Lucy and her beloved Lucifer stood on top of the cliff the hanged over her former home town being burnt to ember and ash.
"Are you sure you could live a life of killing the sinners of this realm Lucy?" Lucifer asked her.
"Of course, but I must ask, out of all humans, why'd you pick me?" Lucy asked Lucifer.
"Well you were an innocent kind human soul, a pure heart. With the name as close to mine and born on 666. 06/06/1956 was the perfect day for our candidate to be born and used but we needed you to grow and mature until we could use you, but I never thought id instantly fall for you." Lucifer held her close to him.
They embraced in front of the burning village to know this was the beginning to ending the sin.
The Furnillia family home continued to burn the corpses of the former Furnillia family.
A faint cry was heard from guest bedroom where the other half of the familys daughter and husband layed to rott and burn in the home.
A new born infant child, crying next to his dead mother. the door to the room creaked open. The baby was picked up and held in the arms of the cause of the door opening.
"It'll be ok Tracey, we'll get the people who did this, I promise." Lukas carried the infant out of the burning home.
"The journey has just begun to find you Lucy. It's the beginning of the end.
The End
To Be Continued..
Possessed with Evil, Cursed with an Angel
HorrorQuaint it was. Lucy wasn't one for parties. "15 year anniversary, whoopee!" Lucy snobbily mocked. She knew that everyone here just came for free food and wine. Though they danced in amusement. "Father doesn't even love mother why is he even hostin...