-Chapter 5: Kidnapped-

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The pic of the right is a picture of the mystery man ---------->

~Unknown POV~

   I press the shiny red button on my small remote from my inner jacket pocket. Project Y stops short and screams in agony, both voices piercing the still air. It collapses on the spot. The brown-haired man catches it before it falls. I open the door quietly and lift the blackjack and hit the redhead on the back of his head. He groans and slowly falls down. The other man looks up and sees me. He snarls loudly, telling me to back the hell off. I smile coldly and motion forward with two fingers.

   The man crouches over the project’s fallen body in a defensive position. Huh. He is a newborn- he’s barely lived for 600 years. I chuckle quietly and he lunges to me, only to be intercepted by the two men I brought with me. Lucky for me, the man could not struggle and break free of two powerful elders. They towered him by a head and had more muscle than the weakling. But he continues struggling anyway as I walk calmly to the project. Placing my hand on its chest I command softly, “Awaken.”

    The project’s eyes flutter open to reveal black holes. It sits up slowly and turns its head to stare at me.

“Still in working condition,” I murmur to James and Isaac. “It’s amazing, the power it has. It makes you wonder how long you can stretch it before it snaps.”

   “Leave her alone!” The man yells, grunting with the effort of trying to release himself. I scoff, “Newborn.” which gets a laugh from James. With a leer, I slap the newborn. The sound echoes through the room. The man turns his face back to me with a low growl.

    “First of all, this creature you and your friends call “Sarah” does not exist.” My smile widens, “This is Project Y; the greatest and most lethal weapon man has ever created.” I bend down next to it and stroke its golden locks.

     “The only greatest and most lethal weapon man has ever created,” ‘Sarah’ corrects me in a slight metallic voice.

    “Silence,” I snap. Project Y shuts up obediently. I stand up and kick it, “Get up.” I look at the man who looks horrified and angry at what I was doing. I smirk and punch his temple without waiting for him to snap. He goes out like a light.

      “Bring him out with the other,” I nod slightly to the knocked-out redhead. James carries the troublesome newborn out over his shoulder and Isaac the other. I motion for Project Y to go first. It walks calmly and quietly out the door after them. I flip my cell phone open and say the necessary mandatory words, “We got it.”

   My boss’s voice comes a few seconds later, “Good. Where?”

“We’re bringing in some newborns. I think they will fit in excellently with the entertainment center.”

“Meet me in the conference room at 14:00. Bring the weapon with you. We have many things to discuss.”

    I flip my phone closed and walk out the door. I am almost at the white Caravan when I see a young blonde girl watching me with wide eyes. They cloud over and her lips pull back in an unmistakable snarl. I glance quickly at the back of the van. That girl must live here, she must the redhead’s girlfriend. My head snaps back, but she was nowhere to be seen. I hiss and run after her, crossing the small driveway in four easy strides. The blonde was up ahead. In one swift movement, I caught up with her and pull her into a headlock.

   “Hey there princess,” I whisper in her ear. “Where do you think you’re going?”

She tries to elbow me in the gut. In response, I hold her arm with my free one. I twist them painfully behind her back. She gives a small cry.

   “That’s right girlie,” She shudders, her small frame shaking, “You’re coming with us.”

It was not hard to move the girl into the back with the others. I toss her on top of what I presumed was her lover. Bleh, love. No such thing existed.

     I took my shotgun seat in front. Behind me sat the project with her hands in her lap, as pretty as you please. It stared straight forward. Isaac sat next to it. He shifts uncomfortably; anxiety crossing his features being in the back alone with it. I sigh impatiently, “It won’t do anything to you, idiot.” I huff angrily waving the remote around. “It’s all under control, got it?”

   Isaac nods and gulps. He is silent.

“Drive, James,” I order as I make myself comfortable. He follows my command and backs out of the driveway. I shut my  eyes and daydreamed about the Project doing my bidding. It following behind me in missions. It doing my every whim and order. Ah, yes, I think, the paycheck is worth it.

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