Chapter 13

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*FYI: These medical explanations are not entirely true.

"This happens when someone has an amnesia, forgetting any latest events." The doctor explains it to Derek and Taylor. "The memory of a person can be mysterious, but somehow those memories will eventually go back, but I don't know how long. Now the memory of a brain may have some difficulties, but there's the muscle memory. The body would somehow still remembers things, which would help the brain. Just give it time, but.." he pauses. "There will be times when they would get distressed in remembering. Get light headed and they would tend to have some stress in their sleep, like a nightmare. So please try not to stress her too much in remembering. " He finishes.

Two nodded to acknowledge the doctor. "Alright. I'll check up on her once a day. Please let her drink the medicines that she needs. She'll be needing all the rest in order to recover." The two stood up to give their thanks to him, and left the office. Taylor just stands outside of the door, having a 50-50 mood; one is that there's still hope that Karlie's memories of her will come, but at the same it she thinks that it will take a long time or worse, Karlie might see her in a different way and finds someone else. Derek looks at her and says, "It's going to be alright. The doctor said that it will come back soon." He comforts her. "I know.. it's just.." Taylor's trying to compose herself. "It's just that, just when we finally share the same feelings, all of it simply vanished." Taylor covers her face as she starts to breakdown.

"Shh.." Derek holds her to give support. "Tay, Karlie's memory of you didn't vanish, especially her love for you." Derek tells her. "Her memory is just somewhere in her brain trying to recover. I think this can be your chance to I guess start over, make like a better relationship with her." Taylor stops crying and looks at Derek. "She would eventually remember the past; the fun times and the painful ones, but remember that her heart is still the same. Okay? Let's just be there for her because she needs us right now." What Derek said made Taylor understand what this can be for Karlie and her she has decided that she will do what it takes for Karlie. "Thank you Derek, that was really helpful." He smiles.


"Wait, should I say that we have the same feelings for each other?" Taylor whispers before they enter the room.

"Well, I think it's best that you let her figure out her feelings for you." He says. "It might confuse her. or worst comes to worse... she might feel forced which is something not good in a relationship.. Do you get me?" He asks. Taylor nodded.

"Alright. Are you sure you're going to be alright with her?" Derek asks.

"Yes. I have a break anyway. You gotta get some rest." Taylor replies.

"Alright. Let me say goodbye to Kar first." Derek says as he gently knocks the door, opens it and they see a sleeping Karlie. "I guess. I'm gonna go ahead. Don't forget to eat okay?" Derek says as he walks away. "I will. Goodnight." Taylor waves at him and enters the room. The room was cold and quiet as she enters. The only light source on is the lamp by the visitor's couch, which Taylor would probably sleep during the night. She heard a knock on the door and sees her body guard give her some take dinner that she ordered.

"Thank you very much Alan. You may go ahead. I'm staying here with Karlie I won't go anywhere." Taylor says.

"Alright ma'm. Let me know if you need anything. Goodnight." He said and leaves.

Taylor places her meal on the coffee table and checks Karlie. She noticed that Karlie started to shiver, she pulls up her blanket. making sure Karlie is nice and warm. As the model stops shivering. She can't help but leave a light peck on the cheek on Karlie, which made the model's corner lips formed a subtle smile on her face. This simply warms Taylor's heart as she sees that, Karlie's heart is still there.

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