Chapter 8 - Our Wedding Day

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Lilys POV - I was standing outside the two big doors I have my bridesmaids and pageboys infront of me and they all looked amazing, I was standing linked arms with my brother in law. You can guess why my dad wasn't there right, but that wasn't going to ruin my day as the doors open my brother in law whispered into my ear your nan would be proud of you and she's with you every step of the way. It was my time to walk, we made out first steps I looked up to my mum and sister both mouthed you look beautiful so did Anna and Gemma. I finally saw harry at the end of the walk down. He smiles wide as I got there my brother in law kissed my cheek and handed me to harry he leant in and kiss my cheek and said you look beautiful, your nans with you I promise you that he then whipped the tear away and we began,

Harrys POV - The two doors opened I couldn't see Lily just yet but I see all the bridesmaids and pageboys I smiled at my four best mates by my side as I finally see Lily I had two things to say to her she looked beautiful and her nan was with her every step of the way, I could promise her that. I whipped the one tear that slid down her cheek away knowing she just wanted her nan here. The priest then began it was time for Lily's vows then mine.

Lily's POV - I breath in as I start my vows -"I, Lily Emma Lastname take you, Harry Edward Styles to be my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." as I said these vows I slipped he's ring on he's finger. now it was he's turn.

Harrys POV - I breath in and start mine - "I, Harry Edward Styles take you, Lily Emma Lastname to be my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." I said this as I slid the ring on her finger, at that point the priest then said and by the power vested in my I pronounce you Husband and Wife with that I did what I did best I kissed the hell out of my Mrs Styles.

Lily's POV - I took it all in as my Mr Styles kissed my face off I heard Louis shout Oi Hazza put the bride down save it for tonight. I laughed as harry pulled away we walked hand in hand out of the church and had a few pictures taken and then watched everyone leave and our bridesmaids and the pageboys and the four best men in one limo and me and harry then got into our limo, he helped me in and then got in he's self, he took one look and said to me being he's cheeky self Mrs Styles you look hot in white but you look hotter naked in our bed as he winked.*

Harrys POV - After being cheeky to my new wife we got to our reception everyone was there of course so all we had to do was walk in I couldn't wait. Everyone cheered as we walked in and we all sat and ate then it was time for the speeches :)

Louis speech - Lady's and Gentlemen I would first off like to say Congratulations Harry and Lily, they will be together forever I know they will I would second like to thank Lily for opening up and letting us all in and I would like to thank harry for taking care of her and being the best little brother I could ask for I Love you both.   

Liam's speech - I would like to Congratulate them both and I would like to thank harry for not only being a best friend and band member and a little brother and I want to thank lily for putting up with us all, I love you both.  

Zayn's speech - Congratulations to you both im the happiest big brother alive to watch my youngest brother and my best friend finally say I do because honestly you are both CUTE AS A BUTTON. love you.  

Niall's speech - Congratulations to you both you two make the sun shine even when its raining I have seen a strong couple like you too since I watch my brother get married and I hope that one day I have a strong relationship like yours. love you always.

My brother in law speech - I would like to start by saying Years ago when I meet lily she was quite and shy and I never knew why and when I got to know her I knew it was her past and she let me into that I guess I took 3 roles on when I meet lily I became one of her best friends and brother and some what like a father figure to her and no how big she gets she will always be mine and her sister likkle baby sister and I would now like to thank harry for understanding her inside and out and I would like to Congratulations the both of them and say I love you both and wish you the best of luck forever.  

My Mum speech - Congratulations to the both of you I wish you the best of luck and I want to thank harry for being the reason my daughter became so happy and for understanding her and her past and I would like to thank lily for being the best daughter I could of asked for. love you both.

Anna's speech - Congratulations and I would like to first thank Lily's mum YMN for letting us all into her family and I would like to thank lily for making my little boy the happiest in the world and I would like to thank harry for being my little boy and making me proud, love you both.

My Little Cousin speech - Okay for first off I want to say Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Styles, im going to start by thanking Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn for being four amazing best friends and brothers and I would like to thank harry for being that too but also for making my cousin happy for once in her life she deserve what she has and now I would like to thank Lily for always being there, for always helping me, making my dreams come true and  for keeping her promise to me and my Nan that she would always be there for me no matter what and Lily I know nanny is watching over us today think I brought them girls up well and the last thing is lily and harry I love you both to death Congratulations.  

My speech - I would first off like to thank Everyone for being here I like to thank all our families for helping, I like to say thank you to the boys for being the best brothers I could ask for I would like to thank our mums for just being here I would like to thank my brother in law for everything he has ever done for me I couldn't be more grateful and I would like to that my little cousin for being one of the best I could ask for she always listen even if she had no clue what I was talking about and last I would like to thank my Amazing husband for just being him, for listening to me moan, go on and on and well get my up when im down I love you Mr Styles forever and always.

Harrys speech - Okay I should have done my speech before my amazing wife because I now don't know what to say here it goes, thank you everyone for being her thank you to my four best men for being brothers, band mates, and lovers at times. I would like to thank both families for being there no matter what and i would like to thank my wife for putting up with me i love you loads baby and one last thing i know that one very special person is missing today and that's Lily's nan and i can say one think right here she would be proud of what you have become and what you are going to become in the future and she would take one look at us all and say come guys lets all have a lovely day so can we all please rase a glass not only to me and lily but her lovely nan who is missed and loved to much by many people in this room tonight so lets have a good night in her memory.

Lily's POV - The speeches are all now over with laughing and crying in them im glad and just then i look at the stage and see my amazing husband and he's four best men and at that point harry calls me to sit in frond of him and the boys  i do as he says and they start singing WMYB and once finished harry takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the room and i look and see Ed standing on stage ready to sing and harry then looks at me and says u told you id ask ed then he started to speak and said i like to welcome Mr and Mrs Styles to the dance floor for there first dance. me and harry slowly danced as Ed sang Kiss Me.

Harry POV - The speeches, song and first dance was over now for the party, then home with my wife for our first night as Mr and Mrs Styles and then off to the honey moon the next Morning.  


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