Chapter 19- Unfinished Business

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Kayla's P.O.V.
November 27, 2012

Today I'm going back to Abby's studio. I don't know exactly why but she told me be ready for two solos. I got up and put on grey spandex shorts, purple sports bra, overtop I put on a white shirt, sweatpants where one leg said yes and the other said no and black uggs then went downstairs. I saw Justin in his study room working on something with the door open. I leaned against the door frame and knocked. He looked up and smiled motioning for me to come in. I walked in and kissed his cheek. He pulled me on his lap and pushed the hair out my face then pecked my lips.
"Morning Gorgeous" He said.
"Morning Jay" I smiled.
"Don't you have dance today" He questioned.
"Yeah, but it's not for another two hours" I replied.
"Your so beautiful and you are all mine" He grinned proudly looking into my eyes.
"You are all mine" I mimicked kissing him. I usually don't kiss him first. I don't know why but I don't.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
"Yeah. That's why I came down here but you distracted me" I pouted crossing my arms over my chest.
He stood up carrying me and I cuddled into his neck. He set me down and went into the fridge. Together, we cooked bacon, eggs, and toast. It was a lot of fun and Justin kept doing little cute things like cutting my toast into little hearts and stuff like that. When we got done eating we laid on the couch cuddling and talking. At one point Justin was just staring at me with a slight smile on his face. We got in the car and drove down to the studio. When we walked into the den all the girls ran to Justin hugging him except Chloe becasue she's use to him. The moms greeted him saying hi. Melissa stared at him with hungry eyes waiting for him to say something.
"Kayla, we all bought your album. It's amazing!" Holly complimented.
"Thank you" I said sincerely.
"So Justin I know your tour has recently started so how is that going?" Melissa questioned. Thirsty.
"It's wonderful seeing all of my beliebers smile and sing my songs" He repiled with his eyes lighting up.
"Well if you ever need a dancer Maddie is available" She lightly smiled. All the other Moms rolled their eyes and Justin lightly nodded.
I walked over and sat next to Chloe. We began talking about everything and everything. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sophia glaring at me along with Maddie. Jackie was glaring at Justin but looked a little starstruck. Justin picked me up and placed me on his lap. He placed light kisses on my shoulder. I love when he shows this type of affection like when he kisses my shoulder or neck without it being sexual.
"COME IN GIRLS!" Abby exclaimed.
We all filed in and Justin stood with the moms. Abby greeted him by giving him a hug.
"As you can see Kayla is back again this week because she has some unfinished business" Abby started, "Last week all I heard was how Kayla only won because she's in the spotlight or because she stands out. This week we are going to 2 different competitions. Starpower and Hall of Fame. On the bottom of the pyramid is Brooke, Paige, MacKenzie, Nia, and Asia.
The next row is Kendall, Sophia, Maddie, and Chloe. On the top is of course the wonderful Kayla because she won in her division and got the overall highest score of the competition" Abby finished making everyone clap.
"The assignment for this week are going to be complicated. Maddie your solo is called Manhatten at the first competition. Also, Chloe you have a solo at both competitions. The first one is called Trouble and the other one is called You Can. Sophia, you have a tap solo called Syncopated Soph. Kayla, you have two solos and a duet. Since your older than all of them your going to have a solo that is way below your technique level which is called Nobody's Perfect. This is one of Chloe's old solos that the same panel of judges have seen. Your going to have another solo called Tap Diva against Sophia. Your duet partner is your little friend Asia and called my doll" Abby explained.
We began stretching and Justin gave me a kiss on the cheek then left. I saw him sitting next to Christi on his laptop with Melissa talking non-stop to him. He looked up and smiled at me. We started on the group dance first. It was really easy because Asia and MacKenzie were in it and I have a higher technique level than everyone. After that we worked on the duet so Asia wouldn't have to stay a longer while. Then it was time for a lunch break. I ordered a pizza to share with Chloe and Asia. We wasted time by taking photos and playing games. Justin came down and took a HUGE bite out of my slice of pizza. He sat with us talking about little stuff. He invitited them to dance on tour if they ever wanted to for fun. Sophia was the first one to work on her solo, then Maddie, Chloe, and lastly me. Justin came in the room because nobody else was here.
