Chapter 15- As Long As You Love Me

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Kayla's P.O.V.
August 7, 2012
Today we are shooting the As Long As You Love Me music video. I haven't seen Justin since yesterday morning. I'll tell you what happened;
I woke up to banging on the door. Then I woke up Jay because I didn't want to go down by myself. Justin held my hand and we slowly opened the door. There stood Carin and Alfredo. They walked in and looked at us.
Carin- "You know how tomorrow your shooting the video?"
Justin- "Yeah"
Alfredo- "So since Kayla is the video girl, you guys can't see each other until tomorrow"
Kayla/Justin- "WHY????"
Carin- "Cause you have to act as if your being torn apart so everything you guys feel today you have to portray in the video"
Me- "But I don't wanna be away from him" I scooted closer to Justin.
Alfredo- "Sorry"
Carin- "Kayla, bring a bag of clothes with you. You'll be staying over Pattie's tonight"
I walked upstairs with Justin and packed clothes which were Justin's hoodie and sweatpants for tomorrow and for pajamas I got his shirt. We walked back downstairs clinging to each other.
Alfredo- "Give us your phones, laptops, iPods, and whatever else. You can't have any contact with each other"
Justin- "That's not fair! I have to know if she's okay!"
Carin- "She'll be with your mom. Justin she gonna be fine"
Alfredo- "You have 3 minutes to say goodbye"
Justin tightly embraced me in his arms. I placed my head on his neck. We held each other not wanting to let go. When they walked back in I kissed Justin as if we would never see each other again. I think it suprised Justin and to be honest it suprised me too. They pulled us apart until our lips unattached from each other. We gave each other one last wave and I got in the car. The whole day I didn't eat or talk much because I missed Justin. I missed his touch, hugs, kisses, laugh, and eyes. I love his eyes, they're so beautiful. I went to bed in his shirt wishing he was here to hold me and protect me in my sleep. My knight in shining armour.
Right now it's 11 and I'm heading to the set. Justin's already there cause he had to film some things. I can't wait to see him! I missed him so much!
Carin's P.O.V.
I was driving Kayla to set. Her and Justin were a mess yesterday. They both need to go eat. The whole ride Kayla was quiet and looking out the window. I hated to do that to them but the whole point was to pull emotion out of both of them. The video has a lot of lovey stuff that they do naturally but it has a part were they are being torn apart and I want them to be able to show the right emotion. When we pulled up Kay jumped out the car and ran straight to Justin. She tackled him to the ground and held him tightly. He returned the favor and held her close to his chest smiling at her.
Justin's P.O.V.
Someone tackled me down and hugged me. At first I was scared but then I felt the warm touch I feel when Kay hugs me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to my chest. We laid on the ground for about 5 minutes before she spoke up.
"I missed you so much" She exclaimed.
"Me too babygirl, it was horrible" I whispered.
It's true, it was horrible and miserable. I couldn't eat or be happy without talking to her. Even when we are apart I still can talk to her cause she has her phone. We got up off the ground and walked to her trailer cause she needed to get ready. I helped her put on the clothes and we walked out hand in hand. The director said to grab the bikes and ride around the area. We rode around laughing about things and tried to hold hands but realized it was too hard and let go. When that scene got done it was break/lunch time.
"You guys need to eat. Both of you didn't eat enough yesterday" Scooter said.
"Ok" I replied.
"Order something cause you can't go out" Scooter stated them walked away.
"Aww, you didn't eat cause you missed your Juju?" I teased.
"Yes" Kay mumbled walking into my chest.
"Well I was a wreck too" I said.
"Of course you were how could you not miss all this?" Kay asked motioning herself.
"I know. Damn, I'd tap that" I grinned biting my lip. She fell into my chest again making me laugh. I felt her kiss my chest.
"Especially this" I continued squeezing her butt making her pull away.
"JUSTIN!!" She whined walking away.
"No wait! I'm sorry, I was just joking" I apologized throwing her over my shoulder.
