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It was a Sunday, a thick layer of soft white snow laid on the ground but Harry couldn't watch the snowflakes drift down gently in the wind like he used to be able to do. He could feel the cold though, he could feel it through a jacket, a blanket and two pairs of socks. And that was on top of his duvet and Pyjamas. His mind started drifting and of course the first thing that came up was Draco Malfoy.
Draco Malfoy made Harry very very confused. There were so many questions: Why did I kiss him?, Why did he kiss me? And Why did I like it and kiss back. I suppose he has nice lips...hell he was a great kisser actually... I wouldn't mind doing that again. But he's my enemy! How did this even happen. I guess when I kissed him I expected him to vomit in my face and punch me not kiss me back with a quite frankly amazing kiss. Wait. Does this mean I like boys? But I like girls, I mean Cho Chang is cute. But so if Malfoy? Oh no. What if I like Malfoy. This is so messed up. But surely if he kissed me then I must have been an okay kisser or maybe he's planning to confuse me and sell me out. What am I doing. I'm so confused.

So Harry lay there huddled up in what little warmth he had in his new bed (After a week the House Elves managed to put in new beds for all the houses. Apparently Harry wasn't the only one that had to share beds) lost in his thoughts until he heard a mummer of hushed secretive voices in the bed beside his.
"Wait you what?"
"Shh Blaise don't be so loud" Harry knew that voice from anywhere, it was Malfoy.
"I'm sorry it's Of all the things I expected I didn't expect that"
There was a soft thud where a head banged against the headboard in what seemed like defeat.
"Tell me about it" Malfoy said his voice weary.
"Okay so let me get this straight.. Actually not straight but he kissed you and you kissed back..." Wait they were talking about Him! Harry moved closer but his bed decided to creak loudly and stop their conversation all together. Well done Harry now you'll never know what they were going to say next.
"Shhh Blaise" Malfoy hissed "we should go somewhere more private"
There were creaks where the bed protested under the weight of two teenage boys and a sound of a door being opened and shut and then it was quiet again.

Harry saw Malfoy and Blaise looking at him at breakfast...again. It was the fifth time since mail had arrived five minutes ago. Harry was clutching a note scribbled on a piece of ripped paper "Meet me in the Slytherin Dormentries at 12 tonight. Padfoot" Harry's heart hammered in chest, so Sirius knew. He reread the note to see if there was any hint of disappointment but it was really just to vague to hint at anything apart from urgency. Tucking away the note into his robes he turned his head towards two piercing stares of Malfoy and Blaise and witnessed whispers being shared between them all the while glancing at Harry when they thought he wasn't looking. Harry diverted his attention to across the room where he could see Ron and Hermione sitting with Ginny. Ginny was quite pretty Harry had gathered, her sweet enough to kill smile and waist length red hair made her look dangerous and Harry was drawn to that. But then Harry looked to his right and saw Malfoy, his sneer sharp enough to murder and platinum hair so blond it was white...and Harry was drawn to that too. Oh no. There's something terribly wrong here. I must be possessed. Feeling his appetite fade away Harry got up and left the Great hall only to be stopped by the dreaded Professor Snape.

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