"Why did he have to come along?" Michael sighed, as he sat on the chair that was in the hotel room, he was sharing with Calum. "Because...Tori came. He's her boyfriend" Calum told him, as he unzipped his bag.
"Nothing to do with him though, what we do" Michael shook his head. "Mikey, we've been over this" Calum turned to him with a smile. "Oh yeah whats that about? I'll pay out for a room, for me and Tori!" Michael scoffed. "Ugh, fucking douche" He hissed a little.
"Jealously is a powerful thing sometimes" Calum nodded. "Im not jealous" Michael looked at him. "Oh really?" Calum asked with wide eyes. "Im not! What's he going to do, on Thursday? Come to Phoenix with us?" Michael folded his arms. "He could if he wanted too. He travels with Tori himself, pays for his flights, hotel...its up to him" Calum nodded.
"Tori is traveling with us" Michael gave him a look. "Yes, because if theres the chance to travel with your boyfriend or your ex...while your boyfriend is there, your going to pick your ex and his band" Calum told him sarcastically. "Ugh, your such a downer ass" Michael sighed, sitting up. "I'm telling the truth Mike..." Calum turned to him.
"So am I" Michael nodded. "Come on, put a smile on your face and be nice. We're all having some lunch downstairs" Calum told him, before picking up his phone.
"This is going to be a rocking show tonight" Ashton grinned, as they sat around a table. "You guys always rock it" Tori smiled. Ryan held her hand, on the table. Michael secretly drew daggers at him with his eyes.
"We'll be up dancing" Spencer giggled a little, as she sipped some water. "Are we not going to spend some time together?" Ryan then asked Tori, turning everyone attention to them. "Um...yeah, I thought we could go to the show. We always go." Tori nodded, Ryan frowned. "Yeah that sounds nice, but..." He sighed.
"The girls always come along" Michael perked up, with a smile. "Well, the two girls could go but I thought it would be nice to spend some time with my girlfriend" Ryan then looked back at Tori. Tori stared at him, and Luke cleared his throat a little.
"Um, I think we should set up guys" Ashton then moved out his seat. "We'll see you at the show later" Calum smiled, as he stood up. "Um...I dont think I'll make it. I'm sure you guys will be awesome" Tori smiled, turning to them. Luke turned to Ashton. "You've always came...Tori" Michael looked at her. "I'm sure, she can miss one show." Ryan smiled.
Spencer and Hanna turned to her. "Are you sure Tori?" Spencer then asked. "Yeah! Of course, you girls go along! Cant leave them alone." Tori laughed a little. Spencer and Hanna stood. "Tori" Michael looked at her. "We'll check in on you later" Ashton winked at her, with a friendly smile before putting a hand on Michael's shoulder. Indicating him to move.
"See ya!" Tori waved, but when everyone was out of sight Tori took her hand back from Ryan's grip.
"So, what would you want to do? Dinner? few drinks, night in?" Ryan smiled at her.
"Seriously, Ryan?" Tori sighed. "What?" His smile vanished. "You could've been a little more...friendlier" She rolled her eyes. "Your expecting me to be friendly to your ex....?" Ryan asked her. "I thought we were past this?!" Tori turned to him.
"So did I, but every time it comes down to me and him around you always go to him" Ryan told her. "Um hello? Ever since we've bumped into each other, the girls and I have always went to their shows at night." Tori waved a little at Ryan. "Dont make me out to be fucking stupid Tori" He snapped a little.
"It seems like the only way to get through to you!" Tori told him putting down her napkin, and standing. "Tori!" Ryan stood and followed her to the elevator. "Look, I'm sorry if I want to spend time with you" Ryan told her as they got inside. "You could've, still at the show" Tori folded her arms. "Really? Spending time at a concert, full of screaming twelve year olds at your ex? No thanks" Ryan scoffed.