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Rylie POV

It was early morning where I found my self awake. No sleep, no food, and nothing to do. What a surprise. I looked around the lonely camp and realized I was basically by my self. The girl never speaks to me anymore, the man.. Well let's say he forgot I'm existence. We only collaborate when we find something interesting which hasn't happened yet.

"Good morning Rylie." She said. I looked at the tents opening.

"Good morning. How are you?"

"I'm good. Have you been hearing all the Ruckus?" She said with a small smile.

"Which was?"  I asked having no clue what she was talking about.

"The tiger sitting out about 400 hundred feet.. He's been sitting there for a few hours. But he isn't hunting at all."

"I should be worried?" She shook her head.

"Not unless you want to." She said walking away. I stretched and stood.
I didn't want to move I didn't want to get up and see what was going on. I wanted sleep. But I looked out and suddenly a tongue was in my face.

"Hello!" I said. I wiped my face and hoped that no one saw that. Especially the asshole here on camp. I walked out to the wild beast and he sat up. He did a small mew and I walked up to him. His eyes staring into my own.

"I wish sometimes you were human. But you know.. You're not." He looked at me and tilted his head. "I know I know. It wont happen, but sometimes I feel like you understand me. You get me when no one else can. You understand  my love for nature and my fight to keep it beautiful unlike ... that ape." I said. He looked at me like I had food. But I didn't. He rubbed his head against my leg and I rubbed behind his ears and soon I heard deep purrs.  I wish that I could find some one or something that will always be here. That wont ever go away. But that was hard to  find. His paw was resting on my knee and he had lightly mewed. 

"Buddy, do you understand me?" The wild animal did nothing but look at me, making conversation in its head. I have come to think that maybe in this instant everything could go wrong. He would attack and kill me and I would have to let him becuase I have nothing to fight for. 

"I have nothing left to fight for. Unlike you, you have a life to fend for. Which I am curious. Do you always come here or ... What is your life like? Do you have a lover? Do you have cubs? Do you hunt with another? Or are you alone?" He growled but not a mean growl and more ... happy growl. Or at least that what I thought he did. 


I watched the strange man talk to me. I know what he is saying but what most animals dont know is a great secret I have.  I watched him and suddenly my heart began to pound. I didnt like it. I didnt like the way I feel. I stood and walked closer to the camp and looked back at him. He shook his head. 

"No, thats dangerous." I looked down and suddenly I got a great Idea! I Jumped on his lap in a swift movement. "Bud!What- how, why are you on my lap?" He said petting me. I knew he was weary around me. Im not mean. I mean , I can be... But I think I know him well enough to know he wouldnt hurt me on purpose. Once, he stepped on my paw and I pushed him down. He was scared he covered his face and was whimpering like a baby cub scared of the dark. 

I watched the boy ruffle his fur. His colored eyes watched me and I watched him. I licked my lips and yawned. 

"You are quite a beautiful tiger. What are you doing here? Of all places? Are there more of you?" I could answer but... Im not going to. I dont want to get in trouble with my pack. I laid down and he was crushed under me. But a joyful sound came out of him. Maybe it was his playful sound. It was choppy, but ever so happy. I watched as his eyes lit in the sun. He looked happy, not how he usually looks depressed and angry. With him I was stress free. Like the world was not on me everyday. The fear of dying and the fear of being alone. No mate, shelter, food. Everything that an animal needs. Does my human Rylie have a mate? Does he have someone to go back home to? Or are they just... hit and runs? I never wanted a mate. I thought about it and all the females and some males ( Guys have moments to define their dominance) have tired to be with me, but I always reject or fight. I dont want to be some ones care giver. But with my human... Its different. Its almost like I wanna give him the world. All the gazelles I can mange to hunt. All the rabbits I can dig up and give him baths. I wanted to make him happy. My human must not be the happiest other wise his tail would flick or wave or something. But it never does. Does he even have one? I am a curious creature. 

"Buddy, sometimes I wish you were human. You know that? I wonder what you would look like. " He said. " Snow white hair brown blue eyes and tan skin? Since you're always in the sun of course." I wanted to lick him but that may seem to come off offensive. So I kept it to myself. "Or maybe your taller than me? I would prefer you shorter cause I like shorter friends. You would probably tell me I am an idiot for wanting short friends." I sat in front of him and listened. " You would be nice, but humorous, No?" I tilted my head in response but he didn't say much. " Would you speak English? Of course, but not very good because you are a big cat." He smiled and petted me between the ears and damn that felt so good. I purred even! 

"Maybe, one day you'll be just as happy as you are now." He said quietly. I looked at him with one eye open. And his hand stopped petting me and his hand went to his hands. I poked his hand with his nose but felt little ridges on his arms. He was a tiger too! He had reddish lines on his arms, all the way up and down. He never told me, maybe he was ashamed of it. I would tell him in my form... But he does'nt know. Should I tell him.. Should I change? 

I decided no, I looked at his arms and the other one had less tiger marks. But im shocked its not anywhere else on my human. My human is a special human. I was proud of that. He was mine too. 

" I am sorry but .. I have to go. I gotta go feed my pack." I whimpered and licked him and ran off. 

bye human 

" Bye buddy." he said a few seconds after I thought it. 

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