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It'd been about a week since treatment. I sat on the couch with the tv on. I felt something tickling the top of my head. I grabbed it, and held my own hair in my hand. I geussed the treatment was working. I sighed. Alesa came downstairs and sat beside me. She looked down at what I held with a bit of sadness in her eyes, as well as hope. The chemo was working, like I'd said. I got up. "Alesa?" I asked. "Yes, Jin?" She replied. "Would you like to go out today? It's really nice outside." She smiled. "I would love that." We went for a little walk around town. I took her shopping, where I bought a few games and manuals and she got some new outfits for her and Mason. Mason was in his little stroller, snug as a bug. A fan recignized us at the store, and came over to greet us. She gave us big hugs. "Jin." she said "I heard about the cancer and everything. I'm so sorry." I looked at her and smiled. "Well, I'll tell you what." I said. "You keep watching my videos and I'm going to stay around to make them, ok? I'll get through this." She smiled, and hugged me again. "I'm so happy you can still stay possitive through it all." she said. We bid each other farewell, and I turned to Alesa, who smiled at me with a look that showed I inspired her very much. "See, Jin, babe. This is what I love about you." I smiled. We walked out to the car, and I climbed in. As we went down the road toward our house, I felt sick. Not carsick exactly, although the movement of the vehicle did not help. I turned to Alesa. "Could you pull over, sweetie?" I asked. Alesa looked at me. "Are you feeling sick?" I nodded, and she handed me a paper bag. I leaned over, barfing into the bag. We got back home, and I threw the bag in the trashcan outside. I went in and up to my room to rest while my lovely lady Alesa was down in the kitchen preparing dinner. Finally she called out. "Jin, go get Mason and come on down! Dinner's ready!" I grabbed Mason up of the small blanket he was playing on. "Hey little buddy." I said, picking him up. He looked up at me with his adorable little face. He reminded me so much of Adam. "Ba ba ba ba" Mason screamed, smiling. I held him in my arms, carrying him downstairs to his highchair. That little boy was getting big. I sat him down and gave him the food Alesa had prepared for him. Chopped banannas and cherios. Alesa had made speghatti for herself and I. I sat down at the table. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "A little better." I replied, twirling my fork in the noodles. She came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before she sat down in the chair across from me.

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