Depression, Acceptance

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Harry woke to a hand brushing his cheek, he opened his eyes to see Draco propped up on his elbow looking down on him with sleep tasseled hair and a thoughtful expression.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked sleepily but nuzzling into the hand on his cheek nonetheless.
Draco smiled and then found Harry's hand and laced them together.
"You know last night I discovered that I care about you. Like really care. And you know what? I've never felt like this before. You've done something to me and somehow I'm completely okay with it"
Harry smiled and he squeezed their joined hands before suddenly moving to straddling Draco's hips and leaning down and almost touching his lips with his own but leaving the distance enough to tease. Draco's eyes trailed down from Harry's face down to his lips and then back up.
"You know what Draco. I really care about you too" Harry said softly and then broke the distance between them and kissed Draco with care. Draco kissed back, bringing his hands up to tangle in Harry's hair. It was soft, perfectly in time and slow. In a way it was a proclamation of I care about you. Draco tilted his head and deepened the kiss, coaking Harry's mouth open and slipping his tongue inside to gently explore. After what seemed like an eternity of pure bliss they broke apart.
"I um..haven't thanked you for last night" Harry said quietly looking down.
"Hey, about last night, do you want about it? I get it if you don't but I know it helps. I ranted about a lost teddy bear to my mom once and it helped a lot, mind you I was five at the time but still..."
Harry laughed weakly and reached out for Draco's hands playing with them almost absentmindedly.
"I saw a vision... I saw Sirius and I had to go. I...thought he was in danger and I just had to go. I had to" Harry stopped, choking on his words. "Save him. But it was a trap. Bloody Voldemort had planned it all! Then all the death eaters were there and" he broke off again blinking hard. He looked down and almost whispered.
"You're dad was there Draco. He was going to torture my friends if I didn't give it to him. But I didn't and that's when Sirius...died. It was Bellatrix that did it. I wanted to kill her! She took the only family I had left and murdered him and she laughed after. She laughed! I was going to kill her. I had her there and I could have killed her but I just couldn't..." Harry released Draco's hands and wiped at his eyes.
"And I can't even stop crying. I'm such a bloody idiot"
"Hey, look at me. You're not being an idiot. No one can keep everything all bottled up" Draco said softly.
"I can't believe he's actually...gone" Harry whispered, his shoulders slumped.
"We're going to get through this okay? Just think of the happy times because he would want you to be happy"
Draco said and then sat up, cross legged, causing Harry's legs to cross behind Draco's back, and hugged him tight. Harry melted into the hug and sniffed quietly into Draco's shoulder.

After a lot of coaxing Draco managed to get Harry to come to breakfast where all he did was stir restlessly at his tea which was by this point cold. Draco grabbed two slices of toast and buttered and jammed them both before cutting them diagonally (the best and only way to cut toast according to Draco Malfoy) and put one on Harry's plate. Harry just continued tinkering with the cold tea.
"Will you eat some toast? Just a little bit?" Draco asked.
Harry glanced at him and then picked up a piece and took a bite before setting it down again uninterested.


"Okay I know I was joking when I asked Harry if he was dating Draco but did you see what happened at breakfast?" Ron asked to Hermionie.
"What would you do if he was?" Hermionie challenged.
"I...well if he was happy but he wasn't happy looking at all today. Do you think he's going to be okay?"
Hermionie gave a look before starting "He just lost his godfather of course he's not okay. But he'll get there with time"


By the afternoon the owls had delivered a fresh picture of Harry and Dumbledore in the daily Prophet. Harry had distant, lost eyes and blood running in streaks down from his palm. The title was 'The Dark Lord Has Returned! The Boy Who Lived Almost Killed'

News traveled very very fast and before not very long at all everyone was looking all eyes for Harry. And Harry certainly felt people stare, making him feel more unnerved about everything than that morning.
Hermionie had tried to talk to Harry about how he was doing but he insisted a very false lie of 'I'm fine'.
By the time it was dinner he was exhausted but rumour had it that Dumbledore was having an announcement that evening.

An indeed he did. He announced that as Hogwarts was now in the usual order that people could either get resorted again or stay in the house they are currently in. And that left Harry in a tough decision.

A/N so what do you think? Stay or leave? Leave your thoughts below! Also thank you for sticking around for this long it means the world to me x

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