Chapter 9 - First Night and HoneyMoon.

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(Harry POV)  The wedding is now over and im taking my Mrs Styles home for our first night. So I got her home and had to help her take off her wedding dress as it was hard to get out of with no help, we hung my suit and her dress up and I put them in the spear bed room and then hopped in bed next to my wife and we shared a hot peasant night.

(Lily's POV) I woke up next to my husband who was still asleep and after last night I wouldn't blame him, I look over at my phone and it was 10:00am I rolled over to a now awake and smiling harry as he pulled me into a hug and said in he's cheeky voice 'Good Moring Mrs Styles' I smiled and kissed his nose and said 'well hay there Mr Styles'.

(Harry's POV) We have both now woken up and are going to get food and then get dressed and then off to the one direction island.  

(Lily's POV) We are now on the plan going to the boys privet island but its just going to be me and harry im so happy I married him, I really am I cant wait for the west of my life with him.  I don't even see my past anymore I see the future and that makes me happy.

(Harry's POV) We had a very passionate night well we had a lot of them but right now where on our way home to London, I have a new album to work on with boys and lily has her job and a shopping trip with Eleanor, is was nice to get the time with my Mrs Styles. I know she loved having her Mr Styles too.

Sorry its short and horrible the next one will be better I promise.

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