chapter 12

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1 year later.

Brock pov

It has been a year since Nell and I broke up. I missed her but on the other hand. It got me focusing on my career.

I had a championship match against Seth Rollins.

Heyman looked at me " ready ? " I nodded.

Then I saw her with Adam and my child. I wanted to go to her but she seemed happy without me.

I shook my head. Heyman looked at me " let her go Brock, she doesn't care about you"

He was right. I walked to the gorilla. I was ready for this.

Seth was already there waiting and smirking.

I hated that guy. He was the authority's puppy. But he was a good wrestler.

He smiled at me " good luck " I didn't respond.

I didn't need luck. I was going to win this match.

If I could beat the undertaker. Seth Rollins was nothing to me.

I made my entrance with heyman. He was glowing. He knew I was going to win.

After my entrance. Jerk made his enrance.

He was such a loser. The referee held the belt up and rang the bell.

I attacked Rollins. I wanted to get this match to be over. The sooner the better.

After I don't know how long We were still wrestling. Like I said. Rollins was a good wrestler but not better then me and I was going to win it. That's what I thought untill I heard sounds of bell.

It wasn't just the sounds of bell. It was the undertaker. What was he going to do ? did the authority hire him ? or was this revenge for me beating him at wrestlemania ?

Maybe it was both. the authority hired him and he saw this as an opertunity for revenge. Seth rollins then had me down. I was out. He won the match.

This wasn't over Rollins

Nell pov

I watched as my love lost. I knew he was disapointed. I had to go to him and calm him down. I looked at Adam " can you stay with Aaron ? "

He nodded " yeah sure and good luck "

I kissed Aaron and ran to the gorilla. Waiting for Brock. I could hear heyman his annoying voice. " what happened out there ? "

Of course brock didn't respond, he was far to irritaed "

I knew he wanted to punch Heyman. Then he saw me. He kept looking at me. I smiled small. He walked to me and kissed me. I kissed back.

" don't ever leave me " he blurted out. I sighed " you left me "

He looked at me " you never came back ! " I  nodded " true but I called and you never returend any of my calls "

He glared at me " I needed you to fight for me " I glared back " brock, I fought for you but you didn't want me "

" are you coming or not ? " heyman shouted but Brock ignored him. I just looked at him " what's next ? "

He held my face " how about you introduce me to my son ? "

I nodded " yes, come by later, we'll have diner " Brock shook his head " I need a distraction now "

I held his hand " i don't want you meating him like this "

brock held my hand " then come with me, It has been way to long "

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