A~8 : I'm adopted??

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I'm adopted.

My birth parents were alcoholic so they couldn't raise me. I had two siblings, and I was taken away from them when I think I was three. I went to many houses, to see if they would adopt me but they wouldn't.

I finally got adopted around the age of 5 and I am still living with them now but they never tell me anything about my real parents. All I know is my name and that the one person I can relate to is Nico di Angelo.

I created a Wattpad account because my friends all know about my past and said it would be a good place to get advice...


You know, maybe it's a good thing that you're adopted.

I mean, if your parents were alcoholics, then they probably wouldn't have been able to take care of a three year old.

You should be thankful towards your adoptive parents, they obviously do love you and care about you!

They may not have given birth to you, but you are their daughter, and they are your parents! You should feel truly blessed!!

You know, I think that you're a really nice person. You seem kind, friendly and courageous.

If nobody's telling you anything, just know that maybe it's for a reason. You will find out one day, you might even meet your birth parents and siblings one day, but for now, you'll just have to be patient...

And yes, Nico di Angelo is one of my favorite characters from the Percy Jackson series too! I feel like he's made so many people feel like they can be accepted for who they are, and he's just someone that people can relate to and feel good about it.

And what your friends said is true - I love Wattpad because you can meet and talk to people all over the world who have the same interests as you, and almost everyone I've spoken to here so far has been seriously so nice, so my advice to anyone feeling sad, lonely or depressed is to just talk to people who like the same things as you do here, vòila! You're happy again!

And of course, the Help Book is always there (shameless advertising lol :/ ). Everyone here is extremely nice, so if you just need someone to talk to, pm me or anyone else that comments here!
(this applies to anyone reading this :))

Stay strong, stay happy, and stay positive!

Lots of love,

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