Chapter 1 - Her Past.

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So my names Lily, Im a small town girl with a big and bad past that effects me everyday. Will I do what's right?.

When I was a year old my dad left and my mum took him back she says its the biggest regret because I got hurt in all of this mess, So we had a happy family life till we moved and my older sister got bullied, Im going to be truthful with you I was too young to know the whole story but as I got older. She told me what she done and it scared me to think that I might not of had a sister. She tried to kill herself she also used to cut but she told my mum the cat done it, that worked for a while but she soon stopped. She did try to kill herself but she changed her mind she didn't want to leave yet. So we moved to a different house but in the same town, that was fun for me I guess I was too little to see the pain in her eyes. So everything was fine in this new house our life's when back to normal. I was half way through year 4. when it all when down again.

I came out of school to see my dad I was happy I got in the car with him and the ride was silent. We got to the top of my road and he stopped the car and told me that he wasn't coming home and him and my mum was over. It killed me I was daddy's little girl and that was all going to change. I remember him telling me he's sorry and he loves me and I would always be he's little baby girl. I got my bags and got out the car he watched me as I walk to my street door and broke down in tears my Nan opened the door and got me up and in my house I saw  my mum she was still crying it hurt so bad. But I started to hate my mum because my dad said it was all her and I believed him. He then told me about he's girlfriend it was fun at the start but it didn't turn out that way a lot happened in the next two years. 

My dad stopped seeing me because of his girlfriend he owned my mum money for child support, his girlfriend keep assaulting us and for my dad well lets say he didn't want me he had another kid and that's when it happened. What hurt me the most.

I was now in year 8 and getting on with my life I hadn't seen my dad in ages and that didn't hurt me I was now a happy auntie that's right my sister had a baby I was so happy. I got home form school a normal day my mum was at work my sister was at home with the baby she made dinner and it started to get late and my mum was still not home. So my sister go worried and phoned her work the work told her that she hadn't been in all day so now we was worried and my sister's friend came over and so did my nan. My sister went in my mums room she found a letter that told her my mum had left she's in a lot of money problems because of my dad. So my nan sorted all of it and we had to phone the police and they helped look for her, she came home and explained it all and we helped her through it.

She's now on a load of tablets and she's better than she was but as for me I really don't know, theres a lot of pain in my past and it kills me.

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