I walked into my trailer and put her down hugging her repeating that I was sorry. When she wrapped her arms around me I sighed in relief. I brought her back outside and ordered some Mexican. When it got here I pulled Kay back into my trailer and just stared at her. She met my eyes then quickly looked back down. I mentally laughed at her cuteness. I sat on the couch and grabbed her hips sitting her on my lap.
"Are you mad at me babygirl?" I asked.
"No" She replied.
"Then why aren't you talking?" I questioned.
"Just thinking about stuff" She shrugged.
"Like what?" I quizzed.
"You" She answered.
"What about me?" I asked.
"How much I missed you yesterday. I missed everything about you. Your hugs, kisses, voice, hair, and eyes. Oh my goodness, you have such beautiful brown eyes with the little specks of green. And too add on I had the WORST sleep ever. I didn't have you to protect me or keep me safe. Your my knight in shining amour" She rambled on laying on my chest. I love when she does that. She looks so innocent and little.
"Aww, to be honest, I think about you too. A LOT. Especially when your not with me" I said looking down at her. All she did was cuddle into me more.
When I looked up at the door I saw the camera crew and Alfredo filming what just happened.
"We came to tell you guys that you have 2o minutes to eat and get dressed but you guys were so cute we had to film it" The director said.
I handed Kayla her food then we dug in because we were hungry from yesterday. After we got done eating Kay and I changed into some more outfits and walked out as soom as they were about to get us.
"So you guys have to be on the bed and mess around with each other but have some cute romantic moments" The director instructed.
We laid on the bed facing each other and I felt the whole world disapper.
"GO!" was what I heard that felt like it was screamed from so far away but I know it wasn't.
Kayla's P.O.V.
Justin pulled me closer and looked into my eyes smiling softly. He caressed my leg running his hand up and down. Then he rolled me over on my back then hovered on top of me. He slowly leaned down and kisses my lips. He held it there for a couple seconds then let go rolling over and cuddling on my chest. We laid there cuddling and taking pictures. I almost forgot that the cameras were still there. Then we wrote cute stuff on each others hands and arms. When that scene was done it was nighttime.
~~~~~Skip The Rest Of Filming~~~~
We just done filming and were getting ready to go see Jay and I's new house. Justin's still gonna keep his house because that is where all the parties are. This house is more family friendly.
We pulled up to the gates and Jay entered a passcode. We pulled in and parked. Then walked up to the front door to see that instead of a key you use a fingerprint. It's a little touch screen device above the doorknob. You press person then choose who you are. There's Justin, Pattie, Kenny, Alfredo, Mom-mom, and me. Then you press your thumb on the scanner and let go. The door unlocked and the device spray some type of liquid on itself so the print doesn't stay there. We walked inside and was greeted by a foyer. The house was HUGE. It was three floors and a basement. It had 10 bedrooms with a bathroom attached then 1 huge master bedroom for Jay and I with a bathroom attached and two walk-in closets. We had a family room, a living room, kitchen, half-bath, and pantry room. In the basement there was a pool, a pool table, pac man machine, foos ball table, air hockey, recording studio with instruments, and dance room equipped with outfits, shoes, mats, barrés, and a surround sound system. After checking out the house we got back into the car.
"All the furniture will be in by Monday" Justin informed me and I just nodded.
He drove home with his hand on my thigh rubbing it up and down. We arrived home and went into the living plopping on the couch. Justin lifted me onto his lap so I was straddling his waist and laid his head on my chest.
"Hey, uh, babygirl?" Justin asked nervously.
"Yes?" I said playing with his hair.
"Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" He wondered.
"Of course" I squealed hugging him.
I heard him sigh in relief then he kissed my cheek. He stood up carrying me and walked to our room. I laid my head on his shoulder. We stripped out of our clothes and laid in bed.
"Goodnight beautiful, have a good sleep, you have a long day tomorrow" Justin whispered.
"Goodnight Juju" I mumbled.
"I love you" He said kissing my forehead.
"I love you" I mumbled laying my head on his chest and falling asleep.
Who knew this would be the last night like this for a long while.

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