1. Eros and Psyche - 1: The Start Part 1

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Eros took a deep breath in and kept his trained bright blue eyes on his target.

“Just a little while longer,” he muttered under his breath. He pulled back on his signature golden arrows and watched the people before him.

He saw a young girl strolling down the dirt road down below him. She stopped every few feet to grab a flower that caught her eye. She had a handful of daisies, dandelions, and other various wildlife. She was just a simple merchant’s daughter. She was never destined for much.

A cart came into view that was being dragged by a burro and quickly speeding along the pathway. A young boy was the driver and his cart was full of vegetables that had been grown from his family’s farm.

Eros saw his chance approaching and readied himself from atop of the tree branch he was perched on.

The cart approached the girl at an alarming speed and the driver spotted her a few seconds too late. He pulled on the ropes causing for his burro to come to a skidding halt and forcing the cart to flip over on its side. The boy leaped out of the car and hurriedly worked to set his cart right and clean off the vegetables that had fallen out.

The girl dropped her bouquet and rushed over to help him. Eros could faintly hear her apology from where he sat. The boy, though annoyed, gave the girl a reassuring smile as he met her eyes.

“Perfect,” Eros whispered wasting no time. He adjusted his angle slightly then released his arrow. It flew through the air and silently made its mark. He loaded his bow once more and shot the last of his arrows. He only ever brought however many he planned to use for a certain job.

Unbeknownst to the couple, the arrows shot through their designated targets and landed just a few feet away before disappearing in an invisible golden puff of smoke. Eros smirked and slung his bow over his shoulder as the two stood and continued to gaze at each other. A noticeable change had occurred yet neither could say what exactly was different.

Eros floated down gently from his perch and approached the two. Neither took notice of him for if one were to look his way, they would see nothing. Eros’s power of invisibility was always a handy tool in his world.

Eros grabbed a beautiful rose that had just grown from the ground and placed it slowly into the boy’s hands. He was startled by the sudden item in his hands and glanced down. Without any encouragement from his unseen matchmaker, the boy wordlessly handed the flower to the girl in front of him.

Eros smiled triumphantly as the young girl blushed and gently took the gift that was offered to her. Neither one seemed to question where this sudden rose had come from. Most couples knew when they were lucky enough to be visited by Eros.

This was a time the gods were known and their existence unquestioned. They were actually sought out and prayed to for their talents. The gods lived and fed off of the prayers of their people. All prayers for love went to one god in particular who loved nothing better than the praise she received from her son’s job well done.

Eros glanced back at couple before him and knew that everything was right here. His work was finished. He quickly set off for his home of Olympus with a simple flap of his snow white wings.

He hated to travel by flying. His mother had given all her children wings to allow them to travel back and forth from Earth. Eros found it tiresome but as of right now, it was the only way of transportation.

Eros arrived back at his mother’s temple in just a few minutes time. It was a lavish place filled with tapestries of deep red, pink, and white. Eros walked through the halls of the wide temple and passed many paintings, drawings, and statuettes of his mother. She could never seem to get enough of herself even when others could.

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