-Chapter 4: Death-

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~Richard’s POV~

   “Hey Anexi,” Sarah says as she walks timidly into the kitchen. Axel hands her a glass of blood and she downs it in a single gulp.

   “Hey,” Anexi glances at her watch and freaks out, “CRAP! I’m gonna be late!” she grabs her jacket, shares a quick kiss with Axel, tells Sarah, “We’ll work on hunting later!” and runs out the door in a rush. Sarah stares after her, dumbfounded.

    “She’s a writer. The meeting she’s going to is about releasing her first book,” Axel explains.

Sarah nods once in understanding, “Cool.”

   The doorbell rings and both Axel and I shift our gazes to the front door. Through the air I could smell the intruder.

    “It’s Damian.” I mutter. When I say his name, I hear small gasps coming from Sarah. I look over at her and see a picture of fear. She huddled against the wall furthest from the door, her clear eyes blurred by tears. Feeling a slight pain in my chest, I hurry over to her and bend down to look at her fully.

     “Sarah,” I whisper and cradle her. She grabs me tightly as if she could die if she didn’t. “Sarah, I want you to go to my room and lock the door. Don’t make a sound and don’t come out for any reason. I’ll come get you when we get rid of him. Do you understand?”

   She nods, the tears still pacing down her cheeks in trails. I pick her up gently and carried her quickly into my room. I set her on her feet and ran out of the room to the kitchen, shutting the door behind me.

     I was opening the front door a second later. Damian was standing there with his arms crossed, with anger and nervousness mixed in his features.

     “What do you want Damian?” I ask harshly. He flinches at my tone and for just a moment I see my brother that I used to hang out with all the time before he was hooked onto drinking.

    “I need her,” he mumbles.

I play dumb, “Anexi just left. She won’t be back till later. And I doubt she would want to talk to you anyway.”

     “Not her,” Damian tries to step into the house. I block him from entering the apartment. “I need the other girl.”

   “There is no other girl,” Axel intervenes. “It’s just Anexi, Rich, and me. You of all people know that.”

“Yes, you do!” Damian shouts angrily and in that shout, I know he hadn’t been drinking at all today…yet. “I might have been drunk that night, but it doesn’t make me stupid!”

“We have no other girl-“


We turn to the soft voice. Sarah stood silently in the hallway, her bare feet together and her arms dangling loosely at her sides. Her eyes were that same dark black I saw from waking her up this morning. But these eyes looked hungry. Once again, I feel sweeps of terror, my common sense telling me to run. But this is Sarah. She wouldn’t do anything. My mind says.

     Damian shoves past me, “I knew it.” he said. He grabs Sarah’s arm and tries to yank her toward the open door. “C’mon,” he grunts. Sarah does not move. She stood there while Damian looked like his back was going to give out trying to move her.

     “C’mon!” he pulls her arm harder. Sarah’s head turns slowly to him and stares; her black eyes never blink once. She retracts her arm slightly and Damian is yanked to her. She embraces him and leans in slowly. I see Damian freeze with shock as Sarah grins. I hear the quiet snap before Sarah lets Damian go. He drops to the floor on his back. Dead.

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