Chapter 17: The Decision

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I'm thinking this book will probably go to chapter 20. maybe more, but definitely not less.



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I was unconscious more often lately than I was awake. My body had been fighting so much that it hardly had any energy left to do anything else. I couldn't really eat either. Everything that I was given was in liquid form, even medication. Still though, swallowing wasn't exactly easy.

This night was the first time that I woke up and it was still dark. I opened my eyes and glanced around, expecting to be alone, but I wasn't. Vic was in a chair, right beside my bed. His head rested on the edge while he carefully held my tube-covered hand in his.

I actually thought that he was fast asleep, until I heard the soft noises that escaped his lips. I frowned to myself, guilt washing over me as I tried moving my hand to let my thumb caress the back of his.

His head shot up the second he felt it, his eyes glistening in the darkness, tears rolling down his beautiful, sad face. "Please don't cry, Vic." I pleaded softly, feeling absolutely terrible, knowing that I was the cause of this.

He whimpered softly, a sob forcing its way out of his throat as he looked at me. "Vic, please, you knew this was going to happen." I knew it wasn't the right thing to say, but I just didn't know what else to do. Telling him that things would be okay was a flat out lie, and I could no longer sugarcoat things for him.

"I know, I know, you told me. . . you told me I should've stopped myself from getting close to you, but I couldn't, I just couldn't." He sobbed in a desperate ramble. "And I'm just so mad, like. . . if there really is a God, like I was raised to believe, then why the hell would He do something like this? You're so amazing, and I love you, and it's just so fucking unfair."

I gently shushed him, caressing his cheek with my hand while he just cried for a few minutes. He probably had to get it out of his system, since I had never actually seen him cry before over this whole thing. He always kept himself so strong.

"Your hand is so cold. . . are you cold?" He then asked me, softly placing one of his hands on top of mine as I cupped his cheek.

"No, I'm fine." I assured him, giving him a small smile.

Vic took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, sad whimpers still invading his breaths. "It's just my luck, you know? I finally really fall in love with someone, and she dies." He said, faking some laughter as he wiped away his tears.

"At least you got to experience it at all."

He nodded knowingly before he took another shaky breath and looked at me. "Why are you never upset about this?" He asked me. "I mean, I've never seen you get angry or sad. . . how?"

Dreamless in Early Graves (Vic Fuentes / Kellic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now