When do rays of sunlight appear

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"It's worthless to do anything now. I'm rejected so what's the point? She's dead. I need a job. The world's weight is on my shoulders. What does one do in these trying times?"

You said to yourself as you laid down on the floor. Hearing this, you chuckled and you gave yourself a "You tried," comment. You sat up and chuckled again at the fact that you're a failure and fell back to the ground crying and laughing. "Have I finally turned into a mad man?", "Yes I have,".

You fell asleep on the floor but you instantly jolted up after hearing loud knocks on the door. "Could it be them?", thinking as you ran down the stairs and once you were in front of your main door, you quickly opened it. "Mom! Dad!", you felt tears starting to fall as you hugged your parents. They have no idea how much you actually miss and what to be with them. "____! We missed you so much," "God, you guys have no idea how much I miss you!".

You assisted them with their bags which were placed in the living. You made them some tea as they sat down at the table. "Umm... ____," says your father breaking the silence in the room, "Yeah, dad?" "H-how are you doing? Are you alright?" he says in a shaking matter. It seems that he was talking about his mother or your grandmother. As you realized it you got a bit anxious whether or not you should answer, "Oh! I.. umm... I'm doing fine," you bring the tea into the room. "Granny's passing was hard and actually it still is....," A silence passes through the room.

You were about to say something until your mother interrupted you, "____, dad, we are definetly NOT going to have this type of atmosphere in here! We just came back home and I want us to be happy, ok?". You and your father sat in silence until your mother told the both of you to drink the tea already since it was getting cold then she messed with both of your hairs. Through out the day, all of you decided to forget the current problems and have a joyful reunion.

The next morning, the aroma of dried horse mackarel filled the house. Oh how you missed these type of breakfast. Ever since your grandma died your tastes became pretty bland. Eating fast food every breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes you were too lazy to leave, you wouldn't eat and just stay on the floor.

Though, today was different. For breakfast you had some Miso soup, dried horse mackarel and, your old favorite, some Natto (fermented soy beans). You thanked your father once everything was served. The three of you chatted while having a feast. The first decent breakfast you have had in months.

During breakfast though, there was a pesky bug buzzing at the back of your head that wanted to get out. That pesky bug was the fact you're still jobless. You tried your best to shoo it away so that breakfast wouldn't ruin your day. But, something more annoying than a bug came into your mind. The insect you've hated and feared the most, A cockroach. This time, the cockroach symbolized your parents asking you about important parts of your life.

"Hey, ____..." your dad suddenly spoke out. 'Oh God please don't ask. Please just DON'T'. "Y-yeah, dad? What is it?". This was it, your death. Once they found out that you're unemployed, you have to say goodbye to your carefree world.

"Can you pass the soy sauce?". You thought you just stopped breathing there for a second and passed the soy sauce to your father. "Oh! By the way, how's your job? Do you have one now?". Your dead. At the time when you felt so relived, he asked. 'What should I say now? It's better to make a run for it. No, I am an adult now. I have responsibilities! On the other hand maybe I shouldn't...'. The endless arguing continued in your brain for a long time until you had the guts to answer.

"Father...", the room's atmosphere tensed. Your parents stopped eating and stiffened. They we're very eager to hear your anyswer.

"I," They came closer to you. You paused intending to have that perfect dramatic silence. In reality, you we're doing that so you'd never answer.


For some reason, they weren't suprised. Was it because they had a gut feeling? Or maybe because they knew you'd fail at job hunting. Both are true anyways.

"Y-you guys aren't mad at me?", confused as you are, you stared at your parents dumbfounded. You didn't know what to feel at all! 'Should I be relieved? Should I cry? Should I say something for them to get mad at me?'.

"We already knew you wouldn't have a chance at job hunting," your mom just shot an arrow there. "Plus if you did have a job you'd get fired right away for being late all the time," so it seemed dad joined in the tormenting event.

You mumbled to yourself as how pissed off you were about your parents knowing the truth. "Well," your mother stood up from the table. Both you and your father looked at her. "We'll just help you look for a job then!", a wide grin displayed onto her face and yours meanwhile your father complained as to why they had to do it. "Do you want them to get a job or not?!" your mother scolded your dad. "Augh! Fine, I'll help too," you squealed in joy as that your parents will help you.

A huge weight has finally been removed from your back at long last.

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