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I woke up to the sounds of chirping birds . I slowly opened my eyes and yawned .   I noticed that Tyra wasn't up yet so I quietly jumped down and drank water from the still pond. Where only small ducks swam silently. I drank and stretched . 
I did what any normal one would do poop and pee . I shook my fur and trotted into the plains . I found a lone gazell and crouched down and stalked it .

After its head went down I slowly and silently made my way towards it .

Once I was one foot away I got my claws out and jumped . I dug my nails into the warm flesh , and bit the throat . I dragged the thrashing  gazell down to the groumd holding it there until it stopped moving. I waited . I felt the blood slowly drip from my muzzle . I was proud of my kill . I grazed on  my meal until only bones were left . I stood up full but not enough to where I couldn't run . Because Tike seems to be on patrol today with 3 other male lions . And I don't want NO trouble today . I had nothing to do today . I have no mate to come back to and I already ate . I walked to the human camp . Nothing was stirring around not even the mosquito's . I slowly walked through sniffing everything  . Even a marked territory spot . But this marking is hard to distinguish which of the humans it is . I quickly forgot about the marking and went to the home of the sweet and tangy human. The male must have some food that smells that good . I saw there was a little peeping hole and I quickly stuck my head in . I smelled the sweet tangy smell  . I sat up and the hole to the home became bigger . I sat there and sniffed through the males things . like cloths and weird looking things .

I guess I would have that if I chose to switch back and forth to a human monkey thing .

I cringed . It must suck not being able to defend your self with your own paws ....Or claws .

I sniffed the fur of the human monkey . And that's the smell . I licked it but it didn't taste the way it smelled . I grunted and walked out of the home . I won't forget this human . He was kind like the female but females always cause trouble between males . And I don't wanna be in a fight .

I was walking out when that male had gotten up . I watched him intentyly . I growled . Why was he following me . His fur was sticking up everywhere , he looked sleepy and uncoordinated . I tensed ready to attack if I must . I didn't want to attack this one but if I must then I will.

" Ah shit .." He spoke . I am not sure what that meant but some of the other humans were coming ,I gave him the I'll be back to visit look.

And I sprinted off. I ran through the tail grass trying to get away . I didn't want to get Shot and put on a wall . I kept running but I heard shots and screams .

" Look what you did rose ! Now it comes back and stalks us!! It went into Rylies tent!"

" Don't shoot him !" Rose said .

" Next time I'll do what I must . And you won't stop me and I'll have a prize fur  ." He screamed and I blocked them out and scrambled up a tree , feeling my tense body flow with energy . I tried hard to calm down . Then I heard a distressed mama lion call to her cubs after a minute she had stopped  having found them.

I had thought about just sleeping the rest of the day . But curiosity will be death of me. Curiosity killed the cat. I wanted to find out more about that sweet tangy smelling male . I have forgotten his name ... Did he even have one ?

I am debating if I should go back or not . I want to but I'll get shot but that as a risk I'm willing to take . I would go back when the light is dark enough where you can watch and not get attacked my  mosquitoes .

I walked all the way back to the water hole . I didn't want to go through the cheetahs territory because one they are viscious beasts and two I am lazy . So I went through the  lions , but made sure that none were on the same route .

As I was walking night animals were coming out . I saw little animals the size of my paw run before me . And scatter to a new place chattering away .

Meerkats were running about collecting all the  food they found for  them self a for the next day . It was really hard to catch them . I tried but I fail every time . Once I reached the watering  hole,  not many animals were there just a mother rhino and her baby . I climbed my tree to find Tyra gone but that's okay . If she doesn't come back in three days I'll look for her .

I looked up at the sky watching the little dots be bright and light up the ground . I always wondered  what they are . Mom told me .. Before she died of course that they keep all animals safe from harm . When one burns brighter it means a baby has been born or a young baby has become an adult . And she said that olders from the past are up there too . I wonder where they go .. Can the sky be that big ? For all those animals from  thwe world? Does the sky pick who gets to go to the sky ? I always wonder to help me ease my mind . But sometimes remembering certain things come with being sad . But its okay . Because mom was right .. Life moves on , and not everything is bad.

So that maybe why I am so curious about this Rylie. what If Rylie is a rabid monkey human thing ? I watched as a bright dot in the sky flew across quickly like the African  birds do to escape a quick death .

What if the dots made something come true ? Like what if I wanted to kill a buffalo with out getting hurt ? Would they do it ? I meantlaly chuckled . I just have to learn to hunt better . MY fault .

I laid there content and thinking of water tonight as I return . But what will this trip bring me ? Tradgey or .. New things ... ? 

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