Chapter 1- Scream

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''Enna, I am pretty sure you will need to call me an ambulance soon, because I am dying of boredom,'' Wren's usual flat tone in lessons greets me from the side. She is one of my best friends, but we are so different. She is hilarious in a sarcastic way and she doesn't take much too seriously. She is laid-back, but me on the other hand, is always constantly worrying about something. I guess our differences make us friends. Or maybe it's the fact that she is one of my roommates and we are forced to like each other.

I laugh at her comment and roll my eyes, which is usually her signature thing. ''I'm sure that won't happen.''

''History is boring. When I was told I was going to a school for people with powers and abilities, I didn't think we would still have to do normal lessons that people at normal schools do. Yet here we are, still doing history and maths and science and all the lessons I hate.''

''That's true, I thought the same thing. But it's not Hogwarts, we're not a magic school. None of us are magic.'' I point out, which is a true fact. Mind-reading is very different but it's not magic. Wren's power, of moving things with her mind, is very different, but not magic. I don't really get the point of the school, but I know that it's not to set us up for some futuristic, magic world.

She shrugs and then adds: ''I wish Hogwarts was real,'' and I automatically nod my head in agreement.

''...and that is why we need to be vigilant of Cord members in disguise. Now I don't mean literally 'in disguise' but they will always be one around everywhere. They are very evil people and we have to be careful, they don't like your type at all. See, in past years...'' The teacher carries on. She is a very nice teacher but I can't help but not listen. I get bored easily and it is easier to get bored in this lesson then most. We have had the lesson on 'The Cord' a billion times. They are a group of very evil people who want to be in charge of the world we have now and will do anything to get the power. Already, they have attempted to assasinate many of our countries leaders, but have always failed. Alot are caught and took to prison but it never stops them from adding more members. Worst of all, they plan to target us, the people with the abilities that they need, to help them take over the world. It gives me shivers everytime I think of them, because one day they will probably come in the school and take us one by one. That's what I think will happen anyway. I shudder at, what feels like ice, travelling down my spine and shake it off and continue on with the lesson.

After what feels like hours of constant talking, copying down notes and watching videos (which yet again sent the familiar chills down my back), the last lesson of the day is over. Wren beams as she daintily glides out the room and out into the fresh air that is the school grounds. After most lessons she exits this way, however, it is always a big change in her personality and everytime it scares me that her personality turns from the serious girl to a ballerina-type girl in a few seconds.

''Finally!'' She sighs, as she throws her rucksack onto her back and changes back into the Wren I know and love. ''Right, let's go.''

Everyday after lessons are over, we have to go back to our cabins or dorms for an hour, to do homework mostly. It is one of the many rules at Zodiac camp/school that we have to follow and we never attempt to disobey them. Our headteacher, Mr Crowdon, is the scariest person around at the school and if you get in trouble with him, there is really no turning back. I've not been at the school long, maybe a month or two at the most, but I seem to know everything and everyone and I know for certain that you don't want to get on his bad side (which seems to be the only side of him nevertheless).

We walk back to our cabin, which is unpredictably cosy and modern. When I first heard that I was coming to the camp, I thought we would be living rough in a sense, with tents and uncomfy sleeping bags and tiny insects that crawl along you and beneath you at night. Surprisingly, I walked into my new dorm and even though it was messy, I saw the contemporariness of it. My huge bed, which sits on top of a raised platform with mini, colourful spotlights lined around it, is the comfiest thing ever. The cabin is not huge, but it seems to have everything we need. I have three roommates, Wren, Sophia-Marie and Crystal, but we all fit in the small space and have enough room for everything we need, even for all of Sophia-Marie's music equipment which seems to be lying about everywhere all of the time. Everyone has a platform with a huge bed so I am always astonished how we can fit anything in at all. Overall, I am glad I got a cabin instead of one of the rooms in the girls dorm, where most of the girls in the camp are situated. The boys dorm stands opposite and inbetween them both is a pretty, little courtyard, with a majestic fountain lying slap-bang in the centre of it. Apart from that, there is really not much else to the school, apart from the school buildings and classrooms, a small reception area with a nurse's room and offices for the important people of the school, and a cafeteria.

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