Chapter 7

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Niall's pov

I don't want Kylie to leave. And when I told her 'do whatever you think is right' I really want her to stay with me. That's selfish, I know. But I really think I'm falling for her. She probably doesn't like me like that. I know she doesn't like me like that, although there's a little part of me that keeps me hoping she does. "I think I made up my mind" she whispers. "Y-you did?" I ask shaky. I'm nervous. Nervous that she'll leave me here even though I know it's what's best for her. "I'm staying here. With you" she looks up at me. "Really?" I ask in disbelief. "I can't leave you." "But what about... What about Jake? You need to be in the states so he can't find you" I always have to think of the worst possible thing that could happen. "He could find you here... And.. And do it to you... Again.." My voice is almost at a whisper. "I don't give a fuck about him. If he comes near me I will chop off his baby maker. It'll be fine. I promise." "But what about Brooke?" "I'll just get a job and hire a babysitter" "but you need to be there for her. She needs a mother." She groans.

Kylie's pov

I know Niall's right. Brooke needs a mother. I'm too young to be a mother. I can't take care of her. I groan. 'I Wish' begins to play and I answer my phone.

K- hello?

Sandy- Kylie,

K- mom. Is everything alright?

Sandy- Yes. I just wanted to tell you goodbye.

K-goodbye? What do you mean goodbye?

Sandy- John,Brooke,and I's flight leaves in 20 and we are boarding now. Have fun in the UK with the boys. We'll always be just a call away.

K- w-what? But mo-

Sandy- gotta go.. Bye babe!

The phone drops out of my hand onto the ground. "Ky... Kylie?" Niall's Irish accent rings through my ears. "What happened?!" "Th-they're gone. They're on their way to the states. And they have Brooke" my mouth is open,not knowing what else to say. "I'm so sorry" the Irish boy keeps repeating. "Why are you sorry?" "Because. Your family left. And they have Brooke. Aren't you upset?" He asks. "I honestly don't even know what to feel right now." "Why don't we go back to the boys. Get your mind off things?" I nod not being able to find the right words.

We walk hand in hand until we get back to the car. He opens my door and then runs to his door. I turn the radio up. Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran booms through the speakers. Humming along to the music,I stare out the window. "It'll be okay" Niall tries to reassure me.

We get back to the tour bus. "Hi Kylie!!" They all smile. Not wanting them to suspect anything,I put on my best fake smile. When Louis suggests to play truth or dare, I know they believed my smile and think everything's okay.

We all sit in a circle on the floor. I'm in between Niall and Liam. "Harry truth or dare" Louis starts off. "Dare" he states. "I dare you too..... kiss Kylie!" Harry comes to sit next to me and I look at Niall next to me. He tenses up but I shoot him a smile as if to say 'everything's fine,I only like you.' Harry leans in and our lips connect. I didn't feel any sparks or whatever you're supposed to feel when you like someone and you kiss them. But I don't like Harry, so it doesn't really matter. I pull away first and he goes to sit back down. "Niall,truth or dare" Harry smirks evilly. He obviously has an idea inside that curly head of his. "T-truth" he stutters. "No wait, dare!" He decides. Harry looks at Niall and then to me. The Cheshire boy whispers something into Louis' ear making him grin really big and nod his head in approval. "I dare you to go over to Stacey's and do 7 minutes in heaven." If looks could kill,I would've shot,punched,and beat Harry in the baby maker with a watermelon. I don't know where this jealous side of me is coming from. I guess it's just cause I was starting to think me and Niall were an item. He never said he wanted to be or that he even liked me. Stupid brain for assuming things. Stupid brain for thinking I actually had a chance. Stupid brain for... I get snapped out of my thoughts when Louis drags me along with everyone else to a house down the street. We all hide behind a bush in the back but Harry makes sure we can all see through this 'Stacey' girls bedroom window. "Hello umm.. Is Stacey home?" Niall asks. "She's up in her room." He nods and walks into the house. "Oh this is so exciting!" Louis chirps. Harry chuckles, Zayn doesn't pay any attention because he goes to smoke,and Liam keeps his mouth shut. "Look there they are!" Harry points out. I look up at the window. My eyes dart up to Niall,who's grabbing the girl by her waist and pulling her close to him. Their lips connect and soon her hands tangle in his hair. His hand is behind her neck and the other is cupping her cheek. I quickly turn away so I don't have to watch anymore, and walk to the house. "Where are ya going Kylie?" Harry asks,amusement clear in his voice. "I'm going to get a snack" I lie. "AWW.. You're missing the show" he fake whines. "Tell it to someone who cares" I snap.


I knew he didn't like me. I mean,I thought he did. I guess he was just being nice to me all this time. The hugs,and helping with Brooke, it was all a lie. He didn't want to do any of it. He didn't want anything to do with me. Now, I have no clue what to do. My parents and Brooke are on their way to the states. And Niall is obviously interested in Stacey. That leaves me stuck with nowhere to go. Maybe I'm overreacting. My anger is just motivating me and controlling everything I do. I decide to pack all my things and call a cab.

Niall's pov

I walk into Stacey's house and up to her room. "Hey Niall" she smiles. I walk right up to her and smash my lips onto hers. Soon she tangles her hands in my hair and I don't know what possesses me, but I cup her cheek and rest my other hand behind her neck. A rock gets thrown at her door and I take that as my cue to leave. I run down the stairs and back to the boys. We all walk back to the bus. Then I notice something's missing... "Where's Kylie?"


An: ahhh. i havent written in so long! I'm so so so so sorry. I've been busy and had writers block and ahchdjsjx. But I'm back and plan to update again.(:

sooo what do ya think? It sucks, I know... But I haven't written in forever.

Yeah that's all I have to say... Love you and keep reading pleaseeeeee ;*


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