Chapter One

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"Walking round with my head down

But I can't hide with these high heels on

Downtown in a thick crowd

But it's you that my mind is on

Dressed up, got my heart messed up

You got yours and I got mine

It's unfair that I still care

And I wonder where you are –


"What the hell are you doing? Do you really hate me that much?" My reflection glares back at me as I fix my hair for the day. I already have an entire bottle of gel in it, what else does it want me to do? I fix it again and again until it finally lays flat. I smile at my now perfect reflection. Make up is spotless, snatched eye brows, bangs perfectly laying across the left side of my forehead, lips perfectly pl...

"SHIT." That one damn piece of hair on the top of my head pops back up, mocking me. I glare at that one piece of hair as if that would help it lay flat. Sighing heavily I stomp to my closet and grab my fav black beanie.

"First day of junior year and you won't do a single thing I want." I rant to my hair, fixing the beanie until it's as perfect as can be. I sigh and pick up my back pack and prepare for the morning evaluation. I stand in front of the floor length mirror hanging on my door.

Hair: eh but the beanie looks good so check.

Eyes: the color of poop but still looking rather lovely. Check.

Nose: it took me forever and a day to get my septum piercing to be perfectly placed so hell yeah it's a check.

Make up: abso – fucking – lutley perfect. I'll have to remember to thank Kirst for the rocking new concealer. Check.

Top: casually oversized black t – shirt PERFECTLY showing off my flawless collarbone. Check.

Pants: black skinny jeans, what else? Check.

Shoes: red Vans painted white. Yes, I bought them like that. Yes, I know I could've done it myself. No, I don't care. Check.

Overall: sexy as ever.

Blowing a kiss to my reflection, I walk out of my room and down the stairs. Immediately overcome with the decadent smell of French toast, bacon, and coffee, of course. I hurry into the kitchen placing a quick kiss on my mom's cheek and hurrying over to the bar stool, my bag falling to the ground.

"Good morning, sweetie." My mom says as she places a plate in front of me. I immediately go at my food, stuffing bacon into my mouth. My mom laughs softly as she gets me a boiling cup of coffee.

"You look spectacular this morning. Special occasion?" She raises her eyebrow suggestively and yes, it's snatched too. I had to get mine from somewhere. I roll my eyes and take a swig of coffee.

"Mother. Today is the first day of junior year. JUNIOR YEAR. Have you suddenly forgotten what that means? Hell no you haven't. I've been talking about it since the first day of LAST school year." I take a deep breath and another sip of coffee before finishing my rant, "Today is the day that that damn high school cannot keep the dream team away from each other any longer. Last period will be epic and the entire damn school will know it." My mom shakes her head and laughs at me as she mixes milk into her coffee. For some stupid reason my high school thinks it's a good idea to separate its choir nerds. In what universe is that okay? Forcing the freshmen and sophomores together for two years in a stupid "Mixed Choir" aka "You're-Not-Good-Enough-to-Sing-With-Upperclassmen Choir" is the most fucked up form of hell I've ever heard. Not to brag but I'm better than most those bitches in "Senior Performing Choir" but heaven forbid a sophomore is in the upperclassmen choir. Don't worry Kirst and I bitched about it all year especially since Kirstie is a year older than me but Misty aka Ms. Peters couldn't do anything about me not being allowed to audition due to the year of my birth. I know, politics suck ass.

"I'm going to be working late this week, will you be okay with dinner?" My mom asks, knowing my answer. I roll my eyes.

"Ma, you know where I'll be." I finish off my coffee and drop my dishes in the sink. I grab my to-go mug (coffee, of course) and my bag, blowing mom a kiss, "Adios, Madre!"

I hear her chuckle and call good bye as I hurry out the door. I pull my bag on and head down the street. Lucky enough the dream team lives on the same street. Kirstin Taylor Maldonado has been my best friend since the age of eight. We've been in theatre productions and choirs together since then, quickly becoming the dream team. Back then there were three of us though. Kirstie, me, and Scott. Scott Hoying is a senior with Kirst and used to be our "best friend". Then apparently he "grew out" of us. More like his dad decided his son needed to be a man and apparently the hard work that is performing isn't manly. His dad threw him in whatever sports he could and forced Scott away from us. Scott had to do what he could to survive and sneaking around with us wasn't worth the effort apparently. Actually only I wasn't worth the effort he and Kirst are still friends, kind of. They were together in ninth grade without me and I suppose formed a new bond that I don't understand at all. Whatever. Now he's a popular jock with all his popular friends. His friends are dicks and treat me how a fag from hell is supposed to be treated, according to them. Scott's never mean to me but he certainly doesn't stop them either. I shake off thoughts of the past and realize Kirst isn't sitting on the porch waiting for me. I shrug and walk into my second home.

"Bitch, we're gunna be late to school," I call, walking into the kitchen to see Mom #2 cleaning up their breakfast, "Morning, mama. How you doin?" I give her a sparkling smile and she laughs.

"Good morning, Mitch. I'm good, thank you. I'd be better if my daughter knew how to wake up by herself but a mother can dream. How are you, dear?" Kirstie's mom is pretty much a carbon copy of her daughter. Well I guess Kirstie is a carbon copy of her mom but still. Mom #2 has her chocolate brown hair pulled back with a clip and is wearing a very mom–like salmon colored knee length sundress. Her brown eyes sparkle as she works around her kitchen watching me with that look only moms can do. I laugh.

"I'm not doing too bad, thanks." Her smile brightens. I open my mouth to talk and practically get tackled by a mass of brown hair. I shriek and jump away from a laughing Kirstie. I glare amusingly at her.

"Bitch, do you know how long it took to look this good? A long ass time!" She laughs at me and I soon join in, pulling her to me with a tight squeeze.

"Love you, Mitchy!" Kirstie sings as she goes to get her morning to-go coffee. I smile at my best friend. Her chocolate brown hair falling around her shoulders in just the right way to accent her beautiful face. She's wearing a cute black mini skirt, a pink off the shoulder top, and adorable black ankle boots. Her brown eyes sparkling as she tells her mom about how perfect her schedule is this semester. Her make up is done to perfection, accenting all of her best facial features. Her new eyebrow piercing looking as fierce as ever. We decided this past summer that we were going to get something pierced and we were going to go together. She got her right eyebrow, I got my septum and yes, we took a million and five pictures.

Honestly if you look up the word flawless in the dictionary, besides me, of course you will find Kirstin Taylor.

She grabs her bag and my hand with a smile and says, "Come on, girl. We're gunna be late for school." I laugh as she pulls me to the door. We both call goodbyes to mom and hear immediate replies. I step outside into the beautiful Texas morning, arm intertwined with the beautiful girl to my right. I smile at her as we begin our walk to school. I can tell this year is going to be the best.

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