Chapter Fourteen

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The weekend went by achingly slow. I spent all my time worrying about Mitch. We texted all day, every day but he still refused to let us come visit and started refusing phone calls. I sent him two dozen white roses that he freaked out over. I smiled for a solid hour after they arrived in his room due to the fact he couldn't stop thanking me for them. He even said he cried at how beautiful they are and knowing Mitchy that is probably true. I spent most of the weekend at Kirst's with her, Avi, and Stephen. I was extremely excited that Stephen is putting major effort into being a better friend and really a better person overall. I couldn't wait until we got to see Mitch and Stephen could apologize to him face to face.

I pull into school with Kirst narrating this Vine she's watching about a little girl wanting to take a nap on a beach. Considering that's my life in a video I've seen it a hundred times. We walk into school, to my locker than hers. Stephen and Avi come up to us as I get a text.

My QUEEN: Girl, just leaving the hospital. If y'all wanna come over later feel free.

Beyoncé from Scotland: Hell yeah we'll be over, Stephanie.

"Hey guys. Mitchy just texted me. He's coming home from the hospital today and said we can come over tonight." Kirstie squeals and throws her arms around me.

"I miss him so much. I can't wait!!" She smiles and releases me only to grab my hands and jump up and down.

"Wait," Avi intervenes, "Why didn't he text the group?" I shrug glancing between the three of them.

Avi smirks at me then shares a knowing look with Kirstie. That little one has this smirky, knowing little smug face on. I scrunch my eye brows together as I look between the two of them. I glance at Stephen who is staring at the ground. I glance back at the smug Kirstie and Avi and we stand there looking at each other until we realize we have a total of two minutes to get to first period. We all head to class, meeting up again in our double Physics lab. After that torturous lab we all head to our lockers to get our lunches. As we head to the cafeteria Kirstie squeals again, dropping her lunch, and runs down the hall. Avi, Steph, and I look at her like she's crazy until we see her end goal: Mitch. He's standing talking to Principal Connors, Misty, and his mom. He turns at Kirstie's squeal. A smile lights up his thin, pale face. He looks like he's lost weight he doesn't have to lose. His hair is hidden by a beanie and he's wearing a baggie gray shirt and black skinny jeans. He looks great. The only cause for concern is a white bandage brace thing on his nose. Avi and I smile and hurry after Kirstie, Stephen following behind. Kirstie stops right in front of him and gives him a gentle hug. The three adults smile as they watch us.

"Mitchy! We've missed you so much." Kirst pulls back and looks at him, still holding his hands. "How are you? You look fantastic. I miss you so much." He gives her a smile.

"Excuse me, share the love." Kirstie giggles and steps back. I smile down at Mitch and hug him gently. "You look good, girl. How ya feeling? What's up with your nose?" He gives me a small smile and hugs Avi. He finally notices Stephen standing back a bit and winces. Looking back to us.

"I'm super sore. But besides that I'm ready to rock." Kirstie gives him another smile and puts her arm gently around his waist. He puts his around her and pulls her close. "As for the nose I was hungry," He glances at Stephen then back to Avi and I. "And being me I didn't wanna wait until the nurse came back in and I fell out bed. Don't worry though, my face caught me." He giggles. His smile is contagious and soon the four of us are all giggly. Mrs. Grassi smiles and then steps closer to us.

"I'm elated you got to see each other but," She gives Mitch a pointed look, "Mitch needs to get home and rest." We all hug him once more, promising to see him later. Principal Connors walks them to the door, whispering intently. Kirst, Avi, Steph, and I start heading to lunch when...

"Mr. Jamison." Misty says. We all turn to her. I didn't know she knew who Stephen is. I know she knows his dad but still. "May I have a word?" Stephen swallows and nods. Turning towards the choir room. "Oh, no not in there. In here." She points to the principal's office. Stephen's face goes blank, nodding he enters the office. Misty smiles at the three of us. "I'll see you in choir." And disappears into the office behind Stephen. I look to Kirstie and Avi who shrug, still on the high of seeing Mitch. The three of us walk to lunch, sit at our normal table. It's super weird it only being three of us but with the knowledge that Mitchie is okay and getting better. There is a certain calmness to the table. Kirst nudges me with her shoulder and smiles.

"I was thinking before heading to see Mitch we could go to Starbucks to surprise Mitchy." I smile and nod.

"I was thinking the same, girl." Kirst winks at me and Avi shakes his head with a smile. He loves us, I promise. We eat with light conversation. Avi begins telling us the story of how his older sister, Esther's now fiancé asked her to marry him. Telling the story with just as much dramatics as two girls would need. Kirstie is completely consumed in the story. I glance up for some reason and see Stephen walk in. He gives me a smile and a nod. Instead of coming to us he walks, forcing himself to walk slowly over to the jock table. Confusion sweeps through me. He bends down to Megan and Lexi, immediately the three leave the cafeteria leaning together closely, whispering. My eyebrows pull together. What's that about? The meeting with Misty?

Right after school I caught up with Stephen. He said he got caught for taking answers from Megan and Lexi. I shook my head at him. I had always told him one day he'd get caught. When invited to come visit Mitch he declined saying Connors called his parents and they're pissed. Every day Stephen had a new excuse as to why he couldn't come. Before we knew it Thursday had come.

Kirst and I head to my car after school. Avi had to stay over to make up a Physics test and Stephen said he's grounded and can't come. Kirst and I sing loudly to Starbucks and then to visit Mitchie. I pull into Mitch's driveway and we pop out of the car and walk to the door. Kirst opens the front door walking inside. Mrs. Grassi greets us lovingly. We walk into the living room but stop seeing Mitch isn't in his normal place on the couch.

"Where is he?" Kirst asks, setting Mitchy's iced coffee on his personal desk. Their coffee table is covered in Mitchy's things: laptop, some school books, sheet music, food, and a coffee cup half full. Mrs. Grassi smiles at Kirstie and nods towards the stairs.

"He's upstairs." A loving smile floats on Kirst's face.

"Upstairs or up-upstairs?" Mrs. Grassi smiles.

"Up-up." Kirstie smiles, grabbing my hand, and pulls me up the stairs.

"I have a great feeling we'll get to hear him sing." Her smile grows bigger and she excitedly runs up the stairs.

I smile, not realizing how much I need to hear Mitch sing. 

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