33. Peyton - 12: The Gift

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I could feel Nate smiling at me. We had been lying in bed, for the past few days it seemed, enjoying our official wedded bliss. I snuggled into the crook of Nate’s arm and traced mindless patterns on his smooth skin.

“We have to get up sometime,” he said, though the arm he had around me didn’t loosen.

“Shh,” I mumbled, glancing up to meet his clear blue eyes. I was right, he was smiling down at me. His eyes sparkled as we made eye contact and I moved up an inch to give him a quick kiss, which he happily returned. It was soft and slow, and perfect for the morning.

We had stayed in our apartment ever since the end of our wedding. Nate still left occasionally to walk Pyro, and sometime he would bring back food. Sometimes we would order for delivery, or Nate would cook something up. Nate had asked why we didn’t go somewhere for our honeymoon period, after all, he had the days off of work, and my work schedule was flexible enough. But I convinced him that there was no point in spending money to go off somewhere when we wouldn’t leave the hotel room anyway.

“Pyro’s going to need to go out soon,” he pointed out.

I let my hand trace down to his stomach where his muscles tensed under my touch. He grabbed my hand with his free one to prevent me from going any lower. I sent him a smirk as he intertwined our fingers.

“Now, now,” Nate said quietly. “You’d think you’d be tired of that.”

“You’d think you’d know better,” I replied myself. “Considering my genes.”

“You haven’t worn any jeans in days,” Nate joked. I sent him a smile before shaking my head slightly. “We should get up.”

I squeezed his hand in mine noticing the shine of the band around his fourth finger. It looked so natural on him, like it was always meant to be. The thought made my smile grow even bigger.

“I don’t wanna,” I whined childishly.

“I know. I don’t either,” Nate agreed. “But we should at least eat something.”

I made sounds of protest as Nate shifted to get up. He hadn’t let go of my hand so I used the little bit of my strength to pull him back towards me. I connected our lips in a kiss that familiarly warmed my entire body, leaving tingles all the way to the tips of my toes. Letting go of his hand, I moved to cup his face to allow for better access to him. All of him, and he was all mine. He had a little bit of stubble on his face due to not shaving, but I didn’t mind that one bit.

Nate pulled away from me slowly, as if not wanting to let me go.

“I love you,” he said gazing directly into my eyes. “And I always will, but I can’t if I die from hunger.”

I groaned in annoyance as he grabbed some clothes for him to throw on.

“I love you too, but you wouldn’t die,” I muttered as I shamelessly watched him.

Nate shrugged. “Not the point.”

“What are you making?” I wondered pulling the blankets tighter around me. “Anything good?”

“Everything I make is good,” he replied. I stifled a laugh as he put on a loose sweater, disrupting my view of his body.

“True,” I replied with a pout. Nate came over and gave me a quick kiss, effectively wiping away my pout. Nate smiled happily as

“You stay put, and I’ll be back, got it?”

“Fine,” I mumbled, earning myself an amused expression.

“I promise,” Nate said again. I waved him away telling him to leave so he could get back sooner. He went off into the apartment and after a moment, I heard noise from the kitchen.

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