Chapter 4 (continued)- A normal day

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I am relieved that today is a Friday. We have no school on a Friday and the only time you do have to go into school is if you have a scheduled lesson to help with your ability, which is a one-on-one session with one of the three specialists in helping with powers and abilities. I usually have Mr. Paulo (who I just call Paulo), who specialises in all the brain and mind powers. He is my favourite teacher in the school, with his witty sense of humour and the power to make you feel comfortable with anything. He is comforting himself and has helped me alot since i've arrived. He doesn't actually have a gift himself, like most of the teachers at school, but is very good with the powers and is smart enough to understand.

I get up out of bed and glance over at the clock on the wall and realise it is half 8. ''Just in time for breakfast,'' I mutter to myself, realising that I have slept for so long, as I had slept all through the afternoon of yesterday, without eating a thing. I rub my stomach as it growls and I see that Wren is up and ready, and has heard it rumble.

''I know, i'm happy about it too,'' She grins. ''You better get ready quick, we're all almost ready. Unless you want to walk in on your own.'' My eyes focus on everything in the room and I do a turn without moving my feet around the room. Sophia-Marie is sitting on her bed with a notepad on her lap and a pencil hanging out of her mouth. Crystal appears not to be here, but by the sight of one of the bathroom doors shut, I guess she is in there. Quickly, I snatch up some clothes from in the wardrobe and run to the bathroom and throw on the clothes. I have never been one to wear alot of makeup, or really care at all about it, but I brush on a tiny bit of mascara, along with brushing my teeth and doing all the daily essentials. I toss my wavy hair back into a ponytail, which hangs loosely behind my back. Strangely, I skip back into the room, with all eyes on me. They are all ready and lingering beside the door, ready for my appearance. As soon as I am seen, they open the door and race out of it.

Sophia-Marie throws her arms out behind her, breathing in the air of the outdoors. Her orange hair shines in the sunlight, which has made an appearance in the sky for the third day in a row, which is odd for February time. Everything and everyone seems much happier today after the solemn end to yesterday. As we walk towards the cafeteria, we all catch sight of the outside of the room, where it all happened, with a burnt, charcoal blackness to it compared to the rest the dorm, which is painted a bright orange, similar to Sophia-Marie's hair in a way. Our heads drop and I turn away quickly, shaking away the images that always flood back.

I push infront of them to get first in the queue, although it doesn't make much different as there is alot of people waiting, surprisingly. I need to talk to Josh and swiftly, before I burst like a firework with all my theories that I have compacted inside me.

''Why so eager?'' Crystal says.

''Erm...'' I stop and think. I don't want to say that I am desperate to talk to Josh or they will think I love him or something stupid like that. I just go with the obvious fact. ''I haven't ate in a while. I'm starving, that's all.''

''Oh yes, I forgot. You were asleep so long, it looked like you were never going to wake. So we shared your lunch bag between us. Sorry about that.'' I shrug it off because I am not really interested at the moment.

Finally, I get my breakfast, which looks very appetizing. My mouth starts to water inside and my stomach lets out a loud grumble, which is fortunatly covered up by the noise that surrounds. The boom of voices. I glance around me, everyone looks tired and melancholy and over in the corner, one table appears to have two girls crying, with three others around them, there for support, hands on there shoulders and whispering comforting words. I dart towards our normal table, where Josh, Barron and Stefan are already sat. They look like they have only just arrived, with there plates full of there breakfast still.

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