Chapter Six

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I stare dumbfounded as Mitch and Kirstie walk away from Avi and I. They know. They know I'm not who I say I am. I stand frozen until I feel Avi drag me in the direction they disappeared to.

"Dude," Avi says pushing me into the auditorium, "I know this is a shock but you can't fuck up auditions. That's all you need is to be stuck in Mixed Choir. Come on." He looks at me seriously. I slowly nod my head and follow him down the aisle and take seats near a couple other friends from choir, Carter Bins and Corey Richards. At exactly 3pm Ms. Peters closes and locks the auditorium doors. She walks to the front and turns a smile on for us. Everyone shuts up immediately.

"Hya everyone!" Ms. Peters exclaims, "The doors are officially locked and the audition process will commence momentarily." She holds up what looks like the audition list but honestly it could have been a picture of a pirate. I'm not 100% sure. I look around the auditorium and then look again.

Mitch is nowhere to be seen. I panic on the inside. He's probably telling everyone. It'll be on Twitter later I'm sure. By tomorrow I'll be getting beat up right along with him. Oh gosh. Stephen will too. We'll both be done for.

"When you get on stage you will say your name, grade, what singing part you are, and what audition song you will be singing. Mitch has agreed to audition first so you will be able to see what I just said in case you weren't listening which I'm sure some of you weren't. Any questions?" Ms. Peters smiles at all of us and nods. "Excellent. Tomorrow I will have the official list posted outside of the choir room. Good luck everyone!" Ms. Peters takes her seat as Mitch walks on stage as confident as ever. A lump forms in my throat as I watch him walk over to Kayla our pianist. He says something to her and they both giggle. Kayla nods and Mitch walks to the microphone center stage. He smiles.

"Hello everyone," His voice rings through the auditorium, "I'm Mitch Grassi, a junior, tenor, and I will be singing Defying Gravity from the Broadway musical Wicked. Enjoy." He smiles again and looks to Kayla. She immediately starts playing. Mitch closes his eyes and takes a breath. He sings his first note, I'm immediately captivated. Mitch gets a lot of shit around school for being gay and for his higher than average voice but honestly he sings like an angel. I close my eyes and lean back in my chair letting the angelic music consume me. This is why I started singing in the first place. Music is magic. Music takes you away from the ordinary world and shoots you into the extraordinary. Having to hide who you are from pretty much everyone leaves very little time where you can actually express yourself. Music has always been my outlet. From Mitch's amazing audition you tell music is his outlet as well. All too soon Mitch's voice subsides and loud applause fills its place. I open my eyes to see him walk off stage, completely forgetting to clap. My eyes follow Mitch as he walks off stage and sits beside Kirstie and another girl he always talks to. I sit and watch him whisper back to people probably congratulating him on his flawless performance. I feel Avi elbow me as I admire Mitch's smile. I glance over at Avi. He leans into me.

"You know," He starts as some other student begins singing, "Staring at him isn't going to make him forget what he saw. Or help your cover of being straight." My cheeks heat up. Avi leans back in his seat and closes his eyes again. I cross my arms over my chest and lean back in my seat again. Get ahold of yourself, Hoying. You can't let this ruin everything you've worked for. I feel my phone vibrate. Kirst.

Kit Kat: You doin okay?

Dip Dot: As okay as I can be.

Kit Kat: You know you could've told me. I wouldn't tell anyone.

Dip Dot: I know, Kit. I just I couldn't.

Dip Dot: I'm freaking out, Kirst.

I stare at my phone, pleading for a response when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump out of my skin, hitting Avi making him jump out of his sleep. I hear an angelic laugh from behind me. I whip my head around to see Mitch sitting behind me.

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