Chapter 3- Prank Gone Wrong

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~~~ Next Day~~~

Kayla's P.O.V.

June 12, 2012

I woke up to loud knocking on the door suprised that it hasn't woken up Jay. I got out of his tight embrace then look into the peephole to see the crew standing outside. When I opened the door everyone yelled "HEY BABYGIRL" with big smiles on their face. I said hey and stepped to the side letting them in along with all their balloons. It was Kenny, Scooter, Carin, Pattie, Ryan Good, Alison, and Alfredo.

"Wheres Justin?" Ryan asked.

"He asleep on the couch" I said walking into the living room see Justin cuddling with a throw pillow.

"You head was on that pillow wasn't it" they all asked at the same time.

"Yes why?" I asked.

"Thats the only time he does that because and i quote "it smells like her hair" Fredo says.

"Oh you wanna scare him?" I asked smirking.

"Sure" they say.

"Yell that I'm missing and let him look for me" I say devilishly.

"He'll go crazy" Carin exclaimed.

"I know and I'll take the blame" I said.

"Where will you be?" Kenny asked.

"On top of the shelve of his closet" I replied.

"Okay go upstairs, it takes a awhile for him to get up unless its you" Pattie said.


Pattie's P.O.V.

"Justin, sweetie wake up" i said in a worried tone while shaking him.

"Hi mom what's wrong?" he replied with concerned eyes

"Kayla's missing" I said. Water began to fill his eyes.

"What? How did you guys get in then?" he asked shakily.

"I used my key" I answered.

"Are you sure she's not here?" He asked looking at everyone behind me.


Then he shot up with tears spilled out his eyes and started searching for her. When I turned around everyone had guilty faces on.

"I feel bad" Ryan said.

Everyone murmmred their "yeah" and "me too". We heard countless door opening and closing fastly with the sound of soft sobbing.

Kayla's P.O.V.

I heard him enter the closet crying and started to feel bad. When he got close enough I jumped down facing him to see tears flooding down his face.

"Kay" he said giving me a tight hug.

"I'm here Jay no need to cry it was just for fun, I didn't know you would be this upset I'm sorry" I cooed shushing him while he cried on my shoulder.

"I didn't want to lose you, you've been there for me since the radio stations and 40 followers, I can't loose you, I need you" he cried.

I never knew he felt like that. After 15 minutes we went downstairs with Jay holding me to his chest tightly. When we got down everybody stood up with guilty faces.

"I'm sorry Justin we didn't know you would freak out like that" they apoligized.

"It's okay" he softly said.

We all sat down on the couch like Kenny, Alfredo, Scooter, Carin, Alison, Ryan, Pattie, Justin and Me. Justin had his head on Pattie's lap and his legs on mine. We watched tv while snacking on the food from last night.

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