Chapter 24

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Karlie POV

*Ding dong*

"You ready?"Taylor whispers to her as Austin leaves the kitchen to open the door.

"I am." I smile at her as wipe my hands on my apron and fixes her outfit.

"Heyy" Taylor holds her hand. "You're look great. You're great."

"Thanks. I'm sorry." I said coyly. She brings my hand up to her lips to give it a soft kiss.

"Let's go!" Taylor says as she leads Karlie out of the kitchen.

As we arrived at the main door, I see Taylor's parents putting their bags down.

"Hey Taylor honey!" her mother opens her arm waiting for a big warm hug from her daughter.

Taylor's response was surprising, she pulls me with her as she approaches her parents. She let's go of my hand to give them her hugs.

After that she walks back beside me, and holds me hand. My heart is really pounding inside of me while my body is somewhat frozen.

"Mom, dad. This is Karlie." She says as she smiles at me. I greeted as nicely and calmly as I can, and they did acknowledge me nicely.

"Wow you really are tall." Andrea says with a smile. "and certainly beautiful."

"Oh thank you ma'm." I smile as I feel my face get warm.

"Oh please call me Andrea."

"We've heard so much about you from Taylor."

"Good ones I hope sir." I say. 

"Oh, call me Scott please." He chuckles. "Alright, Taylor dear, we'll just bring our things to our room, okay?" Austin brings some of the bags.

"Okay dad. Karlie and I are going finishing preparing the food." Taylor says as they went to the kitchen.

"See that wasn't so bad, right?" Taylor rubs Karlie's back.

"I suppose." Karlie makes a subtle exhale and smile, making Taylor give her a kiss on her cheek.


The rest of the day was great Tay's parents are sweet and funny. But there's this tension in me that's been calling me in the back of my mind, making the day seem so long. I have to make the most out of it since the family gathers on special occasions which is quite a few, according to Taylor. I just have get the right time for it. 

It's past 2 and Taylor happens to be in her room to catch some nap since she's still pretty tired for the previous nights, also Taylor's parents seems to be more eager to know more about my life for some reason. Mostly it's about our friendship, and my incident, but this was after Taylor went to take a nap. I told them what happened, which I don't mind telling them (except the exclusive ones). It's more likely that I am seen as the best friend of their daughter who spent most of her time taking care of her. Possible getting their attention as to why their daughter acts like that. I would have thought that they would act the opposite towards me for stressing their daughter out on what happened. Right now I'm simply grateful that that's not what happened. Eventually I went to my room to also take a quick nap before we start prepping dinner, since they know that Taylor and I sleep on separate rooms. I simply laid down on my bed, and the first thing that I noticed was the scent of Taylor on my sheets. I wish she's beside me right now. She thought as she drifts off to sleep.


Taylor's POV

*Knock knock*

"Tay, Tay dinner's ready" Austin calls her sister at the door, there no reply. So he opened the door and wakes her sister again.

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