Chapter 10; Me and Eleanor find out we are pregnant.

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(Lily's POV) The boys are back to work today in the studio and me and El are off to do some shopping and have a good catch up then back to work on Tuesday with El ahah we do everything together, I need to tell her thou I really need to tell her.

(Harrys POV) Back to work today as a married man wow that feels good to say aha, me and the boys are so exited and I think my wife is too she's off shopping and then she has work on Tuesday with El there like the best of friends it so cool ahah, just got to wait for Louis and El to get her so me and Lou can go before Liam kills us.

(El's POV) So the boys back to work me and Lily going shopping then work Tuesday aha cant wait but I have something I need to tell Lily and I have to tell her today. So me and Lou are pulling into Harry and Lily's place to go say hi and then the boys have to leave for Liam being daddy Direction will kill them.

(Louis POV) We pull into the New married couples place as me and El get put the car I give her a kiss just because I wanted one, I knock on the door and Harry answers he crashed me and el into a group hug so I shot 'Lily get you husband off me now'. she walks out of the kitchen and says 'Harold off them now it my turn to hug them' me and el giggle and both give lily a hug. We then both say goodbye to both the girls with a kiss and a love you, off we go to work.

(Lily's POV) El I have to tell you something when we get to Star Bucks I say as im driving us there she then looks at me and says 'I need to tell you something too'. So we get in star bucks and I can tell me and her our nervous, so say to her on the could of 3 we both say what we have to tell, she agrees and then I say 1...................2..................3 at the same time we said (IM LATE) we looked at each over shocked and I was we have always wanted this to be pregnant and the same time.

(El's POV) I cant believe we both just said that so were both shocked but happy we always wanted this and so did the boys. so we both agree to do our shopping and get a box of 2 test each. Im so exited me and Lily say at the same time on the way home.

(Lily's POV) We get back to mine and we agree to write our names in the test's so we do that and then I take my shopping up to mine and Harry's room and el leaves hers near the door so its there when her a Lou leave. I then go in the loo upstairs and el goes in the one downstairs we then both go with the 1 of the test to the front room. the timer of 5 minutes goes off, we both look at our own test and scream, we are so happy.

(El's POV)  Me being me say to Lil have should we take the over test to be positive then cook the boys dinner and try and think of a way we are going to tell them together. So we take the over test they both are positive now we just have to order the boys dinner and wait for them so the dinner comes and Lou has text me saying there on there way back and harry has phoned Lily ahha.

(Harry's POV) Me and Lou are on out way back to mine for dinner with our wives Lily sounded really exited when I phone to say we was on our way home I wonder why. So we pull into the diver way and then I open the front door and I see El sitting on the sofa Lou runs over to her, he must of missed her and I go into the kitchen to find my lovely wife I help her take dinner into Lou and El and we all eat.

(Lily's POV) I give El the look and we both tell the boys we are going to get something and they need to cover there eyes with a pillow, they both do as we say and me and El leave the room to get the tests.

(El's POV) Me and lily left the room to get the test I was so exited to see how the boys would react so we got the tests and went back to the boys.

(Harry and Louis's POV) we both looked at each over wired like what are the girls up to but we are both really exited to see what it is. We heard them come back but they told us when they get to 3 to open our eyes so the girls put something on the table we heard it be put down the we heard lily count down 1.......2......3 we both took the pillows away for out eyes and see four pregnancy tests infrunt of us two have Lily's name Two and Eleanor's me and harry looked at each over in amazement our wife's wore pregnant at the same time what all four of us have always wanted, we both hugged our girls and said were going to be dad's they looked at us both with tears in there eyes and said yes.

(Lily's POV) I was so happy seeing the boys happy so me and harry went to our rooms to phone our family's and Louis and El stayed in the living room to phone there's, we went back to them and decided we would go for a scan to be sure we was, we got one for the next day right after each over. 


(Harry's POV) We was in the privet doctors El and Lou have just gone in and now me and Lily are being called in they conferred both the girls where pregnant and el was a week before lily, me and Lou was so so happy so was the girls, We got back and told the rest of the guys and girls they was all so happy we then done and twitcam and told all the fans. they was all happy we could tell.


(Louis POV) We are sitting in the doctors again but this time to wee what our wife's are carrying, after half hour we finally know......... Drum roll please.............. Me and Eleanor are having a.............Boy and Harry and Lily are having a........Girl. We are nit going baby shopping. After getting everything and I mean everything we all headed to our different homes and to set up our baby's bead rooms.

*DUE DATES* ------- (Louis POV) The date is Friday 11th July 2020 its 4:45pm and my amazing wife has just given birth to my first child Tommy William Tomlinson. I am not the proudest Dad alive everyone has came to see us even Lily her bump and Harry.

(Harry's POV) The date is Friday 18th July 2020 its 2:30pm and my beautiful wife has just given birth to my first child Darcy Anne Maree Styles. everyone has come too see us but we have to wait to see Louis, Eleanor and Tommy because baby's ant allowed in delivery wards wired right. Lucky for me and Lily its now 5:30 and Lily and Darcy are allowed to come home im so exited im so happy to be A dad.

(Eleanor POV) One week ago today I had my baby boy and today my best friend gave birth to her little girl as we speak she's on her way home and tomorrow Me, Louis and Tommy are going to pay them all a visit I cant wait to hold me niece and Lily gets to hold Her nephew because she couldn't coz of her bump.

(Lily's POV)  I am home after an easy birth to my daughter Darcy we are home our little family and we are going to be visited by The Tomlinson family tomorrow I cant wait to hold my Nephew and I know for a fact that Eleanor is dying to hold her niece if harry every lets go of he's baby girl.

*The next day*  The Tomlinson Family joined The Style's house hold and the two little baby's enjoys hugging everyone ahha they both feel asleep next to each over on the sofa they was so so cute and will grown up even cuter :)  

they way im ending this is with a photo imagine Tommy is on the left and Darcy is on the right I really don't know if the photo will show up but her it goes ahah.  ---


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