Chapter Four

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"Girl," Mitch says to Stephen in a low voice, well I guess quiet voice. Mitch's voice can never be classified as low. I stare at him extremely curious as to what sass will come after that. "I would rather carve my intestines out with a spoon than hang out with you and the dicks you call friends." My mouth falls open, eyes widening. I notice Stephen looking at him the same way except he looks mega embarrassed. Me? I'm impressed. He smirks at me watching him, grabs his bag, and smiles the whole way out the door. Dr. Louis mumbles something and then raises his voice continuing going over the lesson.

Wow. I don't think I've ever seen Mitch stand up for himself like that before. And to Stephen. Not only is Stephen a work of art to admire all day he's also got a lot of influence in the school. His dad is a major benefactor of the school, making Stephen like a prince to the higher ups in the school. I glance behind me. Stephen is leaning back in his chair arms folded, staring at the ceiling. I know he's never been talked to like that and I'll bet a hundred bucks he's thinking about Mitch right now. Mitch. He's always intrigued me. I'm amazed at how much sass fits inside his little body. I mean, it's a nice body but... Wait. No. Stephen. I pull my phone out.

Scotty: Hey, you okay?

It takes him a minute to react but eventually he pulls out his phone.

Steph: Yeah.

Scotty: Oh really? That ceiling bothering you?

Steph: I just didn't expect that from him. I don't know.

Scotty: I didn't either. He's probably just has first day adrenaline.

Steph: Yeah I guess.

Scotty: You know you can talk to me.

Steph: Later.

Steph: Thanks man.

I smile as the bell rings. We grab our bags and head to second period. Walking next to Stephen I could tell something was up with him but I left him alone. He said we'd talk later and I trust him on that one. I glance over at Steph and smile to myself. He's looking extremely good today. His hair is styled in the way we normally style it shaved sides with a voluminous top. His chocolate brown hair perfectly laying how my blonde hair refused to this morning. He's wearing a sky blue t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. He glances at me staring at him, a smile plays on his lips.

"Why are you staring at me?" Steph asks stopping in front of his second period class. I smile and lower my voice.

"You look good today." I give him a smile and carry on down the hall towards my second period. The last thing I see is a content smile on my boyfriend's lips.

I smile as I enter history and take my seat in the back next to probably my best friend, Avi Kaplan. Avi and I met in seventh grade, quickly becoming friends. Avi smiles as I take my seat.

"Hey man. How was calc?" Avi inquires as I pull my book out. A smile breaks out on my face as I remember the encounter with Mitch. Ms. Thompson begins speaking about the amazing year we're going to have traveling back in history while I quickly whisper what happened between Mitch and Stephen during calc. Avi listens without interrupting. As I finish an impressed look spreads across his face.

"Wow," he whispers to me, "I knew you said Mitch had sass but it seems he's becoming more confident the older he gets." He nods to himself, "Good for him."

"I know. I couldn't believe he actually said that to Stephen." I say remembering fondly how Mitch stood up for himself. I see Avi smirk at me and lay his head down on his folded arms on the table. His shoulder length brown hair is mostly hidden by his black beanie, the ends of his wavy hair sticking out beneath it. He's wearing his typical short sleeved flannel shirt, red, black, and white today with black shorts and combat boots. His beard is starting to make him look like a middle aged man but I might only be saying that because I can't grow a beard like him...

History goes by pretty quickly and so do the other two classes we have before lunch. Once fourth period ends Avi and I pack up our stuff and head to our lockers. Avi excitedly talks about the get together we're having at Ryan's tonight. Our normal group will be there me, Avi, Stephen, Lexi, Meg, and some other friends from what people call the "popular" group. Avi and Steph fit into the group quite well I on the other hand pretend to fit in. On the outside I may seem normal but on the inside I am truly, extremely weird. Only Avi has seen the actual me, well except Kirstie. Avi is also the only one outside of the foursome that knows I'm pan. He's completely accepting of me and honestly the two of us tell each other pretty much everything. I smile fondly thinking of our friendship.

Suddenly I realize Avi stops talking and walking. He nods his head down the hall. I look in that direction and see our group standing in somewhat of a semi-circle around a chunk of lockers. The guys in our group Ryan, Trevor, Chad, and Stephen are closest to the lockers. The girls Lexi, Megan, Phoebe, and Crystal are standing back a bit laughing at whatever the guys are doing. A lump forms in my throat and a bad feeling in my stomach. Avi and I glance at each other, both concerned and weary then walk slowly over to the group. The guys laugh and Trevor steps forward kicking a lump on the floor. A groan fills the hall, a groan I know all too well. Cocky smiles cover all their faces as the lump that is Mitch squeezes his eyes closed in pain, gripping his stomach. Ryan glances up and sees Avi and me. He laughs getting the attention of the others.

"Hey guys, come look. Mitchy here is finding out what happens when he decides to gain some confidence." Trevor kicks him again. Mitch groans and glances over at Avi and me. His left eye is already starting to look black and blue, a bump forming close to his right temple, a cut bleeding next to his left eye. A sick feeling tightens my throat as Mitch crumples under the force of Ryan's forceful kick. The guys laugh again, Avi and I plaster the fake smiles on our faces that we know the guys want to see. Mitch laughs quietly as the guys pretty much congratulate Ryan on another "successful" kick. All the guys stop immediately and glare down at Mitch.

"Did you say something, fag?" Ryan spits towards Mitch. Mitch glances up at him and chuckles again to himself, shaking his head. Ryan's face twists in rage. He quickly kicks Mitch directly in the chest. Mitch groans and gasps for air, closing his eyes in pain. "What the fuck are you laughing for, queer? It is six strong men against one weak fag. You don't have a chance in hell." Mitch glances back up Ryan and smirks at his looming form.

"If beating up on a small guy who obviously has no chance against one let alone six big guy's makes you feel like a man then go ahead. I'm still breathing aren't I? Your work isn't done yet." Silence fills the hall. Mitch looks from face to face stopping on mine. I'm sure my face looks shocked. He's been getting the shit beaten out of him for two years in high school and many more before high school and never once has he ever talked back. He use to beg them to stop but he stopped that pretty quickly. He usually just takes it in silence.

Ryan's face twists with anger again. He lifts Mitch off the floor by his shirt and slams him against the lockers. "Think you're so smart do you?" Ryan taunts, a cruel smile creeping onto his face. Ryan laughs and slams Mitch again into the lockers this time letting him crumble to the ground, gripping his head. Ryan kicks him again, laughter fills the hall. "Next time you talk back you won't be breathing." Each of the guys takes turn giving Mitch one last hard kick before laughing and moving on. When it came to Steph's turn my eyes widen in shock as for the first time he kicks Mitch as the other guys do. Avi glances at me, concern on his face. Avi and I glance once more at Mitch then head to lunch with the group.

Shock filled me all through lunch and the following two periods before choir. Not being able to think about anything but Stephen kicking Mitch. He's never beaten on Mitch before today. Never. We agreed a long time ago to never beat on him due to the fact that we're "fags" as well. The sick feeling in my stomach stayed with me as Avi and I entered choir.

This is going to be a long night.

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