2. Eros and Psyche - 1: The Start Part 2

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Their relationship was consummated. It was official. They belonged to one another. Every night for a few months, Eros would visit his beloved and they would spend the night together. Every night, Psyche continued to wonder who her mysterious husband was.

Eros couldn’t have been happier. The world, as a result, was bright and full of new couples and love. Aphrodite’s praise was overwhelming and her temple was restored back to its beautiful vigor.

Eros and Psyche often spoke to one another about simple nothings. Psyche loved hearing the voice of her new husband but she felt lonely during the day when she was left alone with the invisible servants. She longed for actual human companionship. At night, she always felt loved and cherished by her husband but during the day, she was alone.

Eros was leaning on his elbow and watched Psyche sleep after spending the night with her. She was so beautiful in the moonlight. Her deep red hair framed her heart-shaped face. Her striking green eyes were closed but Eros could picture them perfectly staring back at him. She was breathing evenly and snoring just slightly. Eros laughed lightly at her as he stroked her cheek. She didn’t even stir under his familiar touch.

“It is time to take my leave, my love,” Eros cooed quietly as he kissed her forehead.

He moved from the bed over to the window. He glanced back at his lovely wife before stepping through to the outside. He was just about to take flight when he heard the unmistakable voice of Psyche behind him. He turned and made sure to keep his face away from the moonlight. His silhouette was outlined by the light from outside.

Psyche tried to see through the darkness at the face of her husband. It was to no avail.

“What is it, my love?” Eros asked approaching her slowly.

Psyche sat up on the bed keeping the blanket around her. She sighed and looked down into her lap.

Eros furrowed his eyebrows and bent down to hold her hands in his own. “You are not happy?”

“I am with you,” she replied easily. “But when you are away…”

“How can I make you happy?”

“I miss my family,” Psyche replied. “I wish they could see how well I am and see to their health as well.”

Eros smiled though it was unseen in the darkness. “Why of course, my dear. I will speak to Zephyrus once again and ask him to transport you back home.”

“Could I not have them visit this place?”

“This place is your home,” Eros corrected. “If you wish them to see it, then it shall be done. Zephyrus will take you there then transport whomever you want back here with you. Though I must ask you to make another promise.”

Psyche was not about to pass up the opportunity to speak to her family.


“You cannot listen to the works from your sisters’ mouths. They will try to poison your mind. They are jealous of your beauty and will not be pleased that you have such a lavish lifestyle. Do not let them convince you to do anything against me. Please promise me that, my love.”

Psyche smiled in the darkness and Eros could barely see her through the darkness. He breathed an easy sigh of relief when she agreed to his request. Psyche didn’t believe her sisters to be so evil though and doubted she would even question anything they should tell her.

“Very well, my dear, you shall visit your family. I will visit you tomorrow night and you can tell me of all your adventures.”


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