Chapter 11

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*Shower sound*

Taylor woke up from the sound of the shower of her bathroom. It took a while for the singer to process what's happening. It's 7 in the morning. She remembers that Karlie slept beside her through the night. She's kind of feeling better; no more migraines and sore throat, but her body is still tired. She struggled to sit down, try to take in what happened last night. Accepting the reality that she admitted to herself, and the future that she's be facing.

She doesn't know what or how to feel, should she be happy? scared? stupid? She sighs as she combs her hair with her hands, not knowing what's going to happen. *The shower stopped*

The silence came over the singer. Not knowing if she should go back to bed or wait to see her best friend come out. Suddenly she was interrupted by her cat jumping on her bed to approach her. Dibbles.

As the bathroom door opens, she see her bestfriend drying her hair with a towel and wearing her loose GENIUS shirt and some black short shorts somehow covered , which makes the singer's blue eyes shine and her cheeks feel warm. Her mind cannot process what her heart is blabbing out. "Heyy you're awake. It's still early." Karlie whispers as she apprach, and checks the singer's temperature. Her touch feels like heaven in me. "No I'm good." Taylor said with her dried voice. Karlie grabs her bottle for the girl. Karlie checks her with a concerned look, but tailer tries to focus on drinking. "How are you feeling?" She asks. Taylor puts down her bottle.

"I'm feeling better.." Taylor says as she clears her throat. "I'm just tired right now."

"Okay. Well thankfully its a weekend, I'm here to take care of you while you recover" Karlie says with a smile of certainty.

"You don't have to- but it's-.. okay." Taylor stuttering with her words for she can't decide exactly what she really wants to say. "I-I don't want to be a burden for you." She's looks down.

"Tay don't feel bad, it's okay." Karlie lifts Taylor's face and gives her an assuring smile. "It's a long weekend for me, somehow I don't have any plans till Monday. Plus who else is going to take care of you? Dibbles ?" Dibbles look at Karlie and meowed back.

Taylor snickered to her comment, making the model relieved to see the singer smile while she's in that situation.

"Okay I'll prepare us some breakfast. Just stay in bed. I'll be back." As Karlie leaves the bed Taylor checks her outfit. "That GENIUS shirt." Karlie looks back.

"Oh yeah, sorry I wasn't able to bring-" Karlie explains.

"No it's okay." Taylor interrupts her explanation, "It looks good in you." It slips out of Taylor.

Karlie replies with a smile hits Taylor's stomach. As the girl is out of sight, Taylor covers herself for what she just said.

*Meow* Dibbles gives her a look. Taylor looks at her, "Dibs it's going to be a long night." She mumbles.


Karlie was right by her side whenever she needed her. She didn't complain, for she genuinely cares for the girl, but having to force herself out of her feelings for Taylor, she simply lets out the pressure as she cannot just handle it.

Most of the weekend Taylor has been sleeping in bed, but as Sunday arrives, there has been improvements that Karlie has been grateful to see Taylor's temperature back to normal, the singer has some color now, and to see her bubbly twin to have her energy back. Taylor kept of thanking in her thoughts as to have Karlie being with her she cannot ask for anything else, but to be with the one she truly loves.

It was nighttime the girls are both in bed watching some Grey's for a feel good and some drama mood. They been having a good time as if they're having a sleepover as usual. Until Karlie's phone received a message. Karlie's face changed as she read the text. It was from Josh.

"Hello Karlie, how are you?"

Karlie thought of what to reply, Taylor on the other hand noticed Karlie being focused on her phone. Having to be somehow close to the girl she subtly looked at the screen, which brought to her shields up. Not reacting at what she just saw, but just waited for Karlie to reply.

"I'm good. I'm sorry about the rain check last time." Karlie replied.

"That's okay. About that, I was wondering if you would want to have it next friday."

As Taylor sees the reply, without thinking she hugs Karlie by her waist and her head is at the models chest, as if she doesn't want to let go of her. "Tay what's wrong?" Karlie combs Taylor's head. Though she was a little surprised by the singers move. Not hearing any replying from Taylor, but having to have this intimate feeling that she has always wanted to feel from her. Karlie texted Josh that she'll think about it. She places her phone away from her as she tried to ask Taylor who's still clinging to her.

"Being so clingy are we?" Karlie tries to lighten up the mood. "What happened in the episode?" She checks the episode as it was soon to end.

Still no reply. A few moments the episode has ended. Making Karlie stop the player to focus on Taylor. The singer is not yet asleep since her tight hug is makes her seem awake.
There seems to be a problem. "Tay what's wrong, tell me." Karlie asks as she tries to pull her in order to face her better. Taylor says something in a muffled sound. "What?" Karlie asks. Taylor sits facing her, but she looks down acting nervous to even look at the model, so she used all her courage to tell her again.

"Please don't go on a date with him." She said but doesn't looking up. Karlie cannot believe what she heard. Starting to make a confused face as to why would she say that.

"What do you mean?" Karlie asks. It seems to be long for Taylor not to say anything, but things like this is something Karlie would wait.

"Please don't." Taylor said in a shaking voice. Karlie sees her bestfriend's hands grip at the sheets.

"Why not?" Karlie still confused. Wondering if there's another thing that's something wrong with the guy.

"I don't want him... to have the feelings.. th-that I have for you." Taylor said giving Karlie the look of how much she is in love with her. Karlie looks at Taylor, processing what she just heard. All those repression and sadness that she's been having simply fades away. Seeing the singer's eyes, filled with love and fear, reminds her of how she made that kind of look, when she had that talk painful talk with Taylor. But now that it's here, it's laid in front of her, the one thing that she has been wishing to be requited she doesn't know how to react what to do next as a reply. Especially that it's came out of no where.

There's just a long pause between them until Taylor looks away about to cover herself with the blanket feeling broken as to not getting the reply that she wanted, but she's been pull by a warm hug from Karlie. Taylor hugged her tightly as the singer's heart is melting with happiness. They both can't help but smile against each other's cheeks. Not even saying anything savoring the moment at the same time not knowing what to say with so many questions to ask from Karlie and so many confessions from Taylor. They both laid down still not breaking their hug, they both can feel their fast heartbeats against each other's chest.
Karlie made the first move by placing a warm kiss at Taylor's temple, and Taylor let's out a giggle. THe singer pulls out to face those green eyes and says, "I-I'm sorry that I was late to realize them." Karlie just listens to her while her hand caresses at the singer's back. "I-I didn't mean t-to give you a hard time." Taylor is still nervous. "What I just want to say is.. I love you Karlie..a-and I hope the you still do." Just as she said those words Karlie simply knows what to do. Karlie gently places her hand at the nape of Taylor and presses her lips. Both of their bodies melted by the time there lips pressed together. Within a second Taylor kisses back as she places one of her hands on Karlie's waist. Before their kiss becomes more heated Karlie pulls back, "does that answer your question?" Both girls laughed, but those laughter faded as Taylor pulls her to a more deeper kiss.. It is going to be one of the long nights they will have together and an unforgettable night for the both of them.Thankfully were both free tomorrow. Both girls thought.
Hi guys! I'm really sorry for the late post. I hope you guys like this chapter. Don't worry I'll try to post the next asap before it's still connected in the night *wink* (don't judge me). Anyway I hope you guys like it. Also it's going to be my first time to write that kind of scenario so please bear with me, and also bare with my grammar. Thank you!

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