Chapter 22: The Will

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I am so incredibly shitty with updating lately. I'm sorry. life has been a downright roller coaster. not always in the bad way... but a lot of stuff has happened..


"Thanks for lunch. . . again. I loved it." Kellin said, lacing his fingers with mine as we left the diner. Ever since that first time, we had met up for breakfast, lunch or dinner on several different occasions. And every single time had been very enjoyable. I felt comfortable around Kellin. It was great.

"No need to thank me, you're great company." I told him honestly.

Kellin then gripped onto my hand a little tighter, smiling at me. "So, when's our next date?" He asked.

I frowned, the mere word causing me to become nervous. "Date?" I questioned, thinking I had probably heard him all wrong.

He chuckled softly and nodded in confirmation. "Yes, date. . . what else do you think we've been doing all this time?"

And if I wasn't embarrassed before, I definitely was now. "I uh- I don't know. I kept telling myself that it was exactly what we weren't doing, just so I wouldn't look like a total idiot."

He giggled at me for that. "So cute." He said, voicing his thoughts. "How about I bring you home so you can think about it?"

I glanced down at the ground, hiding the fact that I was grinning ear to ear behind the locks of my own hair. "Yeah, sure."

Being with Kellin was strange. But it was a good kind of strange. He was the closest thing to Ana I would ever get again. Not that I was expecting to find someone like her, because Kellin was great, but he made me feel good about how I still felt about her. He accepted it. He understood. And I was grateful to have him in my life.

When we arrived at my apartment, I got a little nervous. Should I invite him in? Should I say goodbye and tell him I'll call him? I had no idea.

But before I even had the time to decide what I was going to do, Kellin's lips were on mine.

I stared at him in shock, wide-eyed, while his eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his smooth lips a little harder onto mine.

Instantly, I felt sick. But it was an amazing kind of sick. My stomach was doing backflips at the mere feeling of his warm lips on mine. And I had to fight back a nervous tremble.

Suddenly I felt a warmth wash over me, like my whole body was blushing. I remembered sort of feeling that way when I first kissed Ana. . . this was different, though. Also because I wasn't drunk this time.

Just when I finally found the courage to kiss Kellin back, I heard the apartment door opening up. "Hey I thought I heard so-oooh I am so sorry." Of course it just had to be Mike.

I groaned softly, pulling away from Kellin as the mad blush finally reached my face. I was about to apologize to him when he just smiled bashfully at me; his own cheeks a little rosy as well, causing a small grin to tug at the corner of my mouth.

"I don't mean to interrupt but uh- there's a dude in a suit in our living room and it's kinda freaking me out." My younger brother then informed me, sounding a little on edge. "I swear, I didn't do anything."

I sighed and rubbed my face with both my hands, trying to get rid of the warmth and the obvious redness. "Are you in trouble?" Kellin then asked.

I looked at him and shook my head, giving him a small smile. "It's probably nothing." I assured him, even though I had no idea what it was at all.

Dreamless in Early Graves (Vic Fuentes / Kellic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now