I've kept this information from you, I thought perhaps you were not prepared for it"
Harry looked up at Dumbledore blankly. What information?
"You see" Dumbledore continued "You and Voldemort are connected"
"Yes I gathered as much thank you" Harry interrupted.
Dumbledore gave a stern look and then continued "When the spell hit you as a baby it destroyed him but also put a piece of his soul into you, that's why you can talk to snakes"
Harry looked out of the arched window and watched the stars twinkle around the moon over the pitch black backdrop of night, and to think this time yesterday he was sleeping, and now he was sitting with an empty heart and shaking hands.
"Harry I need you to pay attention, I know your hurting but"
"But what huh? You could have told me this months ago! Why is this important now? There's loads of boys born in July that could kill almost killed him tonight why couldn't you just kill him and stop him from hurting anyone else! It isn't fair!" Harry exclaimed standing up to his feet.
"Sit down, it was not my destiny to kill Voldemort, it is in fact yours. The only other boy born in July the year that prophesy was made was Nevillie Longbottom"
"But..I have to kill...I can't" Harry looked at his feet and swallowed thickly. No. Why did he have to do this? Why couldn't Dumbledore kill him I mean he almost did.
"Harry... I know how difficult this must be for"
"No! No you don't. Do you know what if feels like? It feels like my heart just been ripped apart. It hurts! Why can't I keep someone alive? He was the last I had. And now he's....he's.."
"Harry I understand it hurts but that's how you know your human"
"Then I don't want to be human! I don't want yo be alive if everything is just going to be taken away from me!!" Harry shouted now on his feet. He threw the tea cup across the room and it shattered but Dumbledore didn't even flinch instead he got slowly to his feet with his hand outstretched "Harry you need to calm down"
"No!" Harry screamed tears running down his face and then he turned on his heels and ran out of his office.

By the time he had paced a least twenty times across the entrance to Slytherin the tears had dried but he wasn't going to let them see, all he wanted to do was hide under his bedsheets. He entered quickly and then hurried up the stairs knowing that people where staring. He was aware of Draco following but he slammed the door shut and collapsed into hid bed even though he really really wanted to collapse into Draco's arms. There was a quiet tap on the door and then a voice.
"Harry? Harry it's me Draco. Please open up"
Then Harry flicked his wand at the door and it creaked open slowly.


Draco stepped into the room cautiously and then for a moment couldn't see Harry only to find a lump under the covers in Harry's bed. Draco made his way over and gently touched the lump on the shoulder but it didn't move.
"Harry?" He tried but the lump still lay there.
"Harry what happened?"
Then he heard what sounded like a sob and then he got worried.
"Look at me" Draco commanded quietly.
The covers lifted up and then Draco could see Harry's face, his eyes were red and glassy and there were tear streaks on his cheeks. Draco didn't realise Harry had meant so much to him until he felt his heart break at the sight of his Harry crying. Draco offered open his arms and it was less than a second before he found Harry holding onto Draco like he was the last pillar in a collapsing building.

Draco held him close and then Harry really started to cry, it was heart broken, grief stricken crying. It was heart aching and emptying of someone who meant a lot crying. This was serious. Draco rocked back and forth slightly rubbing Harry's back for who knows how long but eventually Harry stopped crying and he dipped his head into Draco's shoulder.
"What happened?" Draco questioned quietly.
Harry sighed and then spoke so softly "It's my...godfather...he's.. he's" he broke off.
"It's going to be okay" Draco reassured.
"It's not though I'm the reason he... it was all my fault" Harry said and then wiped furiously at his eyes.
"It's not your fault"
"But it is, see if I had just listened to Hermionie then he wouldn't be ... But no I had to be so bloody stupid" Harry took a deep breath and let it out shakily.
"Listen to me Harry, you would do anything for the people you love and even if it could have been a false alarm you wouldn't have taken the risk would you?"
"It's not your fault okay?"
Harry nuzzled his head into Draco's shoulder again and muttered something.
"Sorry come again?" Draco asked.
"Thank you. you're the best boyfriend ever" Harry muttered louder but judging from the look on his tear streaked face he was going to fall asleep. But Draco still held him to his chest, drying the tears on his face and kissing him on the head before humming a song his mother used to sing for him. He didn't mind being called a boyfriend and to be Harry Potter's boyfriend sent a rush of warmth into his chest.

He felt so bad that Harry had to deal with this let alone everything else in his life but Draco was going to help him through it, even though there were only two weeks before summer started he reckoned he could help Harry. He manoeuvred Harry's sleeping body and after changing into PJs and taking Harry's shoes off took him into his arms again. Before he drifted off into an uneasy sleep he kissed Harry's forehead bidding him a good nights rest with no nightmares.

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