Chapter 4

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Nialls POV

What am I supposed to do now? I dont know anything. Stupid fucking doctors won't tell anyone anything. "doctor!" I stop the woman in blue pants and a matching shirt. "can I help you,sir?" "how is she?" "how is who?" "the girl in 302. What happened? Is she alright?" "lemme go check" she excuses herself,unlocks the door,and heads into the room.

A few minutes later she walks out holding a clipboard. "is she okay?" I rush. "she's in a coma." "wait,what? No,that's not possible. What EXACTLY happened?" "she went into shock. Nothing get her heart rate and everything back to normal. So they put her in a coma. Tomorrow they will try to pull her out of it. After that,if she doesn't come to tomorrow,it's all a big waiting game to see when she wakes up" she explains. "she'll wake up,right? She has to..eventually." "no one knows for sure. I'm sorry." I swear under my breath. Kylie HAS to survive. She has a daughter!! Brooke needs her. I'm not gonna be able to fill in the father roll,especially being on tour!

Tears fill my eyes and my hands tremble. "I can't do this...I have to go" I say and fast walk out to my car. The boys shout my name but I don't turn or look back. I can't handle this stress. I need to get away from it...from the world. Just for the night.

"I'll have a beer." The bartender examines my license,gives it back to me and hands me my drink. The drink burns my throat.

A few drinks later,my vision is blurred and I don't know whats going on. A red headed girl about my height is dancing on me. "Niall! Mate!" someone calls. A Brown haired boy walks up to me and pulls me away from the girl. "I was dancing!" I complain. "Niall,we have to go" he orders sternly. "who are you?" "it's me. Liam." "are you my pet turkey?" I ask. "no,get in the car" he shoves me into a black van where I meet three other boys. "are you gonna rape me? Cuz this is a rapist van" I announce. "no. You're our best mate. Why would anyone wanna rape someone?" a curly haired boy asked. "why is there a bush on your head??" "it's my hair" "no,I'm pretty sure that's a there a squirrel in your bush?" "IT'S NOT A BUSH!!" he exclaims. "ok then mr.crabby pants." The boys burst out laughing. So do I.

*the next morning*

I'm in a bed. I have no clue where I'm at but I have a terrible headache. Somehow I manage to stand and quickly find the kitchen. Harry's drinking milk out of the carton. "what happened last night?" I ask rubbing my forehead. "you were drunk. Thought my hair was a bush..." he chuckles. "ugh. I have a major headache." "here" he hands me tylenol and a glass of water. I drop the pill in my mouth and gulp down the water. "thanks mate" "yeh. Hey. You know what today is,ready to go?" he asks. "what?" "hospital. They're gonna try to get Kylie out of the coma." "oh shit. We gotta go" I rush and run out to my car,speeding to the hospital.

The hospital doors automatically open. When I get to the elevator I push the '3' and wait....A ding fills my ears and my feet sprint to room 302. Luckily,it was unlocked. "is she alright? How is she?" I ask. "they'll try to pull her out of the coma when doctor Mitchell gets back" Kylie's mom informs me. As if on cue,the doctor walks in. "everyone out" he demands. "when will we know if she wakes up?" I ask. "in a few minutes" he replies.

I lean against the white,plain hospital wall and sigh,running a hand through my hair nervously. She better be ok. She has to wake up.

My mind is a jumble of thoughts and I snap back to reality when doctor Mitchell comes out of the room. "how is she?" He extends an arm to the room and I enter. Her hazel eyes stare into my green ones. "oh my god. Kylie!" I run over to her. "are you ok?" "yeh..I missed you. Where's brooke?" she asks. "I'll go get her. You're mum's here too." She nods and I walk to get brooke and Mrs.Jones.

Kylie's POV

A bunch of doctors murmur amongst themselves and then it quiets down. I don't know what the heck happened,but the doctor got me awake. "how are you feeling ms.jones?" he asks. "uh. Can I leave?" I question. "I'll go check." He exits the room and Niall walks in. "pj my god. Kylie!" he runs to me. "you ok?" "yeh..I missed you. Where's brooke?" "I'll go get her. Your mum's here too" Niall adds. I nod and he walks out of the room, but returns with my mom and daughter. "brooke! Come ere baby!!" I smile. She climbs on my bed and snuggled next to me. "I missed you mommy" she sniffs. "I missed you too" my arms wrap round her tiny body. I plant a kiss on her chubby cheek and she giggles. "hey guys" I smile and wave at my mom and niall. "can we please get out of here?" I ask.

Doctor Mitchell walks into the hospital room. "you're free to go. Have a good day" he nods. "yeahhhh" I drag out the word. "See ya!" I yell and sprint outside. Just for a moment,my eyes close and I take a deep breath. Pine needles and grass fill my nose. Well,there is a forest nearby so that explains the pine needles...

I'm drifted out of my thoughts by Niall hugging me from behind. "Jesus,you scared me!" I gasp,clutching my heart. "I'm sorry! But I haven't hugged you in forever!" he whines. I turn to face him and wrap my arms around his waist an lean my head on his chest. "I missed you,Nialler" "I missed you too,Ky." He came up with a nickname for me?! Ok,that's really cute. I know it's kinda stupid to think that,but Niall is adorable,so I'll allow it. "can we go eat? I'm starving!" "me too!" he agrees and I followed Niall to his car.

We met my mom and Brooke at a little café in town. While waiting for our food and drinks,we had small talk and Niall complained how worried he was that I wouldn't wake up. "but I did. I'm right here" was my response. "I'm glad you're ok" he smiles.

Our food comes,we eat,and I go home with mom and Brooke. Niall chills with the boys for the rest of the day.

"peek a boo!" I remove my hands from my face. Brooke giggles. "peek a boo!" I repeat,she giggles again and so do I.

A few hours of being lazy,I get a call. Unknown number.. Umm. Ok?


"when I get out of here,I'm coming after you. You will be mine forever and will NEVER see that Niall again" his cold voice threatens through the phone. Jake.


An: here ya go! Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter but I've been really busy!!!

Did you think drunk Niall was funny? I was laughing when I wrote it. Lol.

I'll update when I get 25 reads!!

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