Chapter 6

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"Anytime now." Taylor told her cats. Her heart started to beat fast, her hands started to shake to all the nervousness that she's starting to have since she is expecting for Karlie to arrive. She prepared some simple dinner for her and Karlie.

Flashback a few hours ago.

After her brunch/ heartful talk with Cara. She felt her phone vibrate in her hand, she froze when she finally sees her best friends name, calling her.

"Hey Kar." I said in a raspy voice.

"Hey Taylor." Hearing her voice makes me miss her even more.

"Listen, um. Sorry that it's been a while since we last talk but." Taylor just waited for Karlie to finish, even though she has missed her best friend.

"Can we like meet. To just.. you know.. Talk?" Karlie somehow makes this weak voice that Taylor didn't need an explanation for that tone.

"Sure. When do you want to talk?" Taylor replied.

"Actually anytime, I'm free the rest of the day." As Taylor heard her, she thought of an idea. "Oh me too! Is it okay if we have like an early dinner? I'll cook!" She said enthusiasm.

"Well, you really don't have to-" Taylor interrupts her. "No I insist! But if you don't want, I'm okay with anything."

"It's okay, early dinner sounds nice." Karlie concludes, Taylor can sense that the other girl is smiling. "Good. 5 pm at my house?" Taylor waits for her reply. "Sounds good to me. What can I bring?"

"Uhh.. Yourself of course!" Taylor jokes. "Or you can bring the usual wine or uhm-" Taylor paused as she remembers how that got them into. "M-Maybe we can just skip the wine. For now." She said. "Alright.. I'll see what I can bring. See you later." Karlie responded and immediately ended the conversation.


"She's here Dibs!" Taylor told Olivia as she immediately went straight to the door. Karlie smiled as soon as she sees her best friend, like it's been a long time. "Karlie!" Taylor said as she smiles with joy. "Well, I brought some cookies that I baked yesterday. I hope you'll-" Karlie was interrupted by the sudden hug that Taylor gives her. Taylor's arms wrapped around Karlie's waist, her head lying on Karlie's chest. "I missed you so much." She said in a weak voice, trying to hide her sadness. Taylor really can't handle the moment that she hid her face from Karlie. "What?" Karlie asks, "I said I miss you.. you bastard!" Taylor said as she let's go and gives out a chuckle.

Karlie cannot believe at what she saw. I did this to her.. Seeing Taylor like this made Karlie's heart ache. "I'm sorry.." Karlie said as she hugs Taylor back. "I missed you too."

Before Karlie's emotions rises, she quickly changes the scene. "I smell something good, what is it?" Karlie says as she looks at the kitchen, which made Taylor let go of the hug, and went to the kitchen, "Yeah, I'm almost done with the cooking." Taylor subtly wipes her eyes with her shirt, "Olivia's in the kitchen, if you want to say hi." She immediately went to the kitchen and not looking at her bestfriend. Karlie notices this, which really breaks her. I don't want to see you cry...

"Well where's Meredith?" Karlie asks. "Has she been grumpy?" As Karlie reaches the kitchen the first thing she sees is Taylor's back. She noticed Taylor putting down her apron from her face.

"How did you know?!" Taylor giving that amazed face. "I think she's still in the bedroom window, staring at the window." Karlie looks at the food that Taylor has prepared, "Need any help?" she asks. "Oh no need. I'm almost done anyway." She gives me that reassuring smile as she continues with her food prep. "I'm pretty sure Olivia would like your company right now." I suddenly felt Olivia between her knees. (meow)

"(Gasp) Hey Olivia! I've missed you so much!" The cat gives out a pur as Karlie rubs her back.

"Has Taylor been good to you?" I heard Taylor give a chuckle in my peripheral vision. Olivia started to lick my pointing finger. "She misses you." Taylor said. I remained facing Olivia and caressing her head. I told her in a soft voice. 

"I'm sorry I made you miss me." Karlie said "I hope you're not mad at me. You have no idea how much I missed you. I'm just confused." that last part was said in a weak voice. She noticed that Taylor stopped at what she's doing. She looks at her and sees Taylor looks at Olivia. "Don't worry about Olivia, she's not mad at you or anything." She's just glad to see you again." Then Taylor looks at Karlie, and gives her a smile that Karlie misses,  senses some pain in it. Karlie gives back a smile to Taylor. "Okay, dinner's ready!" Taylor immediately changes the subject.


Their dinner went well, they catch up with what they've been doing, but leaving what's supposed to be talked about. After dinner, Taylor insisted on washing the dishes while Karlie cleans the table. Somehow girls started to be themselves like before, but they both know that it come to an end for they have to have the talk. 

Both girls rested at Taylor's couch, full and satisfied. They both looked at each other, knowing that it's time. Karlie senses that she should start. 

"Tay" Taylor looks at her.

"What happened last week. I'm sorry.. And I'm sorry that I didn't made contact with you for a while, 'coz.. I was scared.. of losing you.." Karlie's voice started to crack at that last part.  "It was my fault for being selfish, I didn't consider your feelings." Karlie is really tearing up that Taylor can't help but  immediately she approached Karlie and held both of her hands trying to comfort her. Karlie looks down, too embarrassed to look at her best friend. "I don't want to lose you just because of the stupid and selfish thing that I did. Whatever you say or feel, I'll accept it. I just want us to still remain friends." After Karlie said those words, there a lull in  the room, that she doesn't know if she should tell her the reason why. Suddenly, Taylor pulled her and give her a firm hug, but Karlie felt that Taylor she doesn't want to let go of her. Taylor told her with a soft and weak voice. "Karlie, I would never leave you and I don't want to lose you." Karlie  eventually hugged her back. "You're my best friend, you've been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever since the media and everyone else who've hurted me in the recent year. You've been the one who lifted me from that dark place with your sunshine which I really am thankful for." Taylor lets go of the hug, puts her hand to Karlie to make her look at her. "You're the most selfless person that I know, always thinking of others before youself." Taylor pauses, "Now this time, you are thinking of yourself and it's okay because you're just listening to what your heart tells you." Hearing that last part simply hits her. "but.." Hearing that word that Karlie fears the most. "I'm sorry...I don't want to be selfish... and I don't mean to h-hurt you." Taylor saying those simply weakens her, her grip on Karlies hands kind of tightened, showing her fear of losing her bestfriend. "I'm really afraid to say this, b-but I can't return your feelings that way." As Karlie hears those words, things started to go blurry. "Karlie.." Taylor holds her breath, waiting for Karlie to reply.

Karlie has prepared for this, like there's this red light that is aimed at her heart, knowing that a sniper will shoot her at this moment, but it's a sniper; Experiencing the first part of the shot is quick, but the latter part is the worst for it gets worse. The feeling of not having the strength to breathe and to get back from her feet is what pulling her down. Until she remembered, why she has prepared for this: For the sake of their friendship, for the sake of her best friend who she loves the most.

Karlie made a deep breath, and forcefully nodded to Taylor. "It's okay" Karlie tries to convince and assures her. "I understand." Karlie says, forcing herself to gulp it. "Friends?" Taylor shyly asks Karlie. Then Karlie hugs her, squints her eyes, and whispers to her "Best friends." 

***Hello! Sorry for the short update, but right now I'm doing the next chapter. Thank you for bearing with me. Hopefully I'll post the next chapter soon. I hope you guys like this :)

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