"We're gonna start on your tap dance first. How many continous pirouettes can you do?" Abby asked.
"23 or 24" I replied.
"Okay good. Your solo doesn't have any music because of the turns. You have to interact with the audience and show off a little and you start off stage" Abby informed.
We finished the dance and it was hard. I usually don't do tap solos so my technique isn't at the highest. I changed my shoes and got a drink of water catching my breath. Nobody's Perfect was really easy so we didn't have to run it a lot of times. I put my clothes back on and Jay picked me up carrying my bag. I smiled weakly at him and relaxed on his body. I was absolutely exhausted. He placed me in the car and drove off. When we got home I went straight to the bathroom. I stripped and ran myself a hot shower getting all the sweat and stink off my body. When I got out I put on a bandeau and shorts. I dragged myself into the living room. I saw that Justin had ordered tacos and quesdillas to eat. I smiled thankfully at him and began to pig out on the food. We were WAY to lazy to get up so we slept on the couch.
~~~Next Day~~~November 28, 2012
Kayla's P.O.V.

Right now at Starpower Dance Competition getting for the group dance. I'm sharing a dressing room with Chloe. We're helping each other with our solos. Once we were all dressed we walked backstage and walked until we were called then got into position.

Since I was the last one off stage I had to run to get changed for the duet. I slipped on my costume and ran back out just in time for when we were called. Asia was supposed to be a posessed doll that I owned. It was funny the funny that she had to make. The duet went really well. I changed into my lyricsl solo costume. Backstage I was running through my solo because I was nervous that I would forget it or mess up. Maddie went on first and did a good job. Chloe looked evil and played her role flawlessy.

When it was my turn I graced my way onstage and caught Justin's eye. He winked at me and I laughed. My solo was fun to do because it was calm and the cherograpy suited my personality good. I walked backstage and relaxed waiting for the other acts to finish. Everyone walked back out to the stage.
"First place goes to junior small group Act number 56 with This Is My Beauty from the Abby Lee Dance Company" The judge announced.
"Duo/trio first place winner is My Doll" Asia and I stood up taking the plaque and taking the picture.
"Third place winner with a score of 288.6 is Ms. Maddie with Manhatten" The judge started.
"Second place winner with a score of 293.4 is Ms. Chloe with trouble" Chloe stood up smiling getting her plaque.
"And first place winner with a score of 298.8 and crowned Junior Miss is Kayla Winters with Nobody's Perfect"
I jumped up and let them crown me. I took pictures and bowed. Getting back to the dressing room was hard. I changed into my tap solo costume and we ran to the car driving to the next competition. When we arrived Sophia was being called onstage so she went out and performed.

Chloe was called next and she did You Can. I'm not gonna I was scared she could've beat me. I was the last dance of the whole competition. I knew the judges were annoyed. I tapped my way on stage.

My solo went really good. When I was done everyone was standing up clapping even the judges. It was fun making the crowd jump and I did about 23 turns.
"Third place goes to Miss. Sophia Lucia with 256.4 points"
"Second place goes to Miss. Chloe with 290.3"
"First place goes to Miss. Kayla with 297.5"
Two crowns in one day isn't bad at all. We headed back into the ballroom where everyone was waiting. I changed out of my tap shoes and put on my uggs. Justin gave me a big hug and long kiss that made the girls go "oohh". I pulled away and he kissed my cheek going behind my to hold my waist. Abby came in and smiled gratefully at me. She gave me a hug and said that my performances were flawless.
"Chloe, you are getting right on Kayla's heels. To be honest, that's not a bad thing at all. Kayla is a well rounded dancer." Abby complimented.
"Sophia and Maddie, you both got third place. What am I supposed to do with a third place winner? You guys need to step up your game" Abby directed.
We packed up and I was walking with Chloe. I told that we would have a girls day out soon. We drove home and climbed in bed.
"Goodnight Princess" Justin whispered.
"Goodnight Prince" I mumbled placing my lips on his.
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