-Chapter 7: Demon-

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~Sarah’s POV~

The seat bounces again, waking me again from my deep slumber. I moan softly and place my head back onto my comfortable pillow. It moves under me and I blink dazedly. The blonde man is watching me with soft cold eyes. Everything comes back to me and I shudder. “Hello there, princess. I must say, it’s entertaining to watch you sleep.”

    I punch his shoulder hard, “Creep.”

He laughs and wraps his arms around me. There was Project Y who was fluttering with pleasure and the rational part of me that screamed, craving a different set of arms. 

    Oh crap. Richard… How could I forget about them?! All this time they were in the trunk of the van probably starving while I was sitting up here in luxury. How could I be so selfish?!

      I look back at the blonde who smiles at me, flashing his pearly white teeth. I suddenly feel uncomfortable and dirty. I slowly mirror his smile weakly.

    “C-Can I sit in the back?” I ask in a hopefully innocent voice. The corner of his mouth twitches downward slightly but he says, “Sure. We’ll be there in half an hour anyway.”

   It doesn’t take long for me to start getting off the blonde’s lap. “I’ll call you to come up here when we get there. If I have to go back there and get you…well, your blonde friend would go first.” he threatens in a light monotone voice. I am halfway in the back when that comment stings me. I growl sharply; no one was going to hurt any of my friends when I was around. No one threatens their lives. I don’t care who it is.

   When I finally free myself from the blonde’s grip, Guard Two shrinks back from me. His eyes grow wide as his breathing picks up. I tilt my head toward him and he gasps, “Mali.”

Mali. Mali. My mind shifts and I receive another thought. Food. Blood.

   My gaze goes down to his neck. The artery pulsed blue over and over again. I lick my lips in anticipation. I imagined the swift move of my hand as I scratched his throat open. His burbling screaming as his life spurted out in a river of red. I crawl toward him and he gasps again, “Mali!”


     “What?” the blonde snaps.

“She- She’s looking at me weirdly. Press the button; she’s scaring me!” the voices seem to come from far away; it was almost like I was underwater. I felt my self-control slip as I crouch forward, bent on the thought of eating. I take a deep breath and growl hungrily as human flesh and blood tempt me to kill him. I grab the man’s arm and twist it, feeling his racing blood through his thin skin. Ah, food. Yes! Yes! Eat food!

    “She’s hurting me!”

“So?” a cold voice responds.

     “Stop!” the guard takes out a knife and points it at me. I growl at him, “Meat. You’re meat. And you taste good.” I bite his hand. Blood seeps out over my chin and I laugh as he screams and drops the shiny knife. “Stop it! You hear me?! I said stop!”

   I giggle, “Yes! I hear you. I know you.” I reach out and stroke his face. Such a pretty face it is. Too bad I’ll have to rip it to shreds to get what I want. “My, you’re so warm, so tasty. Can I have a little bite?”

   “No! Mali, she’s caught in a spell. Press the goddamn-“

“Yes!” I scream as I yank him to me. “You’re supposed to say yes to me! No one says no to me! Not a pathetic lowlife mortal like you! Don’t you know what you are? Meat! Bloody meat!”

    “I guess I forgot to feed her,” The blonde guy, Mali, mutters.

The guard starts wheezing from my hold. “Please,” he begs. “Let me go. Let me-“I lean forward and bite his arm hard. With one yank I tear it completely off his body. The blood gushes all over me and the backseat is covered in seeping red. After five minutes of eating, Mali looks back at me and then the mess.

    “I’m not cleaning that up,” he mumbles then his ice blue eyes snap up to mine. I grin again, the echoes of food running through my mind. I smile, my face cracked with dry blood. I feel like I was only eating a minute ago. No matter. I will feed off this one as well. I’m still hungry. I sink back down into a predator’s spring. Yes, I think, I will lunge on him and his blood will smear the windshield. Just as I was about to pounce, Mali unbuckles himself and reaches out to me. I grab him and pull him closer, licking my lips. His hand strokes my cheek and it burns. With a growl I try to tear myself away from him. My mind screams, it burns! It burns!

    “Shh,” he tries to soothe me. “Look at me. Look at me, Sarah.”

I glance up and lock eyes with him. It burns too, just like his touch. “Its okay.” he continues in a hush voice and his voice is spoken in my ear. “You’re fine. You’re tired Sarah, surely killing is making you exhausted.” his voice is calming and I could no longer hear my thoughts of food. Project Y grins inside, though she is slumbering down. His hand feels good now, it no longer burns. I cradle my head in his wide hand yet I maintain eye contact with Mali. “That’s right,” he smirks as my eyelids feel heavier and I blink sleepily. In his other hand he still had his finger on the red button on the remote. I wanted to wake back up and punch or kick him or do something but I felt so tired right now.

    “You want to sleep,” he whispers. “Sleep, Sarah. You can sleep for hours. You don’t have to wake up. Yes, you must sleep.”

My eyelids slide shut and my head leans against his hand. “That’s it,” he murmurs. “That’s it…” was all I could hear before darkness consumes me.

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