The Arch of Death

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Swirling out of the darkness, the first Death eater arrived. The skulled mask still on. Then the mask was gone and Harry was looking at the one and only Lucius Malfoy.
"Ah perfect, you have it. Give it to me"
Harry clenched his hand tighter around the prophecy. Like hell.
"Come on Potter, give me the Prophecy and no one will get hurt"
"No." Harry spat and then looked around panicked as not only one but three more death eaters appeared.
"Now!" Harry yelled and sent a stuplify at Lucius only to have it discarded with a swipe of his wand.
Then they ran, sending stunning, freezing and tripping spells and hexes behind their shoulders, Harry still clutching the blue sphere tight. Ginny sent a reducto behind them but missed, the spell hitting on one of the countless wooden shelves which exploded and then tetered to the side with a groan. Then it collapsed sending a domino pattern across the other shelves. The orbs crashed to the floor and broke spindling light in it's wake. The light became closer and the crashing became louder and they ran for their lives. If they were going to die via Death eaters or shelves they would choose death eaters. At the end of the long room, with panting for breath, there was a door. The Death Eaters having been lost along the way but it was far from over when they entered the room.

It was dark, damp and circular. In the centre of the room there was an inclined surface with three stone archways that were glimmering as if there was some magical silk rolling across an invisible wind. Then Harry heard the strangest thing; voices were sighing out of the glimmering surface.
"Harry we need to go before the.." Hermionie was cut off as swirls of black appeared, they surrounded the group and in one quick blur found Neville, Luna, Ron, Hermionie and Ginny being held with wands at their throats by notorious Death Eaters. Harry was left in the centre of the room facing a sneering Lucius Malfoy - it was ironic how much Draco resembled his father yet had a contrasting heart.
"Now now Potter, we are not here to play petty games. Give me the Prophesy and none of your little friends will get killed" Lucius threatened while stepping one step closer with his hand held out expectently, his chin raised high and his eyes emotionless.
Harry stepped back out of reach and spoke "If you hurt any of my friends I will smash it"
Lucious growled and sent a spell spiralling in Harry's direction but it hit a blue wall. Out of nowhere Remus, Tonks, Sirius and the other Order of the Phoenix members turned up. Spells crisscrossed the room in a rainbow of colours, Harry felt adrenaline in his blood as he sent a spell to the unsuspecting Lucius. As he span on his heel Sirius appeared by his side and then it was Harry and Sirius against the world: as it should be. Tackfully Harry quickly blocked and then resent a nasty hex to Lucius, Sirius grinned and said "good one James!" Little did Harry know that was the last words Sirius would ever say to him - and they weren't even directly for him.

A flash of green light burst out of nowhere, it shot like a dart across the room though the air and hit Sirius square in the chest. For a split second the grin stayed on his face and then his face dropped, his eyes loosing life and his body tipping backwards. Time stopped as Harry watched wide eyed. Sirius feel backwards almost in slow motion as his last breath left him and then he dissolved in the archway. He's going to come out the other side. He's fine. But he didn't. Harry felt his heart stop. No. He can't be... He's just around the other side! He's fine!
Then a cold, prickly feeling wound it's way up his neck. No one was coming out the other side... Sirius wasn't coming back. No. He must be. He must be around the corner hiding. He's the only family I have left...I was the one who dragged him here. Harry needed to make sure he wasn't just hiding there as a cruel joke but suddenly strong arms were pulling him back and it finally came upon him. Sirius Black, the only family he had left, the one who he had planned to spend that summer with, was gone.

Harry couldn't breathe, his ears were ringing and his eyes were streaming. He was so cold, but he could hardly feel anything through the dense fog in his brain. He struggled against the person holding him, he didn't know who and he didn't care, all he cared about was Sirius.
"I killed Sirius Black!" A sinister singsong voice screamed out. Bellatrix LaStrange. A fiery inferno of anger shot up Harry's stomach like adrenaline. He found power he didn't have before and he broke free of the person sprinting after Bellatrix, his hand gripping his wand so tightly his knuckles were white. Then he sent a spell that caused her to trip, he loomed over her, wand pointing at her heart and chest heaving.
"Going to kill me?" She snarled showing her ugly teeth.
But Harry's hand started to shake, he was so angry. He wanted to kill her. He wanted to get revenge. Just one small spell Harry, his inner voice told him, you know the one: the one that gave you that scar. No! He couldn't, there was something holding him back... The memory of Sirius telling him 'We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are' Then just as Harry lowered his wand there was another figure who swirled into view with red eyes, pale veiny and lifeless skin. Voldemort.